Tuesday, March 26, 2024

After Story 1 - Reminiscence

8th of Dawn Star, 20E24

Dear diary,

May this be written in hopes that this fleeting memory segment lasts forever. 

Like, a day had passed since how everything "should be" over. 

But as interdimensional connection became possible thanks to how i subconsciously possess powers or knowledge greater than Bell did...

I manage to discreetly keep watch on the two.

Jonathan Torrington. 

Daniella Tammison. 

Especially Jonathan, which i see as a mirror of me. Nobody really wants to be taken away without consent to a strange, although fertile, world. 

And Dani... She's a bit haughty, but she deserves a life of her choosing. 

And there's Little John, basically myself with the desire, romance, and ability to form direct verbal communication removed. 

The third part, especially, is necessary given that direct mental link is often... risky. 

Now back to the part. 

Such a lust for revenge... 

I understand why Jonathan did things that considered "terrible" 

It's a revenge. 

For that my beloved started a chain reaction of events, starting from murder of two innocents, and then gradually splitting the class into killing each other. 

Is it the machinations of Mephala, or Boethiah? 

Either way, I'm not ascribing to those two Daedric Princes. 

Maybe I'm with Sheogorath, given how I'm often has mood swings. And i felt like an alternate me saving Sheogorath by becoming him.

And now... Myself.

Looking at Bell Archer, who smilingly sleeping, giggling, holding a photobook of me. 

Am i blinded by charm? 

Does she lied to me? 

Looking back, she's not the lying type. She's just losing her marbles due to the overdose of mana caused by the Sagestone embedded inside her... something she doesn't realize she had it since... many, many years. Even more than my current lifetime.

She's started as a loyal maid to the household, and then due to her inexplicable beauty and youthness... She decided to take me when i was lonely because my brother is busy playing his role.

Since then, I'm happily married to her. 

 Years afterward, she discovers something hidden inside her. 

And then she turned to a form she considered as the one i dreamt most.

No, not a busty, scantily clad woman. 

But an elegant princess - like woman with the dress of an aster tataricus color. Though i love to call her "strawberry ice cream" at times because I'm not into flowers. Teehee. She proceeded to add "Aster" to her middle name afterwards.

Who were also a gamer.

And always happy and cheery. 

Knowing that she, using magic, could exceed the boundaries of just mere screens, 

She tried. 

She's just too happy with her toys. 

Problem is her toys are people. 

Yeah, Alpha universe, the one i left at age 33 before i was reborn in Omega Universe's 1991, or more accurately 19E91...

Was a terrible universe be set by wars, resource shortages. 

But there's still glimmer of hope, friendship, compassion...

But then a bus full of university graduates were taken away, might leaving a large missing report and crying families. 

Not to mention she did that without consent of the people inside the bus and she just.... Whap.. Whap... (blasting apart) 

Back then it was funny. 

But come to think of it, it was terrible.

Imagine if you're a hardworker and then Whap Whap you're dead for no reason apart from amusement. 

No wonder revenge is sought. 

My "active soul age" is 66, 33 in Alpha Universe, 33 in Omega Universe, 

So i matured out of killing and wanton acts. 

But still, I'm an active military personnel, given i pledged myself as a passion to protect the ones i love, including the Great United States of Amelion we lived and loved.

I was surprised when Bell announced a "battle royale" game. I thought it was a huge theatrical mock-up, until i realized that the deaths were real.

After a lot of the candidates were killed by each other, Jonathan had his way with Bell. All Jonathan wants is for him and his surviving friends to be sent home. 

Bell refuses, instead she wants him to join her. Her charm doesn't work, as Jonathan tore my beloved Bell's senses apart (for a very justifiable reason).

That i realized that her charm got the reasoning part of me. However...

I can't live without Bell. I still believed that Bell is the one who selflessly served me since she volunteered herself.

And then i cried. I offered my help. That... 

That saved Bell and Sasha. 

The partial killing stopped and Bell agreed to gave them the Sagestone. Required to return to their universe. 

However they have no idea who's using it, and Bell were in pain of losing bodily functions.

Heard that the spirit behind Daniella, Mackie, could figure something out, so i let them be. Not to mention my mind was clouded by a sorrow back then.

Then, the Hive Mind and a demonic artifact called "Marker" appears.

It was... to say the least, crazy.

Both of us were eaten, Jonathan tried to save me but i was beyond saving.

