Thursday, March 21, 2024

Chapter 1TJ Re... - Finale - That Day...

I found myself in the bedroom of Tower District. The sun shines brightly, as if it's 8 AM.

I am awaken. John Archer. 

And besides me, my wife, Bell Aster Archer...

Along with Sasha...

Awakened at the same time.

Her expressions are of fear and sorrow. Something she never show to me. 

But i was awake from an apparently terribly vivid, as if it's real, nightmare. 

Something about war, harbinger of death, nukes, broken arm, Hive Mind... 

My left hand... Is fine. I can move my fingers.

Also a commemmorative watch i forget wearing...

And my lower body... Is intact.

Bell: John... John...!

As i try to regain composure, dress up for the day, and make sense of the situation, i heard...

An unusually distressed call from my wife.

Bell: Did you feel any pain? 

John: No. Just discomfort. What a nightmare. 

Bell: Yeah, i didn't feel any pain either. However... 

She tries to stand up but collapsed.

Bell:  right ankle, left ankle, right little finger, ring finger, left little

finger, right shin, and left earlobe...

Bell: it's true. Even if it's a nightmare, the injury is real.

Bell: Jonathan Torrington killed those body parts in attempt to stop me having my way to him. 

Bell: There is no pain and no visible damage. It's just like those body part doesn't exist. 

Bell: Maybe not even a nightmare, but a looping time phenomenon.

Bell: I also felt considerably weaker. With my magic now all i can do is changing my forms, charm, and increased focus. 

Bell: Like myself before i discovered the Sagestone within me... 

Bell: John...

Bell: Please.... Forgive me.

John: You don't need to say that, because i'm always here for you.

Bell: I'd became high and full of myself that I'm not the Bell Aster Springfield you recognize.

Bell: John.... i.... i.... hold me.... i'm scared...

John noticed desperation in Bell's words.

John noticed tears on Bell's face. 

John desperately tried to embrace Bell, calming her down in turn.

Right now the only thing, apart from water and tea, that's could warm Bell's heart are only John's warm embrace. 

Bell noticed that John suddenly became so mature in events of great distress.

Bell noticed tears on John's face as well.

Bell: The good news is that i don't feel any pain anymore but i can't feel my damaged body parts anymore... 

John: Yeah, sort of, but i still have vivid recollections about...

John: (cries)

Bell: John, please don't cry for me. You're a grown up man.

John: But you always said that "this is a grown-up matter!"

Bell: But you're 33!

Bell: Forgive me for treating you like a mana fountain or a joy doll.

Bell: Forgive me for hiding the fact that I'm bringing people without consent, killing innocent people, and making your supposed to be friends kill each other...

John: My dear... We're given second chance... But what am i?

Bell: You are yourself.

Bell: My shining star in the darkness... 

Bell: Archer Logistics' shining star... 

Bell: And my beloved. 

John: (sob) (sob) (....) Teehee.

I stopped crying, chuckles a bit, given that is my beloved often said "This is a grown up matter!" when she's hiding something from me. 

Bell: I guess the "Sage Candidates from the another world" was such a mistake. Big mistake. 

Bell tried to turn into another form, but... 


John, starting to unbutton his pajamas, have to provide. 

Bell unusually never seen running out of mana, but... 

Yeah, John have to provide.

Usually whenever John anxious, John does the deed with his beloved Bell, to varying levels of success. Mostly followed by a sleep, though.

But first....

John: Sasha, how about you...

Sasha: I can't feel my right eye... it feels... blind.

John: Go get a replacement eye at the Prosthetics. Tell them i sent you.

Sasha: Then i'll go.

Back to...

John: Bell... 

Bell: John...

As John wiped Bell's tears out of her face... 

Both kissed. And frenched.

Both disrobed out of their sleepwear. 

Then unusually, in the morning, the couple started to do the deed.

John: Here i am! Ngggggggggghhhhh..... Uhhhhhhh..... 

Bell: Ahhhhhh.... Ahhhhhhh.... Owwww.... Ahhhh... John.... Please.....

The moans are more aggressive, it feels like John's hurting her. 

John tried to stop, but not only John's already deep inside her, but Bell then grabs his arm, and then, 

Bell: Please, go on. It is the only way i feel sensation after the terrible nightmare.

John then continues pounding and humping her.


I continued to do it until i gush over her.

Aggressive screams and moans dominate the soundwave to the point that if this room isn't soundproof enough, the rest of the buddies would come over knocking, checking what is wrong.


Bell: Ah... Huh....huh....huh....

John: What do you feel now? 

Bell: Much better. Slightly better. But i can't feel the senses that is already lost or taken away.

Bell: Also... Is this pain I've feeling after all of this? 

Usually whenever John is doing Bell, Bell often only giggles or doing playful moans, ended by a laughing climax. 

But now, it was like back when she was a maid. 

It... Feels like hurting, but it's actually a pleasure act. 

But nevermind. 

Well, it's been i don't know, weeks or months since i turn into another form, but...

Bell turns into the silver haired maid.

She can walk as usual, but her personality shifted.

Bell: Anything wrong, my master, my husband? 

Bell: Do you wish for a tea, or a coffee?

John: Are you okay? 

Bell: Yeah, I'm fine. What's the matter? 

John then rests himself to the large, ample bust of (maid) Bell. 

John: Now now, my sweet Bell. All i want is you... 

John: (deadpan) I just wish you to become the Sage Bell i love. 

The maid then turn back to a sage.

Then tried to walk, but collapsed. 

Bell: Hmmmm... I can feel myself again as my another form...

Bell: But as usual, the forms i took affect my personality... 

Bell: And i felt... Tired. Like how i am quicker than usual to feel tired. And inevitably i have to return to this "damaged" form due to the mana drain.

