Thursday, March 21, 2024

Chapter 12TJ - Jade Catalyst

A nuke has exploded...

John: (pondering) Well, somebody had their 25 kill-streak succeeded and did the tactical nuke.

And yet, there's no radiation or something, even though everything is reduced to rocks, dirts, and ground, with no vegetation and even metal in sight.

Bell: I sense that there's some people still in the field.... Hmmm....hmmm...

Bell: Ryouko Ninomiya, Carol Shannon Lane... those are Sage Candidates. They refused to fight and decided to escape... 

Bell: And they were with.... well, they have no trace of being Sage due to the lack of Battle Song, but...

Bell: Oh, it's Jonathan Torrington!

Bell: I've got to meet him.

John: Bell!

Bell: My beloved John, this is a grown up matter.... but if you insist, you can follow your beloved "big sister" and wife Bell here!

Both grab each other hands before fast travelling.

Bell met, face to face, with Jonathan Torrington.

She kept her smile.

Clap clap clap

Bell: Congratulations... 

Bell: Even if you're not a Sage Candidate, you've proven your worth.

Bell: I mean, how could you survive that fall?

John looked at Jonathan and felt like seeing a mirror, though Jonathan has wing like protrusions on her hair and dark brown eyes instead of emerald green like John himself.

Jonathan: You do forget what kind of world is this?

Bell: Well, the rules are solo Battle Royale and yet you decided to put your differences around... (clap clap clap) how admirable!

Bell: And now.... 

John: Bell? Wait.. 

Bell: Such power...

Bell: The ability to grant instant death to those you wanted to... 

Bell: I wonder how that kind of power could be... 

Bell: Now...

Jonathan stood up in silence, expecting answers.

Bell: I'll give you a reward i think you deserve...

Bell looked at Jonathan seductively. 

Bell runs to Jonathan and hug him. 

Both John and Daniella got surprised.

Apparently for Bell, her best chance is to try to seduce him and try to make him join the family.

Bell: Give me... 

Bell: Your seed... 

John: Strawberry Ice Cream... Wait... You're not yourself? Why?

John: I know you want his ability, but this isn't yourself. 



Bell looks at John, and said, 

Bell: Like i said, John my darling, this is a grown up matter...

John: Grown up... 

As it turns out "this is a grown up matter" is a trigger phrase subconsciously implanted to make John obey any of her commands. 

Afterwards John puts up a neutral expression and being silent.


Bell: Why don't you "entertain" li'l Daniella there?


 John: Yo!

John then prepares his M1911, pointing it to Daniella.

John: Nothing personal, kid.

Dani, who recognize him as the "singer with angelic voice", already knew that he isn't himself despite doesn't interacting much.

Dani: John? This isn't you!

Dani: Jonathan, don't kill John! Let me handle this. 

Dani then fought John.

Dani dodges every shot and punch that the military-trained John tries to inflict. 

Jonathan doesn't even voice a grunt even when he's being "danced" by Bell. 

Jonathan: Eeeeyaaaaa!

Jonathan: How can we go home?

Bell: Isn't this world better? You can fulfill your dreams and desires, all of them...

Bell: Mmmmm... Ahahaha.... Ufufu

Bell: Give me your fluids...

Bell: Be the part of my harem... 

Bell said as she reach out for the zipper...

Jonathan: Ehhhh... Ehhhh... Get off me... 

Jonathan: I said i just want for me and my friends to go home! We have loved ones waiting!

But Bell doesn't budge. All she wants is Jonathan's seed sample.

Bell: If you don't... i'm going to give you a fiery treatment...

Jonathan: No... No. All we want is for us to go home! I already warned you!

Bell: Then i'll boil your blood, and drink it. Surely it will be delicious...

Bell started to nibble on Jonathan. 

Jonathan: If that's what you want...

Jonathan aims and shoot at her ankle.

Bell: Eh.... ahhhh...

Bell fell down in pain and startled as the nerve functions of her ankle is no more. Regardless, she can levitate. 

Jonathan: Lady, i have standards. The payment is your leg. Assault is assault. Think twice before violating me again.

Jonathan: You also have to answer the deaths of my fellow schoolmates, the bus driver, and our teacher! 

 Jonathan: Now answer my question! 

Jonathan: After all the deaths under your thumb and mouth... 

Jonathan: SEND US HOME. HOW?!

John, who is surprised with the shout, broke off from the mental trigger phrase.

John: What, death, as in actual death?

John is also surprised that the whole death thing isn't a game. He can't ever in his life believed that his beloved is a murderer.

