Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Chapter 4TJ - The Reproach


 John: Cut the Taps. I said it, cut the Taps!

John is being unusually emotional. 

Truly, this is the first time where death personally impacted him.

He used to be resigned to fate whenever his closed relatives are dead. But now... it's personal. After all, Taylor's barely 20 and Taylor reminds John of John himself, being a kid full of dreams and talents of leadership. 

He wishes that Amelia Watson, his assistant coach during the leadership training, doesn't know about how her one of the students died like this just suddenly. Don't want to see that sweet assistant heart being crushed.

Soldier: But sir... respects...


John: Now, let me gave in my speech. The epitaph.

John: Why is one man spared, but another men, or more of them, are taken? To this day, nobody could give that an answer.

Which, says a lot about me.

John: But death comes for us all, eventually.

John: When you lose over 6000 men in less than a day.... it's easy for one death to be just another number.

John: But all i knew is that my new friend was gone... and small parts of me wish for i to be taken instead. 

John: We planned to build relationships, gathering together, barbeques, videogames...

John: But alas, for one Cameron Taylor, those things were never come to pass.

John: (started to cry)... it's up for the living to pick up the tab.

John: Now... let Cormack here to take over with the proceeding speech (cries).

Cormack: He leaves behind family, friends, and fellow brothers and sisters in arms.

Cormack: Now John, will you pay his last respects?

John agreed silently, before continuing with one last command for the brothers in arms to Taylor.

John: Sorry... (sobs) Now proceed with the lowering of the casket. 

As the attendants were his subordinates, they have no other option but to obey as the Taps is stopped and the casket of one Cameron Taylor is lowered. 

John feels sad. But strangely not vengeful.

John then proceed to left after cleaning his face. 

Across the walkway Bell awaits. 

Bell: John... Come here.

She fast-traveled me into the private suite, as usual. So i just need to hug her, point the place in the map where to go, and... 

At the private suite, i bawled my heart out. 

John: Y... You.... Don't mind?

Bell: I don't. 

And thus... As John cried out his heart, Bell comforted him.

No matter how much Bell would want to hide it from him... 

John sensed that Bell knew about the dangers the so called "Jon and Dani" possessed. And in fact Bell tried to safeguard John. However such rare "Dead Eye" power is a treasure, and Bell, as immortal as she is, still has human characteristic. 

That of an ambition. 

With seemingly infinite power draw for Bell, she treats Mobius and the "real world" as something she needs to complete. 

Thanks to John, who provided her the powers necessary, she can be free of being an agency and become somebody who dares to be more than just a background character. 

Nevertheless, to Bell, John is more than just a mana fountain. He's Bell's dearest, and John's feeling toward Bell is not mentally conditioned. It's John's own heart and soul.

As John's tears dry, John returns to being one John Archer. Immediately he asked Bell to accompany him bathing. Refresh his mind and soul. Probably "feeding" Bell in the process. 


Jon and Dani ran out from the hotel, compromised.

There is a three way fight between Archer Logistics, the JSOC, and...


Dani: There's civilians! We should be helping them!

Jon: At this point, it's extremely unlikely to save the city. We're burned.

Also Meanwhile Again...

Mayor Roy Tannhauser: Marcus Black!

Mayor: Why the hell did you come here! And ruining San Da Silva!

Mayor: I mean... Rayne ordered me to maintain the city...

Mayor: And you....

Mayor: You ruined it all!

Marcus: Hehehe, truth is, i'm under Rayne's payroll too!

Mayor: What? You? Under her payroll?

Marcus: Just hand over control. Media, electricity, whatever, handle it to me.

Marcus: We have a prime target here.

And then...

Radio: People of San Da Silva... can you hear me?

Radio: I'm Marcus Black under 44th Undead Division, and i'm in charge of this city!

Radio: Right now.... look at the screen!

The screen shows Jon and Dani.

Radio: Bring those two within an hour, before we order an airstrike to the city!

Mayor: Seriously? What the hell?

Radio: And don't even think about leaving! Border guard is active.

Jon and Dani didn't have any option....

Jon: Lock and Load!