She can now turn into other forms she wanted as usual and suffered no problems with the form, however...

Bell: If i turn into this well dressed princess of a Sage Bell i can nullify the mana drain... However... 

Bell: Do you want to know what happened to me? 

Bell immediately collapses when she tried to walk. Luckily, she fell into John's embrace. 

Bell: i already said, right ankle, left ankle, right little finger, ring finger, left little

finger, right shin, and left earlobe...

Bell: I completely lost the feel of that body parts. That body parts are dead.

Bell: I can still turn to other forms, but thanks to the mana deficiency caused by the permanently wounded soul of mine... I can't stay in one form... 

I see. It wasn't a nightmare. It's a timeloop. Happened whenever i "failed my mission" 

Last thing i remember is that i fought an unusually strong woman to hold her back as i tried to save Bell...

I lost my left arm, but the pain is nothing compared to what if i lost Bell. 

I pleaded. Screamed, so that Jonathan could stop attacking Bell and Sasha...

I have awakened something inside me...

I could've send them home at the time.... 

Only to be devoured by an unimaginably evil being afterwards. 

That eldritch being died in the hands of Jonathan, but i... died losing my whole lower body. 


A glitch or something made it so that it retried everything and everyone, Bell included, also has the memory of it. 

Could it be the "fabled" "New Game+"? 

Her Sage physical form became the target of revenge from that guy because she refused to bring him back home and that guy want answers for the death of his fellow friends...

That being said, despite equally lost a lot of friends, as suddenly the group picture i took shot with has missing members... As if they're never there.

Santos... For one...

Well, Santos was a jerk. Said the man Jonathan he's attacking what anyone should perceive as a civilian...

Luca... Well, she had it coming. Kinda missed her, but eh. Still have Bell here. 

John bear no grudge to that guy Jonathan Torrington, because he trained to suppress his killing intent to prevent himself of being killed. Guess Undertale teach John something, huh? 

John do, have mixed feelings. Especially how to care a slightly disadvantaged wife. 

"The thing of beauty, i know... Will never fade away..."  John hums one of his favorite song, to assure Bell that he still loves her. 

As John take a look at Bell's face, who is just as beautiful as usual...

Since the damage is in the soul level, not physical like other disadvantaged people.

John ponders... 

It is true that what was happened is not a dream. 

I then try to get some fresh air. 

Checking the date/time.

6th of Dawn Star, 20E24

Turns out that tomorrow is supposed to be the day where Bell left me to go... Somewhere.

I remember... This day is supposed to be the day where Bell left me without saying anything, demonstrated the Battle Song system she coded out of combining two separate video game engines and through magical powers, being brought to life.

And casually reported the losses as if it's nothing. 

I see the gaming computers, still alight like back then. The ones used to code Battle Song. This is supposed to be the day... 

Bell: Shut it down. Forget about it for the time being.

Bell: Right now please be with me. I'm really, really scared.

Hours later... 

Then i see Sasha enters the room. 

Earlier, I send him out to the Prosthetics so that he could get a replacement eye...

He wears an artificial right eye, which glows blue on him, because one of his eye were hit by Jonathan's "instant death" attack.

Sasha: John, this is the day... 

Sasha: The day when Bell started processing the Sage candidates. 

Bell: However the bus is already on track through the universe summoner so there's no way to prevent the transfer.

Bell:...... (Bell looked down in sadness) Sasha... I'm sorry, if only I'm not dragging them to be Sage Candidates...

Sasha: Don't worry. Thanks to John here i can see again. 

John: Let me... handle this... 

Sasha: No... Not just you, the Logistics. 

Sasha: I've already put Sebastian on the line. Just.... Not me. I need a rest. The loop phenomenon has been really shocking for us.

Sasha: By the way, John, thanks for the replacement eye. 

John: One, that is complementary. Two, that is aftermarket. I merely brand it. Three, you're welcome. 

Sasha smiles.

John: If you want, you can rest here. It'll be 5 hours from now. 

Bell couldn't send them back for whatever reason. However...

John understood that it's just Bell too scared of draining her mana permanently, even though Bell just had to undone the damage he caused to reverse most of the damages. 

Bell forget that John, her lover, is the source of the mana that made her a stronger mage, who eventually discovered the sagestone inside her.

Bell also forgotten her natural charm, her hard-earned military training, and her kindness and strength were her true powers.

Bell fell in love with John partly because of John's unusually large amount of mana.

And when they made love, as Bell cannot conceive, the act is merely a mana transfer.

And thus, as a Jade Catalyst, John is the one who has immense amount of mana innately.

Combined with the Sagestone, it should be enough to tear a hole back to another dimension.

John: Try to let go. Immense power without compassion is not good.

Bell: Yeah, i know, i'm acting all too high on myself, i started, in a flash, forgetting what's important. I'm really, really, suddenly, being too hungry for souls of the dead, and... and... (cries)...

John: Calm down, i forgive you...

John: Besides, i love you whoever you are. Not because you're a high and mighty magician, witch, or whatever.

John: But i love you because you're beautiful and kind.

John: Selflessly, you chose to serve the Tuatha De nobility... 

John: Selflessly, you offer yourself to the lonely me...

John: Selflessly, you helped me rescue Thea, my beloved sister-in-law.

John: Selflessly, you accompany me and my decision to separate myself from the nobility. 

John: Killing aside, selflessly, you want to improve the lives of some people... 

John: Though you lapsed off and went on a deep abyss at some point.

John: Why.... Just why....? 

Bell: Forgive me for not being myself... I lost touch with the world and start doing crazy things that might made you happy.

