Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Character Profile: Lugh Tuatha De

Possible appearances. Him with black hair is a splitting image of his older brother, only the eye isn't green.

 Voiced by: Kenji Akabane (Japanese) Christian Banas (English)

John Archer's little brother by 13 years age difference. Claims to be reincarnated from a "world's best assassin", something that is greatly disputed due to the existence of that suit wearing bald guy with a barcode on his back, and John's unconscious mind-link that happens during a lucid dream session confirms the claim that Lugh was indeed, an assassin in his previous life (and a clumsy one, in John's words, due to Lugh's tendency to get into gunfights).

Compared to the easygoing and "happy-go" attitude of John, Lugh is noted to be cold, calculating, and a bit strict, to the point that John silently compared him to his previous-life parents.

That being said, thanks to John, he can open up and be sociable.

Especially toward soon to be his wife Thea, where he managed to be really really friendly to her. 

Largely friendly, however they often at odds when it comes to assassination. Especially how he is chosen to be the nobility's assassin, while John is... not. 

John doesn't mind about that, either, but John's presence is convenient to mask the noble family's assassination business as a front. It helps that John's innate ability allows chaos to be easily subsided.

Afterwards, their relation is good. Until...

After a spectacularly impressive date with Thea where Lugh shows to be just like his brother when it comes to Thea, Lugh is tasked to assassinate her girlfriend. Well. Faking her death actually. Nevertheless, John angrily storms off back then before Lugh dragged John to follow on him.

"That's it. I'm an Archer, not a Tuatha De."

That's what John said before leaving the nobility.

Regardless, even afterwards, after all is done and Thea is safe, John left the nobility, seemingly indignant by the continuous job of senseless killings and also provided by General Thorns to establish Archer Logistics, preferring to rebuild instead.

Nevertheless, John still allow Lugh to made contact with Thea and eventually Lugh formally marrying Thea. Though Lugh never knew that ยต is his wife.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Chapter 4TJ - The Reproach


 John: Cut the Taps. I said it, cut the Taps!

John is being unusually emotional. 

Truly, this is the first time where death personally impacted him.

He used to be resigned to fate whenever his closed relatives are dead. But now... it's personal. After all, Taylor's barely 20 and Taylor reminds John of John himself, being a kid full of dreams and talents of leadership. 

He wishes that Amelia Watson, his assistant coach during the leadership training, doesn't know about how her one of the students died like this just suddenly. Don't want to see that sweet assistant heart being crushed.

Soldier: But sir... respects...


John: Now, let me gave in my speech. The epitaph.

John: Why is one man spared, but another men, or more of them, are taken? To this day, nobody could give that an answer.

Which, says a lot about me.

John: But death comes for us all, eventually.

John: When you lose over 6000 men in less than a day.... it's easy for one death to be just another number.

John: But all i knew is that my new friend was gone... and small parts of me wish for i to be taken instead. 

John: We planned to build relationships, gathering together, barbeques, videogames...

John: But alas, for one Cameron Taylor, those things were never come to pass.

John: (started to cry)... it's up for the living to pick up the tab.

John: Now... let Cormack here to take over with the proceeding speech (cries).

Cormack: He leaves behind family, friends, and fellow brothers and sisters in arms.

Cormack: Now John, will you pay his last respects?

John agreed silently, before continuing with one last command for the brothers in arms to Taylor.

John: Sorry... (sobs) Now proceed with the lowering of the casket. 

As the attendants were his subordinates, they have no other option but to obey as the Taps is stopped and the casket of one Cameron Taylor is lowered. 

John feels sad. But strangely not vengeful.

John then proceed to left after cleaning his face. 

Across the walkway Bell awaits. 

Bell: John... Come here.

She fast-traveled me into the private suite, as usual. So i just need to hug her, point the place in the map where to go, and... 

At the private suite, i bawled my heart out. 

John: Y... You.... Don't mind?

Bell: I don't. 

And thus... As John cried out his heart, Bell comforted him.

No matter how much Bell would want to hide it from him... 

John sensed that Bell knew about the dangers the so called "Jon and Dani" possessed. And in fact Bell tried to safeguard John. However such rare "Dead Eye" power is a treasure, and Bell, as immortal as she is, still has human characteristic. 

