Sunday, January 28, 2024

Chapter 3TJ - San Da Silva

 It's the morning and John's still lightly dressed with a comfy, canvas t-shirt. 

He does, however, wondered why...

Did his dearest Bell hid something from him?

Does his uneasy feelings are related to the... happenings?

John overheard his dearest mentioning the name Jonathan Torrington and Daniella Tammison, supposedly from the bus she "brought in" to recruit.

Which, for John, probably okay. The wonderland known as Mobius needs more people anyways.

But 16 fatalities...

"Grown up matters", i'm 33, did my dearest wife, who had nothing to hide after all, started hiding something?

I've met some cool guys in a tavern, like, yesterday. Befriended that one Cameron Taylor. He seems to be... troubled. Didn't know why.

Well, he already rested for like 10 or 11 hours... it's time...

He then takes some showers and get dressed.

Time to set the clock for the PPD then. 

Along the way, he met one of his subordinates, Gomez.

Gomez: Something on your mind? People said you'll twitchy and "uneasy"...

John: Uhhhh.... fine, fine. 

Gomez: As a brother-in-arms, i just want to say, "don't overdo yourself."

John: Well, how about the date with Winfield?

Gomez: Oh, you know that we're dating...? Well, she's a nice girl, but you, as a superior, know that i'm on duty, right?

John: Uhhh... Ohhh... yes, yes, you're dismissed for this day. Go on. Have fun.

Gomez: Ummm... sure. Who's going to take my post anyway?

John: Well, i'll report to Thorns later. See you.

Gomez: Good day.

With sandwich on mouth, John marches on for his day-to-day task at the PPD. Something so that the Logistics could get an additional contract funding. And staff training as well.

Chief: Afternoon, John? Trouble sleeping?

Chief: Well, most of the force have... those... uneasy feel. Trouble sleeping. Wish to be relocated, all that stuff.

Chief: But they're really glad on meeting you. I mean, you've got that smile...

John: Ummm... Teehee.

Chief: Yeah, but i can see behind that smile that you're... clouded.

Chief: Well, nothing to do here for the platoon apart from the firing range and VR simulation now.

Chief: Or... you could just laze around on the roof.

Funny, this is the first time John - or anybody - have a chief telling them to laze around. 

But sure. Things just... well, it's like anybody could sense the end of the world is near.


Dani: Ahhh yes... we're here at... let's see...

The sign...


Dani: Well, strange name, and the city... looks modern.

Dani: So... lock and load, then?

Jon: There's no point. I won't do a GTA-style chaos. That was wrong. I'm only killing those who were out for our blood.

Dani: Well, hold on tight... Just want to try the armor...

Jon was surprised to see her girlfriend allowing him to hold her.

Of course, both wanted to jump down.


Jon: I hope that's inconspicuous enough.

Dani: Where to next?

Jon: Beth tell us... and already booked... a high rise hotel.

Jon: There will be JSOC contacts... and a base of operations.

Dani: Cool, i'm down with that!

Entering the hotel...

Dani: Whoa, this felt like home....

Then suddenly...

I see a fancy-looking nobleman looking guy...

Ah yes, it's Taylor. Knew him back. Only he left earlier.

Dani: Well, you got here earlier?

Taylor: Yeah, thanks to our contacts. Archer. Military guy.

Erica: Now who's this bee-yoootch?

Erica: You've been awfully close to Taylor, you fetcher!

Taylor: Chill, Erica. She's my classmate.

Erica: If you say so....

Taylor then gets surrounded by beautiful girls. Seems to be cosplayers.

Dani: Who the hell are they?

Jon: I would ask the same thing.

Taylor: Oh, i forget to introduce you... these are my bodyguards.

Erica: I'm Erica, Fifth Class Private from Archer Logistics... But honestly, names are for friends, and you two are not my friends, but this is because Taylor told me to.

Stephanie: I'm Stephanie, Fourth Class Private, Archer Logistics... I shouldn't talk to you unless Taylor told me as well.

Chelsea: Third Class Private Chelsea...

(miming her grinning teddy bear) would you just die, stranger?

Elize: Second Class Private Elize. I found both of you an eyesore. Would you drop off the sight, please?

