Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Character Profile - "Perseverance made Spirit" (Default Name: John Archer)

John Archer, 33 years old. Camo outfit, his signature. 

Default appearance. Regardless of the change-able appearance, the eye will be green.

Voiced by:

Miyu Irino (Japanese) Micah Solusod (English) [Teenager]

Chiharu Sawashiro (Japanese) Brian Bloom (English) [Adult, Type 1]

Yuuichi Nakamura (Japanese) Peter Jessop (English) [Adult, Type 2]

Hiro Shimono (Japanese) Gavin Drea (English) [Adult, Type 3]

Soma Saito (Japanese) Max Mittelman (English) [Type 4, both Teenager and Adult]

Jun'ya Enoki (Japanese) Caleb Yen (English) [Type 5, both Teenager and Adult]

Also known as:

Dragonborn (practically made up by John in the new universe because it's not Tamriel or Nirn) 

Lovely Honey (from Thea)

Guardian of Persica


Sentinel (his preferred nickname) 

Security Officer (note, "officer", not "leader" though he's technically a leader)

Vanguard (his preferred nickname, two) 

All he remembers is that he is awakened by an angelic-looking figure with the face and the voice of her beloved little sister, Alice.

In this "new universe" that is known as Mobius, he awakened in his 13 years old, just as the soul is sent forth by the time of the birth of his little brother, Lugh Tuatha De.

Such as how he feels lighter than usual, in his words he felt like a "videogame character". He's also less likely to feel pain (as in how getting an arrow felt like being pinched) as well as being adept with various weaponries quickly as soon as his brother Lugh taught him years afterwards.

Early on, alongside Lugh's affinity to hunting, farming, and cooking, John's affinity is, thanks to his favorite game, is mining and building shed to craft, upgrade equipment, and mine better stuff. Also shooting as well, but initially, he's only able to hunt, before doing assassinations. 

Both contribute to the family's wealth by the jobs.

As he awake in the new world, all he remembers is how he fell asleep being awakened by the sound of a baby crying. After getting to know his family and learning that he's basically in coma since his birth until the age of 13, he set to write everything he remembers after he discovers that he'll be having a little brother, making him out to be a writer. 

Despite being the member of Tuatha De nobility, he was cast out of his nobility surname in favor of "Archer", even given custom uniform in hopes that his action for the family's assassination career (as he it set and taught to provide combat and distractions) cannot be traced directly to the nobility.

His natural appearance are an oddity. Despite the nobility tend to have fairer skin and usually silvery hair, his appearance resembles a common Amelion (America in Mobius) people instead - bright, slightly sun-burnt skin (instead of being clear pale), and a hair as dark as the darkest night itself. He has a jade green eyes, noted by many as "beautiful". 

Despite being taught equally along with Lugh by the head of the family Cian Tuatha De, John rejects the term "assassin" preferring "wanderer", "vanguard", or "sentinel" in situational terms, as he hopes that by doing this all of his actions supporting the Tuatha De assassination operations cannot be traced directly to the nobility no matter how open his acts are compared to the often stealthy and shadowy Lugh.

His ability centered around video games, as in:

The ability to compress objects, though not all, and the ability to construct stuff by using "crafting table" also the ability to bring up an interface in which only he can see, to manage skill and to see "crafting recipes"

He also can see what remains of a loaded weapon without opening the cartridge, and while moving, aiming, and shooting, he can just imagine "he's having his hands on keyboard and mouse".

As he bonded further with his lover, he has more abilities as well, like being charming without even trying, achieve extremely high focus where to others it seems like John is moving fast, and generally increased moving speed, among others. 

John has an odd quirk as well, the fact that most people he sees as "not important" will quickly forget him no matter what, effectively preventing him, except to his closest ones, to be identified. This extends to how if John has to commit chaotic acts in order to provide Lugh's cover.

That and lately he often has flashes of being someone he supposed not to be, and perfectly acting as those guy (even instantly having their memories), feeling like a lucid dream but everything he acted as really happen. And then as he grew up, he can mind-link with anyone he befriended. Something he usually did to bolster confidence or tie up loose ends.

Mind-link, as in basically mind control but consenting.

Has a strong long-term memory and made a living by storytelling works of art and entertainment from the old world, which during his pastime, often wrote. When his brother Lugh noticed that both he and Lugh "apparently" reincarnated from an "old-world", both told everything they remembered.

As a sentinel he wore a black combat uniform, designed by his father, with green accents signifying his status as a sentinel. But more than uniform, he considers the uniform an everyday clothing given that he isn't formally align in a military force... yet.

As the leader of Archer Logistics later on, he's almost always seen wearing military or law enforcement clothing, though sometimes he dresses as a nobleman in occassions.