John: Bell, please, listen to me.... 

John: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh! 

At the same time, Dani "accidentally" broke his left arm. While he's numbed from the pain by his innate recovery magic, he's concerned for his lover.

John puts out bandages as he said back to the girl who just broke his left arm. 

John: Girl... stand back, cease attacking, this is John Archer, Archer Logistics...

John:... I mean no harm.

John: My arm...

John: But that doesn't matter... That's something else's matter.

Dani, though confused, believed it due to the monotonous expression changed to a fearful one.

John then sternly shout toward Bell.

John: Listen to me, my love! Send him back! He's too dangerous for you, for us, and for this world! We have seen how he's capable of. Also, Vestia was right! 

Though Bell suddenly can't feel her legs, she brushes it off, given she's still can "float" a bit.

Bell: Ahahahaha... You can't leave me... You'll be with me... Become as gods... Aren't you... Mesmerized?

Bell: All the beauty and strength of this world will be ours! 

John: Bell, please! Return to be yourself! 

Bell: Leave that scrawny Daniella, and be with me! Join my harem!

John: Bell! (cries) remember... The oath we made under the stars and moon of Milleu... The "claddagh" ring... Where you pledge yourself for mine... 

For once, Bell didn't listen to John.

John: Bell... this... isn't... you... 

Bell keeps trying to charm Jonathan.

But Jonathan is immune.

Jonathan, seeing the helplessly pleading John along with the unnaturally seductive Bell, had one to say.

John starts to cry. 

Jonathan: John... 

Jonathan: I'm sorry, i have to do this.

Bell: Then i'll do.

Before Bell could even start firing, Jonathan outguns her.

Bell: Ahhhhhhh... 

Bell: Nooooooo! 

Bell lost the nerve sense of her other ankle...

Bell started to get angry. Something that for many, many, years, Bell never did. 

Bell: If it's a fight you want.... then... so be it.

Bell: I can still levitate...



Jonathan: I'm sorry, little John. I hope to comfort you... but i can't.

Jonathan: For the last time, i said it... HOW CAN YOU SEND US BACK?! 

Bell: Sorry... Can't.

Jonathan: You said you've full of mana, and you can easily whisk in people from another dimension...

Bell: There's just nothing i prepared. You have to find it yourself.

Bell: I'm not that powerful for that.... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Jonathan then twists her fingers.

Jonathan: I really hate liars. You said by yourself that you have an immense amount of power level. Why... why would you say it's "can't" or "nothing?"

Bell: Jonathan... You... 

John, already crying, became scared because... No matter how crazy his beloved Bell, Bell is still Bell...

Bell started to cry as she fell down.

Bell: John, help, my mana is drained!

John then ran out to Bell, intended to heal her... 

But instead, Bell fast traveled both out to the private quarters of Tower District. 

Sasha is surprised to see the distraught couple.

Sasha: Brother... Sister...

Then the shadow of Jonathan Torrington approaches. He's already marking Bell.
Her never seen before fearful visage is just as fearful for John as much as Jonathan's shadow itself. 

Bell: He... he's here... How could it be?

Sasha, who were afraid and worried of Bell and John, readies his bow... 

Only to suddenly lost the sight of his right eye.

Sasha: John, i think i have a problem with my eye... I can't see! I can't see! 

Sasha: My left eye still alright though.

 Bell: Sasha!

Bell charmed Sasha to put him in a deep sleep to trick Jonathan into thinking that Sasha is killed.

John: (cries) No.... Sasha... Why.... He's innocent...


Suddenly John flashes back to the times he spent with Sasha years ago. About how he cares about Sasha so much...

About how Sasha replies to his affection.


About how Sasha overjoyed to find Bell as the replacement big sister for his lost big sister.

And Bell loved both John and Sasha equally... though Sasha is just a brother as opposed to husband.

John: Bell... the only way... is to go back and confront him.

John: There's no other way anymore.

Both fast traveled back to the island.

John approaches Jonathan. 

Jonathan starts staring at John. 

Bell: Please! Anything but Sasha and him!

Bell: Just kill me, if that's what you want...

Bell: Both Sasha and John were innocent! Their only sin is that they're my beloved and i am their beloved!

John: Jonathan, please... 

John: I can help! 

John: I will help!


John, in cries of desperation, has his eye started to glow.


 John suddenly stops crying and assuming a tranquil state of mind. 

John: I am the Jade Catalyst. Source of nigh limitless power, be it magic or psychic. One that awakens in an event of great calamity. One that has been living with the vessel of a brave soul called John Archer here.