Lisa: Here's Sergeant First Class Lisa, and i'm the captain of all before you. Drop off your arrogance or i'll send more reinforcements after you two.

Dani: What's with the unfriendliness! You all approached us!

Taylor: Apologies. They're just that overprotective.

Jon (whispers): Hey, hey, Taylor seems awfully in over his head...

Dani: Well, before we all enter Mobius, we know that he's such a womanizer.

Taylor: Then..... will you (looking at Dani) be my mistress?


Taylor: Perhaps i'm too hasty after all, or...

Taylor: Probably you're already taken by this... Torrington?

Taylor: But i'll would enlist this Tory as well, as we're classmates, right?

Dani: How could you be so confident with people around you...?

Taylor: well....

Taylor: The lass back in the beginning of the Mobius grant me the ability to dominate and command lower ranked ones.

Taylor: And we're with the clearing party....

Flashing back to Taylor during the Archer Logistics clearing party... where they survived reaching Persica and granted membership to Archer Logistics as their first mission.

The mission that, unsurprisingly, isn't granted to Dani, and Jon chooses not to partake for the sake of Dani.

Vincent: Vincent Fabron. Consultant for Archer Logistics.

Vincent: You know this guy? (shows a picture of a cute-looking boy with distinctive green eyes). Here's John Archer. I learned being a consultant from him. He's the founder of the Logistics. 

Taylor: So...

Vincent: Well, i'll open a recruitment drive for you. You'll have a roster of brothers-in-arms. Sisters, even.

Vincent: It's time to put your leadership ability to test. It's what the lass grant you, remember?

Attendant: (Clap Clap!) Attention everyone! Now we have John Archer, playing Shadow of the Sun!

The cute boy from the picture appears. Wearing a fancy nobleman's clothing, he introduces himself to others with a heartful smile before he starts singing with a very soothing tone:

Once upon a time

I was on the mind

To lay your burden down

Leave you where you stood

You believe I could

You seen it done before

I could read your thoughts

And tell you what you saw

And never say a word

But now all that is gone

Over with and done

Never to return

Audience: (Cheers)

And I can tell you 

Why people die alone

I can tell you I'm 

The shadow on the sun

Vincent: Heh heh, you know why he's so charismatic? He's the lass' husband.

Vincent: Bell, you know her, right?

Taylor blushes. 

Vincent: And you should be lucky that you've got part of his ability granted to you.

Vincent: We need various approaches to bring forth a Sage. No, not just a Sage. More of it. You enjoy living here more than the "real" world, right?

Vincent: Another point is guess what? Like videogames, you can unlock your brothers and sisters in arms perks and abilities. Soon you'll be unstoppable!

Vincent: Without people like you, the others would be suicidally charging and wasting their lives.

Vincent: Welcome to the Logistics, Taylor.

Back to the present.

Taylor: So, that's that.

Jon: Ah i see. As you level up your soldiers/squadmates/servants/whatever, you're leveling yourself too, right?

Taylor: Well, now i'm ready to take on what's happening and appearing in this world!

Taylor: So.... Miss Tammison, will you...

Dani: No, never! Don't touch me!

Taylor: Well, think about it later!

Dani: Uuugh... how annoying...

Jon: Well, let's leave him be, right? We need to find a way home, right?

3 days later...

Dani: Well, day 3 now.

Dani: I understand, the foods are delicious, the town is nice... and... 

Dani: Don't forget our goal.

Mackie: Boy seems tired. You should check him out.

Dani: But... fresh air...

Then an ominous clusters of black fogs appeared.

Dani: Eh... what's that?

Mackie: Something's.... bad.

Dani: We have to pack out. Lock and load.

Mackie: Invisible assassin!

A gunfire rings.

A girl laid down with a bullethole.

Dani: Erika?!

Jon: Should have thought it. These guys are up to no good!

Jon: Again, we should pack up and leave!

Both readied their respective guns.

More gunfire ringed.

Soldiers of unknown origin appears, opening fire at Jon and Dani.

They seems to wear American... er... Amelion special operations personnel suit, yet there's no flag patch.

The dogtags, however, indicate that they're a member of a mysterious secret unit called the Hamlin Battalion.

Both, however, relentlessly fight back, despite Dani's initial hesistance to pull the trigger.

