Monday, January 29, 2024

Chapter 2TJ - Survival Begins

 We walked to a nearest cabin.

The cabin looks uninhabited, but tidy.

There's weapons all around there.

Granted, if i will it, i can make my targets die.

However, for the sake of Dani here, and how it takes a lot of focus doing that, i need weapons.

I guess a pair of revolvers and repeater shotguns would suit us well.

Still i wonder how there's military grade weapons laying around... does she intend to play games with us?

I prefer Western classics due to their resilience though. And i couldn't lug many weapons yet at this point. 

Not particularly a fan of Battle Royale, but i remember an insistent friend who loved that genre.

There's some pain pills as well...

Things like this reminds me how we played Left 4 Dead 2 together with Mom* and Dani.

Age ratings doesn't matter, said somebody i knew back in the day.


Well, some guns, some weapon tutorials, and some dead bandits later....

Dani: Look! The city gate! But why they're closing out?

Jon: Well, it's evening already...

We made it into the outer gates of Persica.

All i can think of is a warm bed.

Guard: Halt. City's closed with the dragon's about. Official business only.

Dani: But sirrrrr.... we've beaten the dragon.

Guard: Fine, but we'll keep an eye on newcomers like you two.

A guard, seemingly the leader, by the name of Mildew, approaches:

Mildew: Well, nice to see a fellow, i don't know, busmates?

Mildew: But....

Mildew: Hold it.... before i let you into Outer Persica, you need to pay the visitor's tax.

Dani: This is obviously a shakedown! (Persuade)

Jon: Well, we heard everybody headed to Persica. But well, we have nothing, so how do we earn?

Mildew: Well, that girl, and only that girl, is welcome.

Jon: Huh?

Dani: HUH? No, thank you!

Dani: (silently) Come on, let's leave. Things got freaky here.

I'm thinking to start a gunfight but as you can see, guards would start pouring in and...

Dani: Well, not only because of the dignity, but... i'm just afraid you'll going to kill and kill.

Jon: Well, i've got standards.

Jon: Yeah, yes, it is.

And now... as we approach the cafe...

GULP. A Virtual Streamer?

Catgirl: Are you two sage candidates, meow?

Catgirl: I'm Mireiyu. Nice to meet you two!

Mireiyu: Any problems, meow?

Dani: Hey, check it out, cat ears!

Jon: So?

Mireiyu: If there's anything you need help with, we're setting up a free accomodation, meow!

Dani: Really?

Jon: Then how it'll benefit you?

Mireiyu: Because i dig powerful male, sage candidates, like you, meow!

Mireiyu: (looking at Jon) Like you! You're strapping AF! Come here!

Then Mireiyu puts a X (not allowed) gesture, and said:

Mireiyu: W... waitaminute... you already got a girlfriend, aren't you, meow?!

Dani: (clearly feigning) Not his girlfriend. Sorry. We're just surviving together.

Jon: What did you say?

Dani: Well, to be honest, an accomodation will be nice. Won't want to lose stamina and had to sleep someplace where we can be easily mugged in the night, right?

The two then walk around the town at night, and...


Gets a nice pair of clothes! It looks gorgeous on her!

While i... just get a similar t-shirt and tie. Ever since the internship, it always looks good on me.


Argonians, Khajiits, Alik'rs, and bandits of various types circle us.

Like there's 12 of them.

Jon: Well, this is kinda expected.

I immediately unholster both of my Carlson Single Action Army.

Looking good though almost never used, and i'm pretty sure it fires well too.

Jon: For starters, six shooters to the back...

Dead Eye activated, Jon marks all the targets behind...

And all of them dropping dead.

Bandit on the front: What the hell, you just did?

Jon: What? People die if they got shot in the weakness... so....?

Jon: Then to the Khajiits and Argonians, i try to target his specific weakness just to intimidate.

Jon: They all dropping dead, even horrifying Dani.

Dani: Jon, i know you're the sharpest shooter in Red Dead Online, but that's... well, lesson learned, i think.

Jon: Up next, Flashbang. Dani, cover your eyes.

Jon then throws a flashbang, blinding them all except for the two, followed by critical hit shots.

Mireiyu: Just... what the hell are you?

Mireiyu and a bandit left...

Dani: So you just left them to jump on us another day?