That of an ambition. 

With seemingly infinite power draw for Bell, she treats Mobius and the "real world" as something she needs to complete. 

Thanks to John, who provided her the powers necessary, she can be free of being an agency and become somebody who dares to be more than just a background character. 

Nevertheless, to Bell, John is more than just a mana fountain. He's Bell's dearest, and John's feeling toward Bell is not mentally conditioned. It's John's own heart and soul.

As John's tears dry, John returns to being one John Archer. Immediately he asked Bell to accompany him bathing. Refresh his mind and soul. Probably "feeding" Bell in the process. 


Jon and Dani ran out from the hotel, compromised.

There is a three way fight between Archer Logistics, the JSOC, and...


Dani: There's civilians! We should be helping them!

Jon: At this point, it's extremely unlikely to save the city. We're burned.

Also Meanwhile Again...

Mayor Roy Tannhauser: Marcus Black!

Mayor: Why the hell did you come here! And ruining San Da Silva!

Mayor: I mean... Rayne ordered me to maintain the city...

Mayor: And you....

Mayor: You ruined it all!

Marcus: Hehehe, truth is, i'm under Rayne's payroll too!

Mayor: What? You? Under her payroll?

Marcus: Just hand over control. Media, electricity, whatever, handle it to me.

Marcus: We have a prime target here.

And then...

Radio: People of San Da Silva... can you hear me?

Radio: I'm Marcus Black under 44th Undead Division, and i'm in charge of this city!

Radio: Right now.... look at the screen!

The screen shows Jon and Dani.

Radio: Bring those two within an hour, before we order an airstrike to the city!

Mayor: Seriously? What the hell?

Radio: And don't even think about leaving! Border guard is active.

Jon and Dani didn't have any option....

Jon: Lock and Load!

Both of them fought the onslaught of zombies, Logistics troops, and civilian militias who were out for their blood.

But they eventually ran out of ammo.

Jon: Well, there's no other option but to gather to where Marcus wants us.

Dani: Yeah, i know you can just plug him straight once you met him. Haha.

At the Central Park...

Dani: Wait... is it Halloween now? I know zombies and all, but...

Both the confront Marcus Black.

Jon: You Marcus Black? I hear and see you're looking for us.

Marcus: Yes... yes... Jonathan Torrington and Daniella Tammison. In the flesh.

Marcus: So..... whaddya want? I could just plug you two out of the living world!

Jon: Our demands is simple... We want to go to capital of Persica.

Marcus: Tower District, eh?

Marcus: But, hehe, funny how you two at a disadvantage, yet you two are asking favors to me!

Jon: Oh, so that's it? Then let's make a deal. I'll let you live, i'm going to lay down any resistance.

Marcus: You're an amusing guy, but let's not waste any time!

Marcus: Send in the undeads!

Marcus: You can't kill what's already dead!

Jon: No, you're wrong. Heroes dealt with undead on an almost routine basis.

Jon then easily kills the undeads.

Marcus: No.... no.... all my undeads!!!!

Marcus: You're... that's impossible!

Jon: Oh, i didn't use a gun.... yet.

Dani: Jon... you still have ammo?

Mayor: Rick Tannhauser! I yield! I have nothing to do with all this madness!

Jon: Now... it's just between you and me, Marcus.

Jon readies his M79.

Jon fires.

An impact later, Marcus laid down died.

Dani: Then how it didn't explode!

Jon: Well, you know, 40mm grenades has a safety range where if it's fired point-blank or at certain range. I just use my dead eye. So yeah, i can load the 40mm again.

Jon: And now...

Mayor: Spare me! Spare me! I have nothing to do with all this madness!

Jon: Well, i'm doing all this to protect ourselves. And we just wanted to go home!

Mayor: Well, listen then...

Mayor: The sage, Rayne, want both of you to die, so she put Marcus Black on the task.

Dani: The sage? Isn't the sage's name is Bell?

Mayor: Dearest Bell is also a sage. But... Rayne keep watch of this city.

Meanwhile... T79s... T80s... convoys of tanks and marching soldiers with Russian gear can be seen.