Jade: My power is not for the sake of good, not for evil either. But my power is solely for preservation and affection. 

Jade: Jonathan Torrington... if you really, really wish to go home... I'm going to grant it.

Jade: But please... Spare her. For the sake of John here. 

Jonathan then stops attacking Bell, who collapsed. And then Jonathan tries to hear off John.

Jade: (to Bell) Now give me your Sagestone... 

Bell: But... I'll be powerless...

Jade: Even with your "powerless" state, you're still and always be a strong, kind, yet charming woman.

Jade: Just trust this vessel of a man. A man that loved you so much. A man that loves another. A man that successfully purges his killing intent. A man that seeks nothing but peace, love, companionship, and friendship.

Jade: His desire is not of godlike powers. His desire is of easy life with his beloved. 

Bell: All right... 

Bell then conjures a blood-red gem like object. Surprised it isn't yellow like the ones embedded in her dress and Sasha's garb.

Bell gave it to Jonathan, along with the coordinate to Alpha Universe. 

Jade: None of this would've happen if you just stopped. 

Jade: Umm... Sorry, i mean none of this would've happen if you ask their consent, and willing to take responsibility for your actions. 

Jade: This one vessel loves you so much, and you forsake everything just because you're trying to amuse him. 

Jade: There's already multiple warnings, and yet you... 

Jade: Nevermind. I'll feed you always through this vessel. 

Jade: But now, let this vessel's own hand over the control back. I love him as much as he loves you.

Jade: Gather your friends. 

John took back control of his body.

His wounds returned.

He's suddenly overwhelmed with emotions and pain to the point that he sit and wept his remaining tears out of his eyes. 


John: Now go... Let me weep along with my dearest...

Jonathan: But... how do i use the Sagestone...


Bell: (slightly raising her tone) John has enough of you all in the time being... please... leave him be until the time!

Jonathan, with a pitied look, left. Daniella followed suit. 

John then only focused himself to Bell... 

John: Wait.... (grunts) ouch... (cries) 

John: It's painful.... 

John: Bell... Why?

Bell sat down, as she can't stood up, in guilt.

Bell: John.... us... and the world... will be going to the way of the void for what i've just done.

Bell: I'm... I'm such a haughty big sister. 

Bell: If only, if only i didn't do that, but instead i rely on you... 

John: What's done is done and forgive me, i am not a deity and i can do nothing but to comfort you. 

John: Nevermind. I'll contact the automated retrieval team.

John painfully crawls to Bell, and then hugs and kisses her to gave her a bit of his mana.

John: Bell, you're okay? 

Bell: No.... I'm not at all... 

John: Bell.... no... I can't really believe it... 

Surprised to see that she can't heal. Truly, Jonathan Torrington is the harbinger nobody should mess with. 

And truly Bell should've ask and gave answers nicely.

John have no aggression, no anger, and no judging directed to Bell. Not because her charm clouded her mind. But because he always love her no matter what.

John is reminded of his favorite song.

John: (whispers slowly).... "... the thing of beauty... i know... will never fade away...said what you've had to say.... but a thing of beauty... "

John immediately smiled after using his magic to made the pain go away.

 John: My one and only. I'm okay. You can hold on my back.

Bell: But you're hurt. I can use some of my remaining few powers to move around. 

John: What? Bandages? Wound? That's nothing. Please. Climb on me and go home...

Bell: John..... (sobs) 

Bell: You.... (sobs) still.... (sobs) love.... (sobs) me.... (sobs) after all I've done? 

Bell wept as she realized that she did the world badly... 

And yet... 

There's somebody who always there for her. No matter what.

John: No matter what happens, i will love you until this soul withers. 

Bell: John... Thank you. And please, forgive me... for everything that's happened.

John firmly and warmly squeezes Bell as he embraced Bell, silently accepted her forgiveness.

John: That's what i'm here for. I am completely indebted to your life ever since that day.

John: Without happenings like this, i wouldn't be able to stand up, facing life and death itself.

John: Yeah, the automated retrieval team is coming. They'll answer to me to retrieve the Sage candidates. 

John: The Battle Royale is cancelled.

John: How about Sasha? 

Bell: Before we fast traveled, i had to put Sasha to sleep. 

John: Guess, it's just us then. 

John then conjures a makeshift bed.

John took off his outerwear.

 John: (forced) Ehe.... Ehehehehe

Bell: Is it the best time? Here, of all places? 

John: You need the mana to heal and empower yourself so that we can go home. 