Bell: I love you too. Not because you're a mana well to be exploited... But because your kindness and bravery... 

Bell: John my dear, thanks... And...

Bell: The bus' already marked, i can't cancel the transfer easily unless through large amount of mana.

Well, there's no choice. I think.

John: At least today, just stay in the bed.

Bell: John... 

John: I said stay... 

John: And for this, let your shining jade in the darkness take the lead. I... we... won't want any harm.

John: But first... 

John became unusually insightful. He believed that he can do the impossible, because his haughty wife did... the impossible.

John: Give me the Sagestone. There will be never a time to play deity again. 

Bell: John, you're unusually stern. 

Bell: But if that's what you want...

But the Sagestone is fragmented. I think the Sagestone is already on the other side. 

John then called on Sasha, inviting him to come over. 

John: Sasha, i know you're scared, but... 

John: Take good care of Bell. We're in this together. 

Sasha smiled. 

Sasha: John... You never changed. And that's what i like about you. 

Meanwhile, almost at the same time.... 

Daniella Tammison, just call her Dani, was awakened after a terrible dream involving battle royale, reluctantly fighting the Sage, and... a lot of things. It's depressingly lucid and vivid. It's good that she doesn't feel the pain anymore. But her nerves and her heart still can feel it at times.

It feels like three months, yet, when she checked the time, it's...

January 6, 2024.

The others murmured. 

saying that suddenly, yeah, time looped.

Definitely isn't a nightmare. How could a nightmare last like... three months?

However some of the students are missing. They are, what i remember, the Sage candidates in which Jonathan have no other choice but to kill them.

 Taylor... for one. As if he doesn't exist.

Layhell Janssen, who almost possessed her Mackie, dead too.

Reyes, who Bell poked to doom, is there. I think those that are not killed by Jonathan is accounted for in the loop. He prefers laying down to his fellow seat mate's lap. And no, he's disinterested in slightest to me, let alone any girl. He's closer to boys ever since i knew him.

Mackie: Rise and Shine, li'l Dani!

Dani: I'm 20!

Mackie is already here with Dani, choosing to reveal herself sooner instead of back then in Outer Persica's "palace hotel". 

Maybe she's always with me, just trying to cover it until the time's come.

In the meantime, Jonathan sleeps beside me, as if he doesn't care.

Jonathan opens his eyes, seeing a familiar, "aww snap, here we go again" moment, and then closes his eyes again after saying,

Jonathan: Hey... wake me up when we already home.... i'm... tired of this.

The bus stops at a meadow, with the driver and teacher panicking and tries to stop, regaining composure.

Wait, I've seen this before.

But there's something different. 

Instead of the sage killing the bus driver, the teacher, then the battle song installation, and the dragon, as i remembered, there's a convoy of military vehicles approaching us.

I guess, recalling the time that happened before, that means the dragon is already killed by Jon, then?

Instead of a woman "straight out of Princess Connect Re:Dive" as i remembered...

A young-looking, gorgeous guy in a slightly heavy military gear enters the bus.


He wasn't even armed at all.

It's that military uniform guy. Bell's little brother, perhaps? I remember Bell dotes on him and she often said "It's a grown up matter" or something.

He didn't wish to attack me, even under Bell's control, he quickly broke control... 

Even after i unintentionally sever his arm in the "nightmare", he doesn't seem to be angry. 

He also cried seeing Bell being attacked. Pleading to send us home...

That would work if not how he and Bell got devoured by a "Hive Mind" who then proceed to drink his essence...

And his final moments being him staring at us hauntingly... 

My... My... I still feel guilty remembering it. Too painful. Not a nightmare though as i see Jonathan is holding the Sagestone supposed to be given from Bell after a forced extraction. 

Despite his faint smile, a bit of sadness radiates in his expression.

"John Archer, Colonel. Archer Logistics. Rescue Operations" he said. As if he pretended not to know us.

 Everyone: Ehhhh? A military colonel? 

"Responding to a stranded civilian vehicle. Operation authorized by the State of Persica National Guard. Sebastian, Sasha, guard the surroundings with the others"

"And unless i gave a Code Red, no weapons. Absolutely nothing raised. We're dealing with a civilian vehicle full of late teenagers and young adults here."

John: Driver... Kenneth. Teacher... Robinson. 

John: Get out in an orderly fashion and follow the soldiers. I'm sorry you guys have to be stranded like this. But give it a day, and we'll send you home!

Out of curiosity, i decided to peek on John. He's talking with the fellow squadmates....

and... of course... Bell.

John: (speaking to outside of the bus) Hush.. Hush... Go take a seat around Sasha there.

Sebastian: (out of sight) Bell wanted to follow you. She just can't and doesn't want to be away from you. 

Sebastian: (out of sight) Sasha decided to go with us, but he stayed. He can't bear looking at his enemies in the previous loop.

Kenneth and Robinson: Keep that.... wench away from us! No! No!

I looked outside. 

I heard it. The driver and our teacher were afraid of Bell. For good reason. It's a timeloop that feels like a nightmare. But the pain is real. 

That woman.... Bell.... She seemed sad. I remember how i was terrified when she just easily kill our driver and our teacher, then telling off those without Sage awakenings to just die, but...


Bell:.... their only sin is that they loved me and i loved them... Please, spare John and Sasha! 


The nightmare... I remember him being terrified of Jonathan after Jonathan had his way on Bell, who refused to send us home...

Or it is a time loop? 

However that guy, which, i see the badge that his name is Archer, he's highly calm and reassuring, even to the terrified homeroom teacher and bus driver.

Then suddenly he shows his smile while he's trying to reassure the rest of the group that they'll be okay.

He proceed to escort the other students slowly. 

"You're going to go back soon" 

"We'll handle it from here"

He said.