Mayor: See? That's Rayne's personal army. Bell didn't take the lead for herself, for she's got John Archer to take the lead. And believe me that you two won't want to draw the ire of Sages. Especially John.

Mayor: Me myself? I'm tasked as a mayor to San Da Silva. Overseeing this "border city" before the inner Persica.

Mackie: Danger! Danger!

Mackie: I see... not just the Russian army, but the citizens... they all up in arms...

Mackie: Against us!

Jon: Beth! We need reinforcements! Hurry! Just.... sleeping gas. The local militia's being riled up to fight us and i don't wish to kill them!

Dani: Hold on anyone, i have an idea!

Suit: Maximum Shield.

Dani's Nanosuit, which is beneath her "magical girl" clothing as to not provoke attention, generates a spherical shield, protecting them.

As the artillery strike dropping projectiles filled with sleeping gas... 

The entire populace went asleep.

However, Rayne, instead of by herself, send her clones against Jonathan and Dani.

Of course, as seen before with Taylor... Jonathan can kill the source, the controller....

Rayne: I think i need to confront this... personally.

Rayne: (to herself) Bell, do me a favor and keep an eye out of John.

Rayne: Leave John out of this. That little boy.... would better suited for this world.

Rayne: I wish i could end my suffering... my unending service to life forced upon by me since my unwarranted birth.

Rayne: John, i wish you have a good, long life.


The situation went under control. The JSOC opts to stay in San Da Silva, recuperating with the survivors and city folks that had just freed from the control.

At this time, the team could take one of the Hamlin Battalion's MRAP armored vehicle and sneak their way into Inner Persica.


After they, but most especially Daniella, say their goodbyes, 


Jonathan, Dani, and Mackie left with one of the Hamlin's MRAP vehicle.

Company Profile: Archer Logistics


Established: 2022

Headquarters: Los Suenos, State of Persica, United States of Amelion

Personnel: Roughly 50000+

Field: Logistics, Mining, Military Support

Key People:

General Thorns (Founder)

John Archer (Lieutenant Colonel, Co-Founder, Leader)

A-Chan (Spokesperson, Secretary)

Bell Archer (Spokesperson, Secretary - Covering for A-Chan whenever unavailable)

Sasha Novikov (Security Chief - Elite Division)

Fuwamoco (Security Chief)

Archer Logistics is a logistics company based on Persica, founded by John Archer. Currently the head of operations is General Thorns, often unseen in public, with John himself as the top field agent and spokesman, along with Vincent Fabron as the consultant. Occassionally, Bell, John's wife, appears as the spokesman and consultant in event that John and Vincent is not available for business.

Archer Logistics line of work is mainly to secure, serve, and provide logistics and trading throughout the region. It mainly dealing with shipping to and from the United States of Amelion.

However, it is also a front for employing professional mercenaries, security team, combat squadrons, and assassins, with roughly 25% of them are directly recruited from off-duty or retiring US Army, with its non-retiring staff doing double duty. The other half are Mobius citizens, usually with interest in military, mining, and video gaming.

Some of the staff, John included, are providing help for security throughout the region of Persica, including the outer regions. John are often seen frequenting side duty as the SWAT team leader of PPD.

Its hardwares and personnel are combination of military gears from Amelion, Eufrices, and Novoslava. 

The armed group is formally classified as the Security Team, though they also operate in offense whenever required.

The Logistics also has partner companies such as Schneider (an engineering company based on Federal Republic of Neubladt), Altec Lansing (an audio/electronics company based on USA), HP (a computer company based on USA), and Coffee Stain (a video game publishing company based on Central Eufrices).

The Logistics also has a separate gaming, military and public service simulators, and virtual reality division, to be elaborated later.

However, after a disastrous "first recruiting" which has like 18 deaths, 2 of them are unarmed civilians and 16 of them are under-30s, the US Army later deemed that the Logistics is a rogue element of the US Army, and thus the Logistics has to avoid appearing in public often. Not that it is hard to for the Logistics to impersonate the US Army.