Both of them fought the onslaught of zombies, Logistics troops, and civilian militias who were out for their blood.

But they eventually ran out of ammo.

Jon: Well, there's no other option but to gather to where Marcus wants us.

Dani: Yeah, i know you can just plug him straight once you met him. Haha.

At the Central Park...

Dani: Wait... is it Halloween now? I know zombies and all, but...

Both the confront Marcus Black.

Jon: You Marcus Black? I hear and see you're looking for us.

Marcus: Yes... yes... Jonathan Torrington and Daniella Tammison. In the flesh.

Marcus: So..... whaddya want? I could just plug you two out of the living world!

Jon: Our demands is simple... We want to go to capital of Persica.

Marcus: Tower District, eh?

Marcus: But, hehe, funny how you two at a disadvantage, yet you two are asking favors to me!

Jon: Oh, so that's it? Then let's make a deal. I'll let you live, i'm going to lay down any resistance.

Marcus: You're an amusing guy, but let's not waste any time!

Marcus: Send in the undeads!

Marcus: You can't kill what's already dead!

Jon: No, you're wrong. Heroes dealt with undead on an almost routine basis.

Jon then easily kills the undeads.

Marcus: No.... no.... all my undeads!!!!

Marcus: You're... that's impossible!

Jon: Oh, i didn't use a gun.... yet.

Dani: Jon... you still have ammo?

Mayor: Rick Tannhauser! I yield! I have nothing to do with all this madness!

Jon: Now... it's just between you and me, Marcus.

Jon readies his M79.

Jon fires.

An impact later, Marcus laid down died.

Dani: Then how it didn't explode!

Jon: Well, you know, 40mm grenades has a safety range where if it's fired point-blank or at certain range. I just use my dead eye. So yeah, i can load the 40mm again.

Jon: And now...

Mayor: Spare me! Spare me! I have nothing to do with all this madness!

Jon: Well, i'm doing all this to protect ourselves. And we just wanted to go home!

Mayor: Well, listen then...

Mayor: The sage, Rayne, want both of you to die, so she put Marcus Black on the task.

Dani: The sage? Isn't the sage's name is Bell?

Mayor: Dearest Bell is also a sage. But... Rayne keep watch of this city.

Meanwhile... T79s... T80s... convoys of tanks and marching soldiers with Russian gear can be seen.

Mayor: See? That's Rayne's personal army. Bell didn't take the lead for herself, for she's got John Archer to take the lead. And believe me that you two won't want to draw the ire of Sages. Especially John.

Mayor: Me myself? I'm tasked as a mayor to San Da Silva. Overseeing this "border city" before the inner Persica.

Mackie: Danger! Danger!

Mackie: I see... not just the Russian army, but the citizens... they all up in arms...

Mackie: Against us!

Jon: Beth! We need reinforcements! Hurry! Just.... sleeping gas. The local militia's being riled up to fight us and i don't wish to kill them!

Dani: Hold on anyone, i have an idea!

Suit: Maximum Shield.

Dani's Nanosuit, which is beneath her "magical girl" clothing as to not provoke attention, generates a spherical shield, protecting them.

As the artillery strike dropping projectiles filled with sleeping gas... 

The entire populace went asleep.

However, Rayne, instead of by herself, send her clones against Jonathan and Dani.

Of course, as seen before with Taylor... Jonathan can kill the source, the controller....

Rayne: I think i need to confront this... personally.

Rayne: (to herself) Bell, do me a favor and keep an eye out of John.

Rayne: Leave John out of this. That little boy.... would better suited for this world.

Rayne: I wish i could end my suffering... my unending service to life forced upon by me since my unwarranted birth.

Rayne: John, i wish you have a good, long life.


The situation went under control. The JSOC opts to stay in San Da Silva, recuperating with the survivors and city folks that had just freed from the control.

At this time, the team could take one of the Hamlin Battalion's MRAP armored vehicle and sneak their way into Inner Persica.


After they, but most especially Daniella, say their goodbyes, 


Jonathan, Dani, and Mackie left with one of the Hamlin's MRAP vehicle.

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