Bell: (forced) Ufu.... Ufufufufu...

John then slowly disrobe himself and immediately started to do the deed. 

But suddenly, before they can even do the deed, a giant tentacle being appears, devouring John.

Called the "Hive Mind" the monster surrounds a giant thorny spire, which suddenly appears from the ground.

Afterwards, the Hive Mind conjures a visage of a woman.

Hive Mind: You... Bell Archer... 

Hive Mind: Are responsible for the chain of events that leading to the death of dear Vythri and her lover! 

Hive Mind: You have to pay... For bringing the harbinger to this world!

Hive Mind: The harbinger who ruins our beloved Vythri's life one by one!

Hive Mind: But first... I see... 

Hive Mind: This... Boy...glows...bright...

Hive Mind: Absorbing his mana made me even stronger... Hmmm... How delicious he is...

Hive Mind: You should be thankful that i cleaned up your beloved one, hee hee hee...

 Bell: No! Give back John to me! 

John: Bell....

John: I.... love.... you....

John is taken away. However, Bell offers herself.

Bell: If you insist... Here i am!

Bell: Let my cries resound so the Harbinger can come here to kill you! 

Bell suddenly powerless against the Hive Mind

The Hive Mind then devours Bell as well.

Hive Mind: This one tastes of strawberry! 

As Bell felt herself weakened, her voice lowers into whispers... 

Bell: J..... ohn...

Bell: Now.... We become one...

Her smiles suddenly turn into sorrow as she almost forgot that Sasha is still in the Tower District... dying alone without herself and John. 

That, and both Bell and John, supposedly some of the strongest beings in Persica, were slowly being absorbed by that... thing.

Bell: Sasha...

Bell: No... Please... Everyone...

Bell: I deserved this. 

Bell: John... I'm sorry i have broke many, many promises with you...



Jonathan wants to reunite with the remaining students and return to John.

Jonathan, however, were still haunted by guilt...

As he looks at the Sagestone... 

Dani: What is it? 

Jonathan: I know, she isn't worth killing, and all we want is for the one that unconsentingly sent us here and made us kill each other pay... 

Jonathan: But John... That boy... 

Jonathan: He's been nothing but nice... If he isn't, then it isn't himself... 

He heard cries of help... 

A flight of drones and helicopters are approaching. 

They're military grade, but unmarked, uncrewed, and has a plain color of black and white.

It's heading back, and Jonathan and his party thought "a flying vehicle" which could bring them back easier. Thinking that's belong to John, it'll probably a sign...

It heads toward the Hive Mind.

Instead of John, Bell, and Sasha.... 

A giant Hive Mind is in its place.

John crawled out of the giant hive mind monster... 

John awakened and desperately punched the monstrosity.

John: As someone who had been in Hell before...

John: As someone who fought a demon once together for the sake of my brother's lover...




He can conjure his suit back and fight back, however...

Looking at Jonathan and the flight of drones and helicopters, he's pointing to himself. 

Jonathan: I want to save him... But... 

Jonathan: If i kill the creature... Bell is inside that thing...

John: FIRE! I SAY, FIRE!!!! 

Left with no options, Jonathan can only watch as the missiles from the flight are launching...


The Hive Mind, weakened, then turns into a facsimile of a beautiful woman wearing a mockery of Bell's dress, as John were thrown aside and Bell is nowhere to be seen. 


John raises his fist toward the Hive Mind. 


John, ignoring the pain, gets up, grabs an automatic weapon from one of the destroyed drone and relentlessly fires at the Hive Mind.

When it ran out, he beats the Hive Mind mercilessly until it become unmoving red slurry.

John: Jonathan... Kill the thorny pillar. It's the source. 

Jonathan then points and kills the thorny pillar.

John then collapsed, his lower body suddenly breaking apart, along with his clothing. 

Jonathan and Dani walks close to John... who lost his lower abdomen to the Hive Mind. He can't regenerate anymore as the remaining mana after the ones devoured by Hive Mind are used to desperately regenerate the lost lower body without avail due to its being used to numb the pain and increase his strength. 

Thus, he's not screaming or writhing in pain.

Jonathan gave him his outerwear to cover him. 

Daniella: John...

John: You two....

John: worry not... 

John then looks at a slurry of DNA and futilely rubbing his hand in it.

John then fell down aside.

John: Bell? no....... (cries but ran out of tears) Bell..... she..... she's....

 John twitches a bit, stares at the two sorrowfully, and then becoming completely unresponsive. 

Before Jonathan and Daniella could mourn, both of them passes out. 

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