"What a handsome fella!" 

The girls are swooned. 

John: Alright, no touching, everybody stay calm! Pack your bags and get out in an orderly fashion! 

Cheers from fellow students start to be heard as a reply because of his charming look.

If it's any other army they would detain us or kill us wholesale. Especially looking back at the death and destruction we apparently caused. 

But this. This one is different. 

Mackie even remarks that she can't sense any killing intent from the guy despite having more than a thousand reasons to do it. 

I decide to wave and smile at her.

But at the same time, John tries to be friendly with me.

Dani: (waves) I....... Ihi! 

John: Hey.....lady!

John: You, Daniella Tammison, and Jonathan Torrington there... 

John: Stay until i told you to move. Just want a little... talk. 

I usually got annoyed with unwanted advances. But all he wants is to be friendly with me. He's not romantically involved, i think.

But still, despite my smiles, i am still very guilty of breaking his arm... Even that doesn't really happen.... Or is it? 

Seeing her darling smiling at somebody who smiled back and waved at her darling, Bell climbs in, shows a slight pout, and then... 

Bell: Daaaa....rling!

Bell: Why you're flirting with somebody younger than you? I'm here! 

John: Off all things, you've annoyed with that? E... hehehehe! 


Bell's insistence to look after John is less of a jealousy and more of a concern, given John stared DEATH no sorry THE END OF ALL THINGS itself. 

But John, knowing that, calmly responded.

John: Also, you'll be scaring everyone else with that look, darling!

John: Everybody else please calm down! Sebastian, help with the tents and gathering!

I looked outside. The rest is already at the gathering point. Surrounded by humvees and tent of various shapes and sizes. 

Sebastian: Driver... Kenneth. Teacher... Robinson. Rest at the infirmary with Parker there. The tent with large red heart there.

Sebastian: The rest, go to the accommodation tent we prepared. Feel free to book in any room!

Gabriel: You... You?

Gabriel Reyes remembered that time... So he lowered his head. 

Bell: I.... I'm sorry everyone...

Bell: Especially you... 

Gabriel: No, it was i who have to apologize for trying to kill you.

Gabriel's anxiety and phobia intensifies as he remembers that time. 

Gabriel cries.

Bell: Gabriel... 

Gabriel: Uwaaaaaaahhhhh! (cries and ran away) 

Bell suddenly became apologetic. However as she tries to walk, she fell down... If not for her holding to her surroundings. 

Bell: John, help! 

John: In a minute, darling. I'm going to handle the ones in the back first.

Surely, everyone do remember the whole thing. 

Yeah, not a nightmare indeed.

But it is very ironic how the princess-like woman terrifies everyone, while the military-looking guy here... doesn't.

Then he looks into Jonathan, who is now asleep for the whole thing, and.

John: Hmmm, Jonathan Torrington... 

John: Hey missus, can you wake your honey pie here? 

W.... Waitaminute, honey pie?

I silently trying to wake Jonathan up. 

After Jonathan is awake, John immediately talk to him.

John is brave to look at the one that can easily kill people in a whim at the eyes. 

John: Wake up. The bus will be cleaned, fixed, and refueled. There will be a summer camp here.

John: Pretty sure everybody is shaken due to this... unforeseen consequences.

John: But Jonathan... You won't going to kill me, right? 

Jon(athan): Why should i kill you? You come here to help, not to harm, right?

Jonathan: Also, since that time, i didn't feel any killing intent from you. Your heart is as pure as... 

Jonathan: Jade Catalyst.

John: So... You're already expecting me? 

Jonathan: Well, if it isn't a nightmare but it's a loop, please, accept my apology.

John: What apology? Oh... Sasha... Please don't tell him... 

John: (smiles a little) And I'm willing to cooperate. 

John: Don't worry. I know what a revenge is like. Just want to thank you for not harming me.

Bell: Jonathan.... thanks for sparing Sasha and not harming John. 

Jonathan: Daniella and Mackie told me... If not for him... There goes the chance of going home. 

John noticed the Sagestone. 

John: That Sagestone you're holding on? That's the key home. But we need preparations. Come with me. 

Jonathan: It just appeared on my hand after that nightmare. Didn't really know. Maybe it's time loop. 

Jonathan: But if you're really, really, insistent on helping us.

Jonathan: (smiles heartfully) Do your best.

Jonathan : I don't really know about the Sagestone thing apart from its immense mana or magical energy, but... you seem to know how, given your origin and how you're acquainted with the woman...

John: Ehhhh... not just acquainted... We're married for years. 

John: You should try it too. Together for life, with the one you love... like... Dani here!

Dani: (blushes) Heyyyyy!!!!

Jonathan: All right, pack up and get out.

It's that easy, really. As not as there's no killing intent, Jonathan wouldn't kill. 

Summer camp? We planned to go to Wyoming. It's been like a month or two... And i can really think that it is, surely, it's a reset loop, not a dream. He also already known that everybody is shaken. 

Me and Jonathan then follows John out of the bus, where soldiers and military utility vehicles circle the area around us.

It seems like, unlike the woman i remembered entering the bus at that time, he tries to be helpful. Very helpful indeed. 

John: The point is that, this is Mobius. You should've come here by consent. Now... I just want you two to forgive what my woman did to you and to your entire group.

John: As it turns out, I'm a Jade Catalyst. I can provide lots of mana, but i personally doesn't prefer using heavy magic.

John: Combined with the Sagestone... You all can go home. You'll need my help. 

John: These army guys will assist in refueling, and then, you all can go home. Your relatives and next of kin would definitely be worried about you all. 

John: Regardless, if you intend to stay, go visit Vincent at the recruitment tomorrow. 