Jon indeed can kill or disarm easily, but that's mentally and physically tiring for him, and he need maximum focus to trigger it.

That, and the bulletproof function of Dani's suit helps.

Then Lisa intercepts us.

Lisa: My... my.... After all you've done, i wouldn't let you and those pansy-ass 'Mocs get away!

Dani: What do you mean the 'Mocs?

Lisa: The so-called "JSOC". What, your contact?

Lisa: And now there's only two left...

Lisa then conjures a frost barrier, trapping the two.

Lisa: Taylor told me to bring you, Dani, to him.... 

Lisa: You'll be a fine addition to the Logistics!

Both broke free with shotgun. 

M870. Seems to be a weak magical barrier, isn't it?

Dani: Yeah but it's cold and hard to the touch!

And now...

Jon fires a killing shot to the magic wand...

Jon: As you see, i can kill everything i shot with.

Jon: Try anything and you'll be boarding Afterlife Express with a buckshot.

Jon: Now... Lisa, answer!

Lisa: Yes......

Jon: Can you use magic without your wand? 

Jon: As far as i knew, wands only provide limited magical capability, and cannot be improved apart from buying a new one.

Lisa: Yes.....

Jon: So that's it, you're not even a real mage.

Jon: So... where's the rest? WHERE'S THE REST?

A shadowy being approaches Dani...

Suit: Maximum Strength.

Dani then, by pure reflex, fought the shadowy being.

Dani: What's this? A puppet?

Jon: Must be Chelsea.

Bunch of puppet approaches.

Lisa: He.... hehehehehe...

Jon: Shut up. (fires M870, dropping Lisa dead immediately)

Jon: Dani! Keep on firing! Keep on firing!

Jon: Beth? Any backup...?

Beth: I'm losing signal. Logistics have taken over the town!

Chelsea: Noooo... my beloved... Bonnie... Chica... and...

Jon and Dani approaches Chelsea, who controlled the doll...

Chelsea: (heartfelt pleading) Please.... please.... don't....


Radio operator: Permission to use the secret weapon, sir!

Unknown: Granted....


Metallic insects approaching!

Dani: ehhh.....ehhhh.....ewwwww....

Jon: Prepare your MAC-10 for the ground-based ones!

Jon: For the flying swarms, use the M870!

Dani: Just.... just.... how many of these.... things are there!

Mackie: It seems like Taylor is using those... what are those?

Beth: Terror Bites.

Mackie: Ah yes, Beth, you knew that i'm exists, don't you?

Beth: Well, save the chatter for later.

Beth: The Terror Bites are mechanical insect like beings that can function as a swarm-based weapons or a surveillance tool with its long range camera optic capability. It was first seen in 2007, before.... (radio interference)

Jon: Never mind, just hold down the trigger and keep firing as we'll make it out here!

Dani: But... but... what about the ammo?

Jon: Dead soldiers. They have it.

Soldiers from the Hamlin approaches and Jon and Dani gun them down without a second thought due to how they're out for both.

Jon: Well, i've got a good idea for the Terror Bites...

Jon then attempting to hack the signal of the Terror Bites to be able to call Taylor back.

Jon: Hello, Taylor.

Taylor then panicked.

Jon: (coordinate numbers)

Jon: Beth, initiate orbital strike at (coordinate numbers)

Beth: Roger.

Jon: Wait, you took direct orders from a civilian like us?

Beth: You two are the only hope after The Logistics took so much control over Persica.

Beth: Therefore, you two are immediately as of now, a pair of US JSOC member.


John Archer's WIRE.

Audio Call.

Voice: John, this is an urgent matter....

Voice: Taylor... you know, the guy you met at Outer Persica's tavern?

John: Yeah. Soon-to-be a field commander?

Voice: I'm sorry to say.... but... Taylor. KIA.

John immediately went shocked.

Knowing how easy it is for his new friends to just drop dead like that.

John: I see. Recover his body, and prep him for the funeral. End call.

John then cries and starts pounding with his arms.


John: Why......why?

John: He didn't deserve this!

John: We've planned for a gathering later this weekend!

John then send a message to the previous caller.

John: Need a time to mourn for a bit, then we could do for a funeral.


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