Tuesday, March 26, 2024

After Story 2 - Shaken


One moment, in the Police Department of the City of Los Suenos, State of Persica...

Judge: John... you still have the shakes?

Judge: Ummm.... y.... yeah.

Judge: Might need to lay off the caffeine. Get some good sleep.

Judge: I know, you're ranked higher than me, but...

John: Well, if you know me personally, you know how often times, rank doesn't matter.

John: Besides, i'm just standing in whenever you're not available.

John: And don't be a stranger either, ehehe.

Judge: Well, as the platoon's lead, let me take over the platoon, and you're relieved for duty until i say so. You're going to need extended time-off if you still have the shakes.

Judge: I mean, it's been like 3 or 4 days since you have the shakes.

Judge: Good thing, that everything's still (kind of) in order.

John: I see, dismissed then.

John walked out, passing a squadmate.

Martinez: Yeah, you too. Stay safe out there.

John left police station.

John opens the map, seemingly readying fast travel.

But no, John want to bask in the night, starry sky as usual.

There's something called "sunbathing", but for John, he prefers "moonbathing" especially since his time in Alvarn.

Of course, he's still couldn't... and for the rest of his life... never... stop thinking of his beloved.

Bell Aster Archer, formerly Bell Springfield, or just call her Bell or "darling", "beloved", "strawberry ice cream".

In return, she calls him "darling", "beloved", "sweet peppermint ice cream coffee".

As he could felt her presence thanks to sharing one soul, he smiled, pretty much assured that things are just... going... to.... be... okay.

He then took a little shopping at the local convenience store.... and then...

...he fast-traveled into the private quarters of Tower District, his and his wife's home, sweet home.

His wife smiles less often since that... well, let's just call it "nightmare". With quotation marks.

Also the constant nightmares she... well... and i.... suffered makes me felt that things just never be over yet.

Bell unintentionally summoned a harbinger of death and destruction, and her reckless refusal of reversing it, thinking that it's fun and claiming that it's "harder to send back" (she could just ask me nicely or giving up a lot of power)

I broke free of her subconscious mind control (that i willingly subject myself due to the inherent fear of the harbinger that Bell seemingly stave off) as she gradually has her bodily functions lost. The harbinger attacked Sasha as well, though Sasha intended to protect us. 

Miracle or not, i managed to protect the ones i love and eventually, send the harbinger and friends home. 

Still i can't believe that to keep watch, because at the best of times the harbinger is a chill fellow, that i managed to send out a clone to live with him. Did it on a whim because Dani, the harbinger's girlfriend, wondered if there's somebody like me. 

Several days have passed and the nightmare returns... 


Bell: John! 

Bell finds John attempting to load his gun to his own chin.

 His face is calm, but Bell can feel the sorrow inside him.

Bell: (echoes)John... I love you... (echoes) 

Using her charm, Bell managed to have John put the gun down.

Without much talking, Bell put him into a deep sleep and carry him to the queen sized bed. 

He's been through a lot, and he's far younger than herself, so it can't be helped that his mind was shattered. He could put together his mind at times, but it was only for a short while before it shattered once again. 

For the last few days, John sometimes have tendencies people said to be "suicidal". 

Bell often found John alone, at the balcony, crying. 

And this is like the third time John attempted to use his weapon on himself. 

Bell begs endlessly for forgiveness and wishing that things would become better.

As it given while her husband completely forgives whatever he did...

She, to this day, can't forgive herself.

Especially how her husband mind is clearly, at times, shattered. 

As she enjoyed the sight of her beloved sleeping soundly as usual, she contemplates.

Bell: John... 

Bell: I'm sorry, i really am...

Hours later..

John awakened, with his lover and dear wife on his side.

He held no grudge. He absolved and forgive him. 

He thankful to whoever turn back time, giving us second chances, though not without its flaws. 

He rubbed her hair. 

She awakened. 

John: Bell... 

Bell: John. 

Tears dropped from their eyes as emotions flooded their soul. 

John: I.... I..... 

Bell: ......

Without further "crying together" time, Bell immediately put John back to sleep. And herself of course.


The next day....

The meeting room in the middle (as opposed to the upper private quarters) section of Tower District, now in the surface of Los Suenos, Persica, instead of floating ever since that the summoning thing...

As usual, John didn't pay much attention to the matter... Still, he's never seen as incompetent.

But yeah, today there's a lot of "shaken" incidents between John and some people who just can't dismiss the "nightmare".

As usual, before the meeting, Bell has taken care to cast a couraging spell on John. Days to come just had to become harder.

The matter has good news and bad news.

The good news is that Archer Logistics will see more paid day-offs and open company gatherings.

The bad news is that several dig sites...

Including the island where Bell and John vividly remembered the confrontation...

Is under control of the government-funded Altman Research.

Rothwynn also take control of several logistics-related operations, especially concerning the hot zones around the continents of Eufrices and Rabiah.

But the most surprising of all... 

Is that Deputy Chief Andersen, basically the de-facto authority of the military security of the United States of Amelion...

Will be taking over as the chief of Archer Logistics.

Knew him a little. 

"He's stern, but reasonable" said a girl, only known as "Snow White" that was hand-picked personally by him as part of Andersen Security.

John: So, basically, i'm relieved of my duties?

Andersen: In short, yes. However, you're still an employee and executive of Archer Logistics. Make the company proud.

Andersen: You'll also retain your duty on decision-making towards non-combat branches of Archer Logistics.

Andersen: As for you, whenever you've called in, it's in my authority.

Andersen: Dismissed.

Yeah, Andersen was stern, but he's still having lots of leeways. Especially for things that aren't in the fault of somebody.

Bell awaits, smiled.

John: I think this is it, it's time for several days off as i... no, we... thinking of what to do next.

Bell: Yeah, sure.

John: Maybe... just maybe...

Bell: Hmmmm?

John: Do the usual thing of having my legs and arms guiding my way through the world...

Bell: And don't forget. If you will it.... As our souls were the same...

Bell: I can fast travel nearby you at will or in distress...

Bell: And you should be able to do the same.

Bell: By the way...

Bell: That troubled look of yours...

Bell: I might've need to get used to it. Ufufu...

John: Seriously, Bell, what kind of look do you prefer?

Bell: Anything but being angry, of course!

Bell started to become gradually happier as John's chipper attitude gradually returned.

 Still, the relapse apparently never fully heal because part of John's soul is shared with hers, but with constant happiness and stimulation, John is functional and could live daily lives unimpeded.

Somehow, winter never came even in the beginning of the year, but all John and Bell wanted is to make an impression... based of an ancient Far Eastern tale about a literal star-crossed lovers that, if made together based on prayers, will grant wishes in return.


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