Jon: No.... i got this.... 

Jon then tries to shoot them at a distance... and... it hits.

Mireiyu: I shouldn't have messed with the wrong men... (last words)

Bandit: U...uugh...

Jon: (to Dani) We should get outta here.


Sirens and car noises from the back.

Vans and cars with the label PPD encircle us.

Persica Police Department, i presume.

Edelgart: Freeze! PPD!

Edelgart: Come here, dead or alive, don't force us to bring the "Judge" down here!

Jon: I mean... both of us are innocent. Look, they have bigger weapons than us, and... uh.... self defense.

Dani just trembled.

Edelgart: Don't lie! I see that you've killed them in one hit, with a .357! That's an impossibility given the caliber!

Dani: Figures! Dirty cops!!

Dani: It's obvious that you lads won't help us, a couple of helpless couple!

Edelgart: Actually... That's because we want to discreetly track the bandit leader...

Jon: So, in other words, you used both of us as a bait?

Edelgart: Of course! But just don't mess with us!

Edelgart: We're under the employ and assistance of the Sages. Need to know basis only.

Edelgart: So, strike us, and you'll...

Edelgart's second in command, Jorge, said:

Jorge: Chief, you won't going to believe it, but...

Jorge: Dude's only got a UI as a "gift", and the girl... has nothing.

Edelgart: You gotta kidding me...

Jorge: Yeah, it's hard to believe that they're doing this all.

Edelgart: Guess... we have no reason to apprehend or question them...

Jorge: My apologies... Please forgive our haughty captain.

Jon: Sure thing.

Jon: But...

Jon: This day's such a beat, could you show us a place where we can eat and stay?

Edelgart: Got live ones here!


Winfield Manor.

Loot's pretty good for the night.

Dani: Whoa!!!! This is like a castle!!!! Though, apart from Skyrim, i never went into a castle before.

Jon: Now, about the lodgings.... should we have one room for the couple, or...

Dani: Whoa... uh.... no, no funny ideas please should you decide on one room...

Jon: Then that's it. Two rooms next to each other.

Dani then enters her suite.

Whoa....! It's huge!

What a loot back then from the bandits.... it's enough for one room....


To think about it... I felt uneasy every time i got separated from him... Jon.

Without him, i think i may be powerless...

I really really wonder if Mr. Torrington really loves me... i mean. Girlfriend... yeah. Emphasis on friend.

Hmph. All he cares is Bethesda. Microsoft. FromSoftware. Rockstar Games. Sony.

I hear a glint.


I notice a ghost wearing an ancient dress.

Dani: Sis? What are you doing in Mobius?




Mackie: Oh, sorry, just call dearie sweet ancestor here Mackie.

Dani: Whoa. Eh... Nice to see you. But please, away with the shouting! You're attracting unwanted attention here!

Mackie: As a spirit. I will protect you. No. In fact, i am already with you since the beginning.

Mackie: Like...

Mackie: Why aren't you getting the "Gift"?

Mackie: It's to protect you, so that you're not becoming those... maniacs who treat the world like it's a videogame.

Mackie: I've been yanking out the "Gift" from Jonathan as well, if that's eases your mind. I'm sure with his ability, even that is something he doesn't need.

Dani: I see. I see.

Mackie: Now you go get some rest, Granny Mackie's will always be here for you.

The scene cuts to John Archer. He's leading the PPD's "D Platoon" responding on a violent standoff in a convenience store.

The one that Jon and Dani had just purchased clothes from, but attacked by a different group of assailants.

John: Police! On the ground!

John: Put your hands up and stay down!

John succeeds in making one of the assailant giving up.

John: This is for your own good.

Several arrests and rescues later...

John: TOC, this is entry team. Put em on safe and let them hang, boys. Mission complete.

Prescott: Well, you're a nice stand in for Judge. Judge himself would be so proud of you. He's kinda hard to please, so that's that.

John: Nevermind, just doing my job and... training fellow law enforcements.

John: Can't believe it's just a day.

Prescott: Well, judging from your performance, you can come and go as long as duty available.

Prescott: Besides...

Prescott: You're that Logistics guy, right? Your ability serves you well.

Meanwhile, at the Persica Police Department Headquarters...

Female Operator: ...bunch of criminals died with only a single low caliber bullet fire... one that shouldn't be capable for killing in one hit...