John: There's also gold bars as tokens of apology, one for each members, including the driver and the teacher. Along with a personalized gift for one of each person. 

The others, shaken as if apparently they're affected by a time loop of a "shared nightmare" decided that they should stay a night or two here. 

Maybe a week if they're going for a change of plans. 

Then i overheard and see John talking with Bell.

Bell: I need your mana. Urgently. 

John: Not here sweets...

Bell: But... 

John: I know sweetie, but not here. 

John left to help the others, while... 

Bell: Dearie, wai....(collapsed) 

Bell: Owww... it hurts. 

Bell then collapses, forcing John to carry her around his back. 

John: Have you tried moving yourself with kinesis, if changing yourself feels embarassing or consuming more mana magicka? 

Bell: Ummmm... I do... Did it but that felt a bit uncomfortable. 

John then quickly kisses Bell behind the bus, away from the other's view.

But here and there's not the time of being intimate, despite the sunny weather, not so hot temperature, and dress being perfect for romantic moment.

Bell then... Did just that.

Bell: Through Alteration to move my dead limbs and Illusion to make others look like I'm walking, i'm floating, but to others i look like walking. Still it's more exhausting than just walking. 

John: Hehe, you'll be more comfortable riding on my back. That's why I'm wearing the heavy utility vest for.

John: Here, ride on my back.

John: And go home. You'll scare the others.

Bell: No.... No....! I won't be alone! 

Then Jonathan talks to Dani.

Jonathan: Well, i think all of this isn't a dream. Definitely. You're thinking what I'm thinking?

Mackie: That there's a higher force behind all of this.

John approaches Jonathan. 

John: Hey, is that an Esteem Board you're holding on? Wanna play a game? 

Jonathan: Steam Deck... But yeah, sure. 

John: Eh, nevermind. I'm going to set up a large tent filled with amenities... 

John: Videogames, foods, drinks, lounge... 

John: Might want to have an FFA in Call of Duty later.

Jonathan: Wait, this universe has the same game as well?

John: Yeah. Do you want some Minecraft, Fallout, or Skyrim?

Jonathan: Already had played all of those, and i spend my down times playing those, if not sleeping.

Jonathan: Problem is that this is a different world, and i can't connect to the master server, i mean they do probably have the same services, have Bethesda, Microsoft, or whatever, but i'm not a registered citizen or account holder of The United States of Amelion...

John: Well, if you're really well-versed on taking a soldier, please... take me out. Then you can go home...

John: (grins while taunting) Come on.... come on!

Jonathan tickled John instead. 

John: Ahahahaha..... Hahahahaha... 

Jonathan: Like... why should i kill you? All you want is to help us, right?

Jonathan smiles back. 

The two could get along well. He was before the loop begged, crying, wanting to help while stopping the crazed Sage woman had her way on Jonathan...

And now, they're amicably conversing like old friends... 

I wish the real world have a nice people like John... 

Later that night...

Both Dani and Jonathan awakened after booking a tent and fell asleep. They started sitting at a bench while getting a water and a pizza prepared by the makeshift mess hall tent. 

Looks like i'm overslept in what supposed to be a nap. I mean... Jonathan's warm, it can't be helped.

And after all, I've becomed mellower besides him. 

And there's...

Well... even for just a day, they put up a tent full of game consoles, couch, carpet... basically everything a late teenager could dream of.

A fridge box full of energy drinks... Nah isn't my thing.

There's orange juice as well.

There's Carol, Ryouko, Reyes...

Playing their favorite games...

Carol's into Call of Duty, Ryouko's into Armored Core, and Reyes... into Overwatch 2.

Well, they seemed to have their time of life.

Jonathan: Come to think of it...

Jonathan: The big screen... missed home.

Jonathan: Not much of a shooting game and fighting game player, though.

Jonathan: Some dinner would be nice.

Mackie: Yeah, lil'Dani, you must be famished.

The three then hanging out in the "gamer's cafe". Everything's free for picking, given it's a complementary and "apology".

Jonathan: Pizza's taste like home. 

Dani: Is that so? But... Yeah. 

Did i hear singing?


Yes, i've been wondering where's John...

If there's one thing i can remember of him, it's his "angelic" voice. Especially when singing. He can compel anybody, including Jonathan here...

"The thing of beauty.... i know...

Will never fade away

And i'll do my duty..."


It's soothing, to the point that aurora borealis came up in the sky.

The song describes that gentle kid John really well and his love to...

I mean, he's a determined type... if only my heart is...

Wait a minute.... nevermind.

 He's been gentle. Helping from day to night.

He's also kind... and i really wish what happened like days ago were just a terrible nightmare.

Mackie: I can't sense anything bad about that guy. He's that kind of person who wants the best for everyone.

Still, even after the timeloop, i felt bad for breaking his arm.

Well, he doesn't seem to mind either. In fact he smiled as i came across him.

Dani: Hehe, i think i want to stay here for longer. 

Jonathan: But what about Mom (Allison)? She'll be worried sick about us.

Jonathan: I missed her. And if i told John about Allison, he would urgently help me, no, not just me, us, to go home. 

Well, i said it. Whoops. Going home with you then.


Before Dani proceed to take a rest, John approaches.

His face being stern is unusual.

John: Evening, and sorry for being late, but you and Jonathan, can you help me? 

John: One urgent matter, afterwards, i have no need for you two anymore. 

Dani: Ummm... Yeah. Sure. 

Jonathan: Guess i have to follow then. 

John then leads both to Bell.

She's alone. Away from the would-be Sage Candidates. Away from fellow Archer Logistics servicemen and servicewomen as well. 

Sitting. Frail. Miserable. Yet trying to act like the woman she always are.