List of Hardwares:

-Standard issue Persica Police Department SWAT + US Army military gear (include: Ranger Body Armor, MICH series of helmets, M4A1 Assault Rifles, HK416 Assault Rifles, UMP45 Submachine gun, M40A5 Scout Sniper Rifle, M82 Barrett Sniper Rifle, M1911 handgun, Geist 19 handgun, M9 Handgun, M870 Shotgun, M29 Revolver, and various military-grade accessories)

-Standard issue Royal Army military gear (include Osprey Body Armor, MICH series of helmets, L85 Bullpup assault rifles, Steyr Aug Bullpup assault rifles, AWM Sniper Rifle, and various military grade accessories)

-Standard issue Slavic Army military gear: (include Spetsnaz Helmet, AK-series of assault rifles, AK series of submachine guns, Groza submachine gun, SVD Dragunov Battle Rifle, 

-Standard issue military vehicles (HMMMV, MRAP, UH-60, AH-64)

Monday, January 29, 2024

Chapter 2TJ - Survival Begins

 We walked to a nearest cabin.

The cabin looks uninhabited, but tidy.

There's weapons all around there.

Granted, if i will it, i can make my targets die.

However, for the sake of Dani here, and how it takes a lot of focus doing that, i need weapons.

I guess a pair of revolvers and repeater shotguns would suit us well.

Still i wonder how there's military grade weapons laying around... does she intend to play games with us?

I prefer Western classics due to their resilience though. And i couldn't lug many weapons yet at this point. 

Not particularly a fan of Battle Royale, but i remember an insistent friend who loved that genre.

There's some pain pills as well...

Things like this reminds me how we played Left 4 Dead 2 together with Mom* and Dani.

Age ratings doesn't matter, said somebody i knew back in the day.


Well, some guns, some weapon tutorials, and some dead bandits later....

Dani: Look! The city gate! But why they're closing out?

Jon: Well, it's evening already...

We made it into the outer gates of Persica.

All i can think of is a warm bed.

Guard: Halt. City's closed with the dragon's about. Official business only.

Dani: But sirrrrr.... we've beaten the dragon.

Guard: Fine, but we'll keep an eye on newcomers like you two.

A guard, seemingly the leader, by the name of Mildew, approaches:

Mildew: Well, nice to see a fellow, i don't know, busmates?

Mildew: But....

Mildew: Hold it.... before i let you into Outer Persica, you need to pay the visitor's tax.

Dani: This is obviously a shakedown! (Persuade)

Jon: Well, we heard everybody headed to Persica. But well, we have nothing, so how do we earn?

Mildew: Well, that girl, and only that girl, is welcome.

Jon: Huh?

Dani: HUH? No, thank you!

Dani: (silently) Come on, let's leave. Things got freaky here.

I'm thinking to start a gunfight but as you can see, guards would start pouring in and...

Dani: Well, not only because of the dignity, but... i'm just afraid you'll going to kill and kill.

Jon: Well, i've got standards.

Jon: Yeah, yes, it is.

And now... as we approach the cafe...

GULP. A Virtual Streamer?

Catgirl: Are you two sage candidates, meow?

Catgirl: I'm Mireiyu. Nice to meet you two!

Mireiyu: Any problems, meow?

Dani: Hey, check it out, cat ears!

Jon: So?

Mireiyu: If there's anything you need help with, we're setting up a free accomodation, meow!

Dani: Really?

Jon: Then how it'll benefit you?

Mireiyu: Because i dig powerful male, sage candidates, like you, meow!

Mireiyu: (looking at Jon) Like you! You're strapping AF! Come here!

Then Mireiyu puts a X (not allowed) gesture, and said:

Mireiyu: W... waitaminute... you already got a girlfriend, aren't you, meow?!

Dani: (clearly feigning) Not his girlfriend. Sorry. We're just surviving together.

Jon: What did you say?

Dani: Well, to be honest, an accomodation will be nice. Won't want to lose stamina and had to sleep someplace where we can be easily mugged in the night, right?

The two then walk around the town at night, and...


Gets a nice pair of clothes! It looks gorgeous on her!

While i... just get a similar t-shirt and tie. Ever since the internship, it always looks good on me.


Argonians, Khajiits, Alik'rs, and bandits of various types circle us.

Like there's 12 of them.

Jon: Well, this is kinda expected.

I immediately unholster both of my Carlson Single Action Army.