Female Operator: ...the ringleader, a catgirl known as Mireiyu, found awash on the Southern Basin...

Female Operator: ...some survived, but experienced total loss of sense of their body parts... 

John: (eating sandwich) hmmmmffmmmm, sttrangeee...

John kept eating and gulping, trying to shake the anxiety he's stuck on since... well, that mind feeling appears like a day or two ago.

John then marks the day on reception.

John: Well, i call it a day, i guess. And i'm not a permanent day-to-day worker, just an independent contractor, so....

Reception: Well, it's up to you then. Regardless, your performance is something this city really needed. Looking forward to have a fellow Logistics member joining up the force!

John then left with casual t-shirt, expecting to see his wife back home.

Ever since the cases of people... just dropping. John felt unease. Maybe it reminds him of his previous, highly anxious "real" life. Maybe it reminds him that everyone has its time...

But either way, he heads home. Finding his and his wife's bedroom... empty.

She said she has important matters to discuss. Perhaps about the "Sage" thing? 

But nevermind, i can chill. The pillow is just as comfy as always, the air is cool, take some showers and perfume, then...

The scene cuts to Dani, who is dreaming.

Dani: Don't know about you much, since you appeared in my dream, but like Granny Mackie here, you offer me nice advise, and i intend to see you further... but... Jon...

Venti: Well, stay with Jon, you.... He's your guidance in the waking world. Without him you might as well as... not surviving.

Venti: Isn't having guardian angel fun? Well, reminds me of a squeaky travel companion...

Travel Companion: "Huh?"

Venti: Ehe.

Travel Companion: "What do you mean, ehe?"

Venti: Than a granny, but, as they said, respect your elders, all that...

Venti: And you have an amazing granny there, so cherish.

Dani then awakened.

Jon: Mornin'.

Jon: Trouble sleeping?

Dani: Well.... kinda complicated.

Come to see it, that men... Venti, he does a bit look like my dear Jon here... Except Venti looks... i don't know... cuter?

Dani: But we should check out already, our goal is to go home, not loitering around!

Jon: Yeah, fine, no lollygagging, as they said.

Elizabeth Conway: Greetings, i'm Elizabeth Conway, the concierge for the guided tour of this hotel...

Dani: Hey, nice you see you...

Beth: You can call me Beth.

Jon: Well, as you went to your room earlier, i asked Beth here to pinpoint the route where the bus survivor is going...

Jon: We'll have an air support here, C-130...

Beth: I'll provide long range communications, navigations, but you two...

Beth: Here's a locomotive ticket. Going with a military airplane would attract unwanted attention, so we pose as a standard air reconnaisance unit for the Archer Logistics...

Dani: What's a "Logistics"?

Beth: Cover organization for the Sages. Unless you belong to them Sages, you shouldn't mess around with them. Their gear resembles the military gear, but they don't bear the Amelion flag.

Dani: Ame...ame....?

Jon: America in this universe.

Beth: In case you didn't know, i'm with the US-JSOC. And as a soldier, i want to help fellow countrymen out from this universe, as they, and you two, are unwilling.

Later at the train....

Dani: What now...

Jon: Yeah, we both now together again... eye by eye...

Dani: (blushes)

Dani: So....

Dani: Dani... you can see my ancestor here?

Jon: Well, since you told me, yeah.

Jon: By the way, won't you sit here?

Dani: "You" as in grandma or me?

Jon: (smiles) You, of course.

Dani noticed her Jonathan there playing a third person shooter game.

Dani: What now? Fatal Bullet?

Dani smiles. She think of his boyfriend here like Kirito.

But of course, she's happier knowing that Kirito is a pipsqueak compared to her lovely Jon.

Dani: Well, back to the topics... where did the survivor go...

Jon: Well, according to the AWACS who tracked the sudden appearance of a Japanese bus...

Dani felt asleep, almost doesn't catch the whole thing about AWACS, reconaissance, blablabla...

Dani: Well, it's crazy how it's just like a day and you've got the backing of the US Army here...

Jon: Well, they have a common enemy, and they'll interested to send us home, because we want to get home...

Jon: Dani get down!

Suddenly the train stops as explosion and gunfire suddenly appeared.

PA Voice: Attention. Emergency protocols. Engine failure.