Though actually older by 13-years margin than Lugh, he didn't look taller than Lugh, they roughly on the same height.

Fell in love at first sight with Bell Springfield, the Tuatha De's longtime housemaiden and its most valuable member, in which within a week they're married. Despite the unnaturally high attraction and Bell being somebody who can exert attractiveness at will, John insists that he's not brainwashed. He's truly loving Bell as she is.

"I will be with you until the sun, moon, and stars are no more".

-John to Bell.

"The one between your ears? Slightly above your eyes? I treasure it the most inside the most beautiful receptacle i've ever seen, which is you."

-Bell to John.

In turn, Bell treasured John ever. More than her past lovers where Bell (apparent) immortality outlived them. She even said that all of his parts, especially the brain where he could solve any possible problems they encounter, as the most treasured object of the world ever existed. 

John's spirit of perseverance and unnaturally high attraction provided Bell the most mana to regenerate and reverse aging. This also extends to John himself, where he's 33 but looking like 19. Through John's stream of mana, Bell can conjure lots of Sage Powers / Battle Song System and granting it to those Bell personally chosen. 

He is noted to be, despite his laziness at times, being extremely kind (impulsive outbursts aside) and trying to be helpful whenever possible.

Lately however after the couple move into Archer Logistics, John is noted to be sleepy so often especially in daytime. Those who heard hard enough often listen to moans and giggles every night at the top level suite of Archer Logistics. He's hitting 33 yet still looks like a 19 year old, with many remarking him as "cute" or "charming".

But don't mistake his cuteness and gentle, kind demeanor as a weakness, for he often shows his true strength at combat, earning declarations of honor and fear throughout his allies and enemies.

That's said, off-duty, people, usually his subordinates, noted that his personality is "dynamic", where, off-duty, he didn't have any trace of a "commanding" personality, looking and acting often like a school or college aged person, and sometimes seen flopping and wailing as well. 

John Archer, 33 years old. Law enforcement suit with Archer Logistics accents. 

The appearance of an instant death dealer and a surprisingly "giftless" warrior brought him fear, uncertainty, and doubt for the first time in his second life, especially seeing how his brothers and sisters in arms gradually being killed. The logistics, his subordinates... even his wife puts a facade, as if she wants for him to stay out of the matter.

Yet John can feel the dread. Feeling that the end is soon to come for him and the closest ones. 

Despite being a seasoned one-man army with body count worth hundreds, he sees the idea of killing innocents, apart from pure accident and being forced to serve the enemy side, disgusting. That being said, when it comes to Bell, instead of being angry, John instead willing to take (the sin) for himself, as he blames himself for waking up late and not overseeing his wife's scheme.

As it is revealed, he has the ability to "return by death" where upon his death the universe seemingly straight up resets to the point where desirable outcomes can be achieved. 

The second time involving nukes, everyone remember the whole thing. As if it was set up... Thus from then on, John became an entity of interest by people around him. Also people around him can made amends of the happenings.

As a "Perseverance Made Spirit", he is practically immune* to Jonathan Tammison's Mystic Eyes of Death / Dead Eye. Jonathan "could" bypass John's Return By Death but that would involve Jon physically killing John. And Nature Itself has a "Counter-Force" (Deterrent Force) to prevent it from being easy.

*The immunity mostly stems on how John lacks killing intent toward Jon, not just out of fear but also out of kindness, and Jon himself cannot, for whatever reason, bring himself to kill the honey-cutey-minty-pie known as John Archer. The other way around also applies given that Dani, Jon's girlfriend-later-wife, reminds John of John's cousin, and Jon is also as much of a gamer as John were.

Reality Marble "Boss Fight"

That being said, if Jon really intend to defeat (not kill, cannot kill) John, then John unleashes his most powerful innate barrier ability Reality Marble "Boss Fight". In it, John's attacker universe is transformed into a boss fight with John as the stage boss. John will be unconsciously assigned a role and form that is suited to the attacker's skill, weaponry, and games preferrance.

For instance, John will take the form of a Lord of Salt (which resembles the Soul of Cinder but with a spear) if the attacker has swords and spells, or John will take the form of a hyper-powered combat armor akin to a Hanged Man Armored Core if the attacker is driving or piloting an armored combat machine.

Defeat of John will severely weaken John after making the Reality Marble crumble, allowing the attacker to deal the final blow. In case there is no final blow, John will recover after a day's worth of rest.

Conversely, the defeat of the attacker will severely weaken the attacker after the Reality Marble turns off, allowing John to deal the final blow. In case there is no final blow, the attacker will recover after a day's worth of rest.

The known attacker that could trigger the Boss Fight is so far only Jonathan Torrington, given John's preferrence to fight the others "fair and square" and John is known to survive multiple sniper attacks with only injuries on his side.

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