Looking good though almost never used, and i'm pretty sure it fires well too.

Jon: For starters, six shooters to the back...

Dead Eye activated, Jon marks all the targets behind...

And all of them dropping dead.

Bandit on the front: What the hell, you just did?

Jon: What? People die if they got shot in the weakness... so....?

Jon: Then to the Khajiits and Argonians, i try to target his specific weakness just to intimidate.

Jon: They all dropping dead, even horrifying Dani.

Dani: Jon, i know you're the sharpest shooter in Red Dead Online, but that's... well, lesson learned, i think.

Jon: Up next, Flashbang. Dani, cover your eyes.

Jon then throws a flashbang, blinding them all except for the two, followed by critical hit shots.

Mireiyu: Just... what the hell are you?

Mireiyu and a bandit left...

Dani: So you just left them to jump on us another day?

Jon: No.... i got this.... 

Jon then tries to shoot them at a distance... and... it hits.

Mireiyu: I shouldn't have messed with the wrong men... (last words)

Bandit: U...uugh...

Jon: (to Dani) We should get outta here.


Sirens and car noises from the back.

Vans and cars with the label PPD encircle us.

Persica Police Department, i presume.

Edelgart: Freeze! PPD!

Edelgart: Come here, dead or alive, don't force us to bring the "Judge" down here!

Jon: I mean... both of us are innocent. Look, they have bigger weapons than us, and... uh.... self defense.

Dani just trembled.

Edelgart: Don't lie! I see that you've killed them in one hit, with a .357! That's an impossibility given the caliber!

Dani: Figures! Dirty cops!!

Dani: It's obvious that you lads won't help us, a couple of helpless couple!

Edelgart: Actually... That's because we want to discreetly track the bandit leader...

Jon: So, in other words, you used both of us as a bait?

Edelgart: Of course! But just don't mess with us!

Edelgart: We're under the employ and assistance of the Sages. Need to know basis only.

Edelgart: So, strike us, and you'll...

Edelgart's second in command, Jorge, said:

Jorge: Chief, you won't going to believe it, but...

Jorge: Dude's only got a UI as a "gift", and the girl... has nothing.

Edelgart: You gotta kidding me...

Jorge: Yeah, it's hard to believe that they're doing this all.

Edelgart: Guess... we have no reason to apprehend or question them...

Jorge: My apologies... Please forgive our haughty captain.

Jon: Sure thing.

Jon: But...

Jon: This day's such a beat, could you show us a place where we can eat and stay?

Edelgart: Got live ones here!


Winfield Manor.

Loot's pretty good for the night.

Dani: Whoa!!!! This is like a castle!!!! Though, apart from Skyrim, i never went into a castle before.

Jon: Now, about the lodgings.... should we have one room for the couple, or...

Dani: Whoa... uh.... no, no funny ideas please should you decide on one room...

Jon: Then that's it. Two rooms next to each other.

Dani then enters her suite.

Whoa....! It's huge!

What a loot back then from the bandits.... it's enough for one room....


To think about it... I felt uneasy every time i got separated from him... Jon.

Without him, i think i may be powerless...

I really really wonder if Mr. Torrington really loves me... i mean. Girlfriend... yeah. Emphasis on friend.

Hmph. All he cares is Bethesda. Microsoft. FromSoftware. Rockstar Games. Sony.

I hear a glint.


I notice a ghost wearing an ancient dress.

Dani: Sis? What are you doing in Mobius?




Mackie: Oh, sorry, just call dearie sweet ancestor here Mackie.

Dani: Whoa. Eh... Nice to see you. But please, away with the shouting! You're attracting unwanted attention here!

Mackie: As a spirit. I will protect you. No. In fact, i am already with you since the beginning.

Mackie: Like...

Mackie: Why aren't you getting the "Gift"?

Mackie: It's to protect you, so that you're not becoming those... maniacs who treat the world like it's a videogame.

Mackie: I've been yanking out the "Gift" from Jonathan as well, if that's eases your mind. I'm sure with his ability, even that is something he doesn't need.

Dani: I see. I see.

Mackie: Now you go get some rest, Granny Mackie's will always be here for you.

The scene cuts to John Archer. He's leading the PPD's "D Platoon" responding on a violent standoff in a convenience store.