Of course, the woman is surprised, given her darling brought the two that supposed to be their worst nightmares.

Jonathan look intimidating with his usual stoic appearance.

Bell: Eh... Eh... Dear, why? 

John: (to Bell) Now apologize to Daniella. everything is forgiven, as long as it's really, really sure that tomorrow, we'll going to go back home!

Bell: Everything's my fault. He doesn't need to. If any, it should be me. 

John: Now you have two choices, Jonathan...

John: Either witness me doing this thing... Or kill me, release me from this miserable world... 

John: Of course, if you choose to kill me, i'll make my loudest scream ever and you'll have no chance to make it home. 

John: Bell... 

Bell: John...

John: I'm scared as well, but if you want to walk and feel the "dead" part of you again... 

John: Just... Just don't think. Feel the good moments we spend together as we kissed. 

Bell: If that's what my darling said, so be it.

Bell: John... 

John: Bell.... Free yourself...

John: Think of entering myself through my mouth... 


The two kissed. 


John: There... There... 

Bell tries, and succeeded, in standing up and trying to walk on her own.

Bell: My fingers... See... 1,2,3, 4,5...

Bell: Strange. All of them felt like a nightmare. Now i can feel all of my body parts again. I feel... healthy. Recovered.

Bell: (to John, kissing his forehead) Thank you! 

Bell: Just want to surprise you... 

Bell then turns into a very hot silver haired maid with a very visible bust, as if she tries to invite her mate. If I'm a male i would be smitten instantly. But she has the caring spirit as well without the malice. 

Bell: Do you all want some tea and biscuits? 

Dani: Uhhh... Uhhh... This is late at night. And honestly with that exposed top, you're terrifying me!

Bell: Ah yes, pardon me for being so inappropriate, little one. 

Bell turns back into her "Sage" form.

John: Well, here Bell can turn into another form with matching personality.


John: Long story short, she unintentionally discovers a sagestone within her. And the rest...

Bell: (to Jonathan) Thanks to you, i have been recovered!

Bell: But...

Bell: (embracing John from the back) My life is tied to my best man ever here.... if he ever dies (not that he'll make it easy), then i die as well...

Bell: But i promise...

Bell started to shudder reminiscing about what just happened for the last 2 days before the apparent flashback...

Bell: (To Dani) I won't do things like spiriting away people without consent anymore. Never! 

Dani: Hmph. You better.

John: (with smiles that seems unbreakable, despite a faint hint of sadness) Well then, you should ask people if they're willing too.

John: Disenfranchised people, poor people... Those that are rejected by society...

Bell: Well, good idea... But not from the other dimension, of course.

Bell: (hugs John) But please, i never want to see Mr. Instant Death and Ms. Loudmouth here!!!! Aaaaahhhh!!!

John: Don't take killing lightly then. You... I mean we... Only have to kill if it's right to do so. Even for years i suppressed my killing intent.

Bell: So... Honestly i wasn't myself when i became... carried away with power... 

John: Yeah, i understand, but you, please, human life is not something you toy with!

John: Just as you treasure me, you should treasure others, for there's always somebody who were somebody else's "John".

John: Never attack unless the ones that intend to attack you. Or you made sure that it's a "friendly competition" where nobody actually got hurt.

Dani smiled. Mackie followed. Jonathan also smiled a bit.

Mackie: That man is precious... If only he could follow us home... 

Dani: Mackie! 

John: Well then, see you all tomorrow!

Bell: Noooo! Not tomorrow! Not ever! I just want to be with you until the stars and moon are no more!

John: Well, tomorrow is their last time they're here. Ever. I promise it.

John: Unless... you intent to come back here, i always welcome you.

John: Well then, good night everyone! 

Dani, Mackie, and Jonathan parted ways. 

Both John and Bell then lit another "romantic moment" spark. Especially how John promises that "almost every night will be a honeymoon". 

John: Ehe.. Ehehehehehe

Bell: Ufufufufufu

John suddenly wanted to do it. Bell had to carry him to the private tent, to check that her strength did really come back.

John, later awakened close to dawn, with Bell at her side, speaks his mind. 

John: Sometimes, you have to forgive the enemy. And this is the perfect moment. Not to mention, he never intend to do harm. All he wants is to go home. It's just you... I mean we, picked the wrong candidate.

Bell: Don't say it's a "we". It's entirely my doing. 

John: And please, killing unarmed people is bad.

John: And realize that if there's something valuable besides us (like me), you didn't have to seek power by draining others. 

Bell: Yeah, what a crazy year, isn't it, darling? 

John: (looking at the beautiful star adorned skies) But don't be afraid to deliver happiness. What if, just what if... 

John: We take in candidates, just in this universe, not from outside, the disenfranchised ones. The poor, the homeless, the abused... 

John: And of course most importantly, volunteers... 

John: And due to the nature of the world we can physically enhance them to be better. 

John: Unlike the world i was before my soul moves there, this world have so much, as in "hyperborean", which i think means unimaginably large... 

John: Amount of useful resources due to the relatively young nature of the world.

John: Then there's the reincarnates... 

John: Those who are lucky to be sent to this world are lucky they can learn from past mistakes, be better, and be what they want to be.

John: And outside of virtual reality or simulated environment, don't make them kill each other. Rather tell them how to build and make things better. Fight only evil, not each other.

Bell: That's something i should've done from the beginning, but... 

Bell: I remember how sad that universe and figures i think a class full of graduates would be a perfect choice for candidates... 

Bell: And i.... I.... still can't believe i made them all fight each other... even if it meant so that i can harvest from the weak...

John: That's really, really, not what i expected... But... What's (un)done is (un)done, right? 

