Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Chapter 10TJ - Dine In, Fried Chicken

While celebrating after beating "Shadows Die Four Times" and turning Genichiro's castle into a tavern, Jonathan decided to take a break by himself. Suddenly, he noticed.

Jonathan: David... why?

Jonathan: Are you... drunk?

Jonathan then grabs David as both of them fell down into a chasm prepared specifically.

An Archer Logistics drone scouted the situation.

John: Huh. I guess that's it. 

Vincent: Well, there's no need to do an open attack, i think. That would result in much more losses.

Vincent: And why you're here?

John: Just passing by.

John: By the way, i wish that isn't the real David Beaumont. He look up on me highly at the LSPD.

Vincent: Yeah, the real David isn't an alcoholic. He's mingling at the LSPD Station.


The party just carry on without Jonathan. Even though Daniella were worried.


Now the Candidates are gathering in the remodeled and rebuilt Ashina Castle.

Carol: See? Sword Saint Isshin isn't that hard!

Ryouko: Well, you've backed by Sage candidates with powers that isn't in the Sekiro game...

John attended in place, prepared to be the local vocalist as usual due to the "angelic" voice.

John: Hmmm... what shall i sing next? "Basket Case" seems like next in the list. Want to sing "On my way" but that's a girl's song.

Of course, his beloved Bell is in place as well. Unlike John, she doesn't sing that well, apart from entertaining her one and only John.

 Bell: Now i congratulate all of you for succeeding the Sage candidate tests...

Bell: Become like a true one...

Bell: However... i felt like with all your abilities, even a FromSoftware-level difficulty isn't that hard for you. 

Bell: So... there will be an awakening event...

Bell: One final task for you all...

Bell: There'll be just one man standing between all of you...

Bell: You'll going to fight each other to be the strongest...

John: Heyyyy!!! We Battle Royale now?

Bell: John, this is for the Sage Candidates! You can Battle Royale by yourself with the random players or with the Candidates soon afterwards!

Bell: Here. You all free to mingle for a day...

Bell: There will be a large island, there will be an encroaching Darkness that you need to avoid. The rule is Solo Play.

Bell: Whoever survives, one of you, will become the next Sage.

John: Ah yes.... the grand finale!

John: Underworld Sagepoint!

Bell: Any questions?

Landon: But what if we refuse? We just get out, and cancel the whole thing, right?

Bell: Well, i mean it's just "you" who refused? Why? 

Landon: Skill issue.

Bell: If that's what you wish for...

Landon's user interface bans him for refusal to participate. Then...

Landon: Wait... Who am i? Where are you, who are you all? 

Bell: Here, two gold bars. Get out and make a living. 

Bell: Without his interface he lost all of his memories. Wish him a good employment at Archer Logistics.

Bell: Any questions again?

Several Sage candidates, in disagreement, trying to shoot Bell down in refusal.

Random Sage Candidate: Now die!

They do have the intention to shoot Bell down, so...

Of course due to level differences and area restrictions, it didn't work.

John: Normally i should blast you all, but...

Bell: Hmm... Hmmmhmmmhmmmhmm

Bell hums a tone.

And then, without the smile that's hanging on Bell's face since... forever, being broken, 

Bell waits for them to get close, and then melee-ing them, blowing them up.

Bell: Nah, nah, nah, who's the "administrator" here?

Bell: And either the UI didn't have level counter or you didn't turn it on!

Bell: Also this is a non-combat area! I'll make it so that before you enter the Morus Island, you can't hurt each other! If you really intent do, i'll deal with it accordingly. Like what just happened.

Bell: You're lucky dear John is forgiving.

Bell: Now, if i excuse myself and my beloved John here...

Bell: I'm sorry to say that the live music is cancelled for the time being.

John: Huh?

Bell: John, come here with me.

Bell then moves to the private quarters. 

There, John lying down, seemingly in anticipation of Bell.

Bell: Oh, you want me on top?

John: Ehe... Ehehehehe

Bell: Ufu.... well, one last thing.

Bell: Actually, order the Logistics Security staff to stand down. We need to have automated security measures - the one you prepared that is should be meant to hunt Jonathan Torrington - guarding the combat zone of the island. Let them have their well earned vacation for the success of getting rid of Jonathan Torrington.

Not only content of John Archer being providing more than ample mana, Bell seems desperate on absorbing large amount of mana from the carnage of the so-called "Sage Candidates" for some reason. 

John: (using encrypted communication module) This is John Archer, representing Archer Logistics. All personnel hereby has received the command to stand down. Until further notice, all Logistics personnel in the state of Persica are relieved of the duty.

John then enabled automated defense systems - initially meant to hunt Jonathan Torrington - to replace the off-duty Logistics "flesh and blood" staff.

ARC-9001: Task enabled.

Bell looked at the fertile island, it has everything everyone would dream of.

Bell: Too bad the Alpha Universe had such occurrences dwindling... That's why i invited them here... 

Bell: Once everything's over, we can create a new resort at the coastline... 

Bell: All for ourselves...

Bell: Reshape the land... Create a miracle island where both of us can live forever...

Bell: And after i perfected my soul magic... 

Bell: I shall be a divine queen, and you can rule besides me!

John: Wait... about the divine queen thing, is that a metaphor? Hope you're not power drunk.

Bell then seductively approaches John and both gradually disrobe themselves. 

Bell: And you, my darling, you'll shine brighter than the stars above at night!

John disrobes. His smooth, flat-as-a-board body is in full sight of Bell. 

John began to smile. 

John: (blushes) Ehe.... Ehehehehe

Bell: Ufu... Ufufu...

Bell: John.... Now give me...

Both then... danced, with John on top.

John: Haaaaahhhh.... Ahhhh.... Ahhhh... Aaahhhh... 

Bell: Ufufu.. Ufufufufu... 

Bell: It smells and tastes like satisfaction and aggression now... sweet... tasty. 


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