Then i awakened. 

Well, both of us. 

The Sagestone is gone. 

Bell suffered the loss of bodily functions inflicted directly by Jonathan back then.

Sasha fared a bit well given that he's only losing an eye that can be replaced with a cybernetic one. 

And me?

I was crying, begging like a kid to stop hurting my beloved ones.

I cried as hard as i can so that my sorrow could drown the rage and will for revenge. 

It worked. 

I survived intact, as Jonathan didn't feel any killing intent from myself.

The power inside me, the Jade, offers himself a way to help Jonathan and friends home.

Then after the loop...


I do the initiative. This is supposed to be Bell's grand welcoming... 

But i took her place (though she followed me regardless, but she's too afraid to be alone and frail to do anything). Instead of turning them into Sage Candidates, i want to return them home. The bus driver and the teacher were unharmed, though shaken, as if a nightmare happens.

The Sagestone, on the hands of Jonathan now, were made use by myself (as Jonathan just can't) to send the class back home. 

But back then, beforehand, i had a single request towards Jonathan... 

Bell. Kill her. As i kissed Bell. 

True that Bell's damaged soul, which includes her disabled bodily functions, were destroyed.

But her consciousness... Through the kiss, i preserve it, and bring it back to her body. 

And thus, Bell returned, and healthy. 

But her soul is tied to me. Not physical condition so harming me wouldn't harm Bell and the reverse also applies... 

Two bodies, two consciousness, one soul.

If one dies the other would die as well. 

And just by "entering the mindspace" or "contemplate deep", we can see each other.

Bell also gradually felt and act like me, and i feel like turning to act like her at times.

We also have each other's memories. Turns out she was a model, voice actress, and singer in Alpha Universe. Who were exceptionally beautiful even after hitting late forties. 

It's bittersweet, indeed, but the cherry on top is that i can become closer to my wife, and my wife wouldn't left me for life. 

I send the bus and its occupants home by using the Sagestone and my own high mana concentration, not without giving them apology gifts and, for the subject of interest, a tailor made flesh and blood clone of me that i can remote control whenever i needed.

Yeah, pretty crazy story, isn't it? 

But still... The feeling lingers.

Regardless, in this largely unmapped world of Mobius Earth, also known as Omega Universe, there's a lot of fun things to do. 

I have a Logistics to run, 

A family to come home to, 

And a talent group to interact with. 

This is... 

John Archer, signing off.

As i finished writing off the diary i decided to lay down despite the sun is shining. 

As peace returned to Persica, the Tower District, no longer floating, were put down in the high rise areas of Los Suenos, as it should be. 

I thought up things that i can do... 

Would it be returning to the SWAT? No... Judge learned a lot. He can do it. 

Visiting the talents? A-chan said they're full for the day. 

Walking around town? Mmmm... Beds too comfy. 




Bell: Morning, my dear...

As i wrote the diary earlier, Bell already awakened and preparing breakfast. 

Bell: Blueberry jam pancake and Earl Grey. You haven't got your breakfast yet. 

Bell: Ufufu... 

Nice to see Bell became the usual... 

But she's refraining from being a "maniacal overlord" again. 

As i munched and gulped... 

John: Done. Thanks. 

Bell: John... 

John: (teasing) What? Charming me again? 

Bell: Of course not! 

Bell: If you have nothing to do... 

Bell: Please... 

Bell: Be with me... 

I hugged and kissed her.

John: Bell! 

Bell: Wait, it's too early! Besides last night... 

John: I know, I'm just wanting to enjoy your fluffy apron sleepwear! 

Bell: Ufufu... You...

Bell: Please, never change! 

Bell: Please keep being the childlike yet resourceful, brave, and thoughtful John Archer i loved! 

John: (smiles) Now... About Sasha... How he's doing? 

Bell: Well, he's doing well, getting along with Fuwamoco in the Security Line... 

Bell: And i heard he's start dating Kobo Kanaeru... 

John: All's well that ends well, i see! 

Bell: Yeah, but i think we should enjoy not just ourselves, but also living and being alive. 

Bell: (smiles heartfully) Once again... 

Bell: Thanks for granting me second chance in life! 

Bell: You're a Lieutenant Colonel... 

Bell: But you're the Captain of my life! 

Bell: Please, your decision stands with me. What will you do today or tomorrow?

John smiles back. 


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