Tuesday, March 26, 2024

After Story 3 - Sharing A Soul


The sight of a sleeping, pillow-embracing John never bore Bell in the slightest, even though it's her view every night. Sometimes days, if he takes a customary nap.

However, as she tries to make herself, looking at the mirror...

She reminisced about how terrible she is as a power-drunk woman setting up game-like scenarios upon strangers pulled out of a whim due to their magical potential...

and then made them participate in a real "battle royale"

"I'm really, really sorry for losing my humanity" she thought by herself.

It's a mistake, or a sin, that she couldn't forgive by herself.

Bell, for some reason, can't sleep. The opposite of John, who slept soundly.

For a change, this is one of the few days that both did not do the deed, especially how John fell asleep quicker than expected.

Bell began to think...

And suddenly, she's getting the knowledge, memory, and personality of her beloved John, whom she shares a soul with.

"So this is what it feels to share a soul..."

"This might be interesting" she thought for herself.

But no, she didn't want to peer to others without consent anymore. No... not.

She thought of grabbing the game console.... or the PC... controller or keyboard...

And maybe having a night of play.

Video games are normally not a thing that interests her in the slightest. 

However, as she discovered this princess-like form of her...

She became highly obsessed, like her husband.

And now, even after all the things done...

She still kinda obsessed.

For some people especially in the "Alpha Universe" which both John and Bell had some unpleasant memories of...

It's a useless, time wasting, money wasting rabble.

But for many people, especially the "tail end of 20th century" generation...

It's an avenue of creativity,

Avenue of journey.

Avenue of storytelling no mere words or sequential images could tell.

A story in which the holder of the controller actively participating.

A playground in which players toward each other or logic-coded beings trade blows, soft or hard, for fun, or for rage.

An avenue where anybody can learn how to build and better themselves.

It affects both John and Bell's train of thought. 

Bell then tries to record her voice. 

"Do you wish to enjoy every single day to the fullest? What we want is for people like you to always have a reason to smile."

Bell: Hmmm....

Come to think of it... 


He smiles because i smiled. 

He laughs because i laughed. 

He cries because i cried.

And from now on...

He granted my wish. 

He saved my life. 

He absolved me of my sins. 

If any... He isn't that much different from... 

Oh my, what am i thinking? 

I was too much of an immortal that apart from playing roles, my common sense had lapsed so much. 

All my life i do things, good or bad, to impress my beloved. 

Be it Noir, be it John... 

Oh, my, i can only remember two men of my lives. 

But the two i remembered... 

Are the most... 



John awakened, seeing his dear Bell asleep.

John then checked the social media. 

John heard people saying that i act... Unusual. 


Blisscord chat:

Mella77: You're John27? 

John27: Yeah. 

Mella77: You played Call of Duty? 

John27: No... Not since Modern Warfare 3...hold on. 

John minimized the icon. There is icons of Call of Duty games. 

There's even an additional drive for Call of Duty! 

Wait a minute, am i....? 

Mella77: Well you're acting odd, but... 

Mella77: Not a bad thing though. 

Mella77: I mean you're killing it in the ranks... That's what is odd for you... 

John27: Wait... What? 

Wait... What? 

John opened Black Ops Cold War and seeing his rank... 

Wait a minute... 

This isn't me... 



John: Ehe... ehehehehe

Suddenly from the back, a comforting presence can be felt... 

Bell: Ufu.... Ufufufu... 

John: It must be... You. 

Bell: John... 

John: Bell... 

Just by thinking it, John can become or assuming control of Bell, and Bell can become or assuming control of John. 

As long as one of the other willing or sleeping. 

Bell: Must be... Because of your soul... 

John: Not my soul... Our soul. 

John27: Sorry... I'm going to get busy. See you later

Mella77: Later too, big shot! 

John knew that Bell did it. She intensely, as me, played the games i suddenly got into. 

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