Jon then gives me a gun. 

MK23 Socom.

Dani: Look, an armored soldier!

Jon: Don't interrupt. No collateral, no cross fire!

The armored soldier lost to a Dragon Quest-looking swordsman.

Then the swordsman aiming his attack at us!

Dani: We're civilians! Cease fire!

Unknown: You're an eyesore!

Jon: No, you.

Unknown: I'm a Sage. Now give up, and....

Jon: No, you die.

Jon aims his M82 Barrett right into the chest of the unknown Sage that just taken down the armored soldier.

The "Sage" just fell down.

Dani: Wait... you killed him, right?

Jon: Well, it's a self defense, right?

Armored Soldier: Wait...

Armored Soldier: I offer you my gratitude for helping me...

Armored Soldier: However...

The Armored Soldier then points to Dani.

Armored Soldier: Dani? That's your name? Dani... isn't destiny's a harsh mistress....

Dani: eh?

Armored Soldier: But... It'll be on you now, daughter.

Integrating new DNA profile.... Initializing....

Recording: Dani... It's all i can do... For all of us...

Recording: I'm used up... My body... is used up. 

Dani: Rest in Peace, unknown soldier...

Dani then prepares to bury the unknown soldier before telling Dani to continue on foot.

Meanwhile, this is a nice piece of armor... Can't believe, in just two days...

Dani then moved somewhere to wear the armor inside her "magical girl" outfit.

Meanwhile.... Later...

Edelgart and Jorge investigates the combat zone, now surrounded by both the US Army and PPD...

Including the dead Dragon Quest-looking swordsman.

Edelgart and Jorge: Gasp... That Sage Santos, right?

John: (munching sandwich) Ummm... Jonathan Torrington and Daniella Tammison?

John remembered that there will be a new guest coming. Probably talking about the recent unusual rash of events that bothered his mind as well.

John overheard her beloved Bell talking to the new guest. It seems like they're talking about the recent mysterious deaths happening.

"Ah yes, Rayne", as John observes. I remembered fighting with him in Eisenblut. She has longer hair than what i remember.

Bell: Dead Eye, right? I thought Santos is immune from that...

Rayne: Dead Eye... well, last time i read, two of its wielders died... another two lived a life away from action...

Bell: Figures, probably, it's about the incoming darkness...

Rayne: There's a lot of pressing matter, like, the one that's going around killing Sages so easily.

Rayne: So please, my friend, don't interfere with the Sage candidates. Now i'm taking over from here.

Bell: So, now you decide to take over the plan me and my lovely John had cooked for months? 

Rayne: For the sake of little... John... there.

Bell: Ufufu... John's not little!

I smiled a bit.

Bell: Looks like that's it then. Thanks and bye bye!

As i opened the door, i look at Bell straight in the face.

Bell: My honey, what's the sullen look?

Rayne: And oh, forget about the snacks. I can grab some on my own.

Bell: John my beloved, this is a grown-up matter!

Eh... eh... i'm 33.

But yeah, Bell and... who she is... Rayne... she's like already older than mine.

Bell: Come on, take some munchies, banish your anxious feelings, and....

John: Ehe....ehehehehe...

Bell: Ufufufu...

John blushes given it's the corridor, not their own personal quarters....

But yeah, the next step is obvious, Bell grabbed me along to our personal quarters and then we began... frenching...

True that Bell can play with him anytime, anyday, especially at night and lately John felt elevated, but John have a lot of thoughts. Mostly bad. Such as how Bell seems to be hiding something, and there's rash of people who suddenly... just drop dead.

All of these could be the end of us all... 

John often has phases where he think about death itself along with the impending end of things that he savoured. True that he can "return by death" any time, but lately, just like in his previous life, a sense of creeping dread, especially how a lot of people and things just.... die... made him felt fearful.

Sometimes he even had silent crying and sobbing fits.

He even missed his family, but now it is the next cycle of his life, so that he couldn't even met them.

And such cycle has its end as well... 

Things that, no matter how strong he is, are often beyond his control. 

Especially... the great end itself.


With only the smooth silken blanket covering our beautiful bodies, i embrace my beloved Bell as my mind slowly drifts out...

Or not, i'm just insomniac at any times, but Bell doesn't mind i'm loitering around anywhere. It's my home, and my headquarters.

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