Bell: Just keep talking your hearts out. I'm listening.

John noticed Bell, wearing nothing but a blanket, smiling at him. Admiring his gorgeousness. 

Sometimes both forget they already do the deed. Even in this couple of stressful but blessed days. Where many people got their second chances. 

Especially how Bell finally got her lost senses back.

But now every time i touch my heart... I can feel hers too. 

She's now actually soulless... Due to her soul being destroyed... 

However... The consciousness is saved... She's still herself.

But in the vessel, body of Bell Aster Archer there's the other half of my soul. 

We share a single soul now...

My soul now belongs to both myself and herself, and despite maintaining her peak condition high endurance and strength... 

Her life depends on me. If i dies then she does too.

She can't however, feel my pain, because pain is a physical matter. 

Though thanks to the "Return by Death" and "Perseverance Made Spirit" that it is impossible practically for one of us to die unless when perseverance has no need anymore... Though it'll be hurt as hell.

Looking at my wife, who has a perfectly sculptured body... 

I kissed her once again. 

But yeah if there's a perfect time to do the deed... It's now. It's good for stress relief.

It's just that Bell is way past the human age of fertility so despite her 19-20 something appearance she's still somebody with an unusually long age thanks to her quirk and how she turns that part so that it can consume mana from male. Especially the nice ones and life partners. 

Bell: Don't worry. Keep talking. You're really the one i expected. A smart, gorgeous, cute, sweet, nice, and warm hearted... man.

Bell: What am i without you? 

John: No, what am i without you either? 

John: ehe. 

Bell: Ufu. Ufufufufu

Bell smiled as she embraces John.

John: I will be with you until the sun, moon, and stars are no more.  

Everybody's tired, but content given that somehow time loops back but with the unpleasant factors being wiped out. 


After lunch time... 

Alright this is it. 

I'm not much of a mage, but...

John sets up a Jade Catalyst powered dimensional portal teleportation device. John's not much of a magick person, and even if he did, he rely on his heartful wish instead of an "artifact of unimaginable power". Not to mention this mess needs to be cleaned up...

John knew there would be risks. But that's better compared to keep stranding those that would ruin the world much further.

"Transference Portal" 

"Alpha Universe"

"Wyoming, United States" 

John: This is it. You all have save travels back! Don't forget about the gifts, they're marked, one by one! 

John: On the behalf of Archer Logistics, we say thank you for your patronage! 

A large glowing magical gate appears. 

The bus got send back to the place where it belongs to. 

As the bus already went into the gate and the gate closed, disappeared... 

John collapsed. 

Bell also felt her heartbeat thumping unusually. 

Bell faintly spoke to John, who laid down unresponsive due to using all his mana for the day as the Sagestone itself, which shattered afterwards, ain't enough. 

Bell: John.... John? 

Bell: Wake up please... 

Bell: Dearie...

Bell: John...? 

Bell: John! Noooo.... John! (cries)

Bell: Heavens above... And John... I'm sorry... I really.... really am...

Bell: John..... (cries) 

Bell passed out after she cries.



A second chance, together

Jade: John.... 

Jade: Thank you... 

Jade: For doing the right thing... 

Jade: And fulfilling your destiny. 

Jade: I will always be with you as long as you live, but only in dire times. 

Jade: Now you wake up, return to the realm, and make your hard earned beloved happy! 

Then Bell awakens as she senses a steady, sound, harmonic heartbeat in John's center chest.

It beats sweetly in rhythm.

John: Uhh... Hmmm... Warm....

John: Sorry, I'm no stranger to dozing out. Especially if I'm very very tired.

Bell's heartbeat returns to normal. 

Bell cried tears of joy as...

They found themselves in the medical tent. 

Female Soldier: You okay lady?

Female Soldier 2: Colonel? Glad you're awake. Magicry is surely exhausting, isn't it? 

Bell smiles to the young looking soldier under John's command, and gently asked them to drive home.

Female Barista: Hey, Colonel... Here, open and drink it. Must be a tough day, right? 

John: (drinking a coffee) ummmm..... Mmmmmm.... 

Soldier: If i may, we should left. You two deserve a private time. 

Bell: Ufufu...  

Bell: Once you're not tired anymore, let's go home... 

John: No fast travel please. I just want the soldiers to feel comfortable with me. 

Bell: You want the helicopter or humvee? 

John: As long as i am besides you... 




Without acknowledgement to those that are killed by Jonathan before the timeline reset as they're might as well as never existed, the bus and its occupants return safely to the "Real World" (Alpha Earth) with a neat box of gifts per occupant, including the teacher and the driver. 

This even includes a commemorative signed photobook of John Archer!

With.... mixed reception. Many from the girls said it's cute. Some, especially the male, thought he's a love rival, or a pipsqueak.

Gabriel: Eh, he looks really good! And lovable! 

Carol: I wish to work together with him. 

Ryouko: He's a bit jumpy but he's pretty good natured. 

Whittington: If he's with us he'll swoop in and getting you instead of Jonathan or me! 

Dani: (to all) whatever, we won't going to meet him again.

Jonathan Torrington is reunited with his adoptive guardian and namegiver, Allison Torrington. Yet to this day it is never known just how the dreaded "Alpha & Omega" came to be. One thing that's sure is that, apart from the death bringing tendency, he's just a good kid, and all one's need is to not mess with him.

Jon: I think, apart from the gold bars, the gift for us were the biggest one.

Both Jon and Dani received a special gift that came with a large box. The box contains a clone replica of John Archer with the exact same personality but not the desire and can only speak through device or text messaging, if at all because he often won't or can't speak. Called "Little John" the replica joins the Torrington family, and basically became Jonathan's brother. He works for the family as a package delivery man.

Dani: Awwww.... Wish granted. 

Dani: But you (Jonathan), with him... kinda remind me of that delivery guy that brings a baby around his chest in a world of nothingness... but instead of baby, it's a full grown man. 

Jonathan: (smiles) indeed. Somehow i felt like i have to protect him.

Little John: (pushes button on his smartphone) Allison... Ma... Ma... 

Allison: A brother! I'm so happy! Yes John, I'm a "Ma Ma". 

"Jon.... John.... hmmmm..." -Daniella.

Daniella Tammison married Jonathan, with Mackie as the best woman. However Dani would want to take some time before being mom. 

The Tuatha De nobility family, which John were part of, oftentimes visit the Tower District. Yet John, usually cheerful, frowns upon their patronizing behaviour and thus actively trying to avoid them.

John... keeps doing what he loves to do, as the guardian of Persica and as the head chief of Archer Logistics. He also prepares several military and security unit to prepare for situations John unable to cover. Still, his mind sometimes clouded by doubt, despite having making terms with the fleeting nature of life.

John: Just because the "avatar of the end" is out of this universe, doesn't mean everything's over. In the meantime, i've been sending a "light" clone of mine to keep watch. He's just as human as i am, he's just... a bit different.

Sometimes, John has crying fits at the night, in which, as usual, Bell always there to calm him down.

John: (cries) 

Bell: John... You're a grown up. Why you're crying loudly like that? 

John: ....It's... nevermind. Things just can't ever stop. I just want a comfy life. But no the world and the universe they won't.

Bell: (smiles) We're in this together. And... 

Bell: Without you i would live my rest of immortal life disabled... I rather soon die with the one i love together rather than living without the things i love. 

John: Without you i wouldn't have any purpose in life either. You... You... You... You... 

John: Uwaaaaaah! (cries louder) 

Bell: Ufufu...

Bell: (hugs John) Well, cry it all out. Once you're dry... Sleep on my lap, then we have a nice tea time at dawn! 

Bell had her soul "fixed", thus, she regains the parts that Jon "killed", and she back to the usual Bell Archer she is. Well, more like "affixed" since her damaged soul was merged by John's. Which means that both lives were tethered each other. If one dies the other would die as well. Physical conditions are not affected, though.

With no Sagestone, Bell's magical ability is severely reduced. Now basically all she can do is to shapeshift or regenerate wound like before she "unlock" the Sagestone within her and of course, the good old military, physical training, beauty, and intelligence. It helps that thanks to sharing the soul with John, she can think and act like what John think and act of.

She could however, re-learn magick. 

Bell: Eh, i can still do Destruction and Illusion magic as usual...

Bell: But no, I'll rather increase my Restoration magic skill... 

Bell: (looking at the sleeping John) for the sake of him. His charms heal countless people. 

Bell: If i could unintentionally heal my beloved with my passive charm, why i couldn't actively try to heal the ones i love and care of? 

Her innate immortality is gone and her body became mortal due to her sharing a soul with a mortal man. Good thing the man ages slowly, being 33 but has the physique of a late teenager.

That being said, at times, she's haunted by the lifelong guilt of causing.... a lot of things to happen. However, John and Sasha are more than willing to forgive her.

Especially John, who just... can't... live without her.

 The next day... 

Bell: A simple tea time... and you don't ask me to turn into the maid that you'll always love... How ascetic...

John: Whatever you look like, i'll admire you always. For the coming months, maybe years, i maybe just want to enjoy you looking like what you are now. Besides, it's your "default" now, especially after you're sharing my soul with me, right?

John: I love you Bell. I want to be with you until...

Bell: The sun, moon, and stars are no more...

Bell determines to make the most of her moment with John, her most treasured husband and being in the world. She promised that when the time's come for John, she will arrange a proper respect-giving instead of trying to preserve or prolong the human John Archer is.

Bell: Because of you, I'm getting my powers back.

Bell: I have several new forms i can use to make you happy as well!

John: Like i said, you look better as it is today.

Bell: I'll always be with you if you change your mind.

Bell: So... What should we play after this cup? 

John: You choose. 

Bell: Skyrim it is. 

John: Like we have played it a thousand times... 

Bell: Only like three times actually completing the game due to the game being packed in content. 

By virtue of sharing the same soul, Bell sometimes felt "being his lover", and sometimes she would caught consciously doing what her lover love to do, though she still herself and has her own body.

Bell is terribly shaken of the events that happened before the loop. However, realizing what kind of happening that just happened... Bell vowed not to repeat the same mistake.

John: Yeah, to think of it, spiriting away people is equivalent to a kidnapping or hostage taking. True that this world is much "freer" However they should have consent.

Bell: John... 

John: Yes sweetie?

Bell: From this point on... Going forward... The Logistics... Sages... Every decision... Belongs to you. 

Bell: I'm unworthy of making decisions!

John: No, you still worthy! 


John: By simply appearing, you deliver smiles to... Everyone. Hololive, the Logistics members... They look up to you.

John: Your mere presence heals hearts, and you can directly heal people... 

Bell: But that's yours, ain't it?

John: But you're better on healing than me.

Bell: Am i? 

John: You.... Me.... (touch own chest) 

Bell: John.... Your heartbeat... Is mine. 

John: Yeah. 

Bell: So.... What'll we do next?

John: You're soft... 

John: Ehe.... Ehehehehe.... 

Bell: Ufufufu...

Bell: But seriously, from this point on, every day, tomorrow, the future... Even the path of myself... 

Bell: I give it to you, John Archer.

John kept walking his own path, whenever his mind and his leg guides him. He even vowed to see what will be of the world, his lover's origin, and how without the "instant death guy" what will happen to the world.


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