The one that Jon and Dani had just purchased clothes from, but attacked by a different group of assailants.

John: Police! On the ground!

John: Put your hands up and stay down!

John succeeds in making one of the assailant giving up.

John: This is for your own good.

Several arrests and rescues later...

John: TOC, this is entry team. Put em on safe and let them hang, boys. Mission complete.

Prescott: Well, you're a nice stand in for Judge. Judge himself would be so proud of you. He's kinda hard to please, so that's that.

John: Nevermind, just doing my job and... training fellow law enforcements.

John: Can't believe it's just a day.

Prescott: Well, judging from your performance, you can come and go as long as duty available.

Prescott: Besides...

Prescott: You're that Logistics guy, right? Your ability serves you well.

Meanwhile, at the Persica Police Department Headquarters...

Female Operator: ...bunch of criminals died with only a single low caliber bullet fire... one that shouldn't be capable for killing in one hit...

Female Operator: ...the ringleader, a catgirl known as Mireiyu, found awash on the Southern Basin...

Female Operator: ...some survived, but experienced total loss of sense of their body parts... 

John: (eating sandwich) hmmmmffmmmm, sttrangeee...

John kept eating and gulping, trying to shake the anxiety he's stuck on since... well, that mind feeling appears like a day or two ago.

John then marks the day on reception.

John: Well, i call it a day, i guess. And i'm not a permanent day-to-day worker, just an independent contractor, so....

Reception: Well, it's up to you then. Regardless, your performance is something this city really needed. Looking forward to have a fellow Logistics member joining up the force!

John then left with casual t-shirt, expecting to see his wife back home.

Ever since the cases of people... just dropping. John felt unease. Maybe it reminds him of his previous, highly anxious "real" life. Maybe it reminds him that everyone has its time...

But either way, he heads home. Finding his and his wife's bedroom... empty.

She said she has important matters to discuss. Perhaps about the "Sage" thing? 

But nevermind, i can chill. The pillow is just as comfy as always, the air is cool, take some showers and perfume, then...

The scene cuts to Dani, who is dreaming.

Dani: Don't know about you much, since you appeared in my dream, but like Granny Mackie here, you offer me nice advise, and i intend to see you further... but... Jon...

Venti: Well, stay with Jon, you.... He's your guidance in the waking world. Without him you might as well as... not surviving.

Venti: Isn't having guardian angel fun? Well, reminds me of a squeaky travel companion...

Travel Companion: "Huh?"

Venti: Ehe.

Travel Companion: "What do you mean, ehe?"

Venti: Than a granny, but, as they said, respect your elders, all that...

Venti: And you have an amazing granny there, so cherish.

Dani then awakened.

Jon: Mornin'.

Jon: Trouble sleeping?

Dani: Well.... kinda complicated.

Come to see it, that men... Venti, he does a bit look like my dear Jon here... Except Venti looks... i don't know... cuter?

Dani: But we should check out already, our goal is to go home, not loitering around!

Jon: Yeah, fine, no lollygagging, as they said.

Elizabeth Conway: Greetings, i'm Elizabeth Conway, the concierge for the guided tour of this hotel...

Dani: Hey, nice you see you...

Beth: You can call me Beth.

Jon: Well, as you went to your room earlier, i asked Beth here to pinpoint the route where the bus survivor is going...

Jon: We'll have an air support here, C-130...

Beth: I'll provide long range communications, navigations, but you two...

Beth: Here's a locomotive ticket. Going with a military airplane would attract unwanted attention, so we pose as a standard air reconnaisance unit for the Archer Logistics...

Dani: What's a "Logistics"?

Beth: Cover organization for the Sages. Unless you belong to them Sages, you shouldn't mess around with them. Their gear resembles the military gear, but they don't bear the Amelion flag.

Dani: Ame...ame....?

Jon: America in this universe.

Beth: In case you didn't know, i'm with the US-JSOC. And as a soldier, i want to help fellow countrymen out from this universe, as they, and you two, are unwilling.

Later at the train....

Dani: What now...

Jon: Yeah, we both now together again... eye by eye...

Dani: (blushes)

Dani: So....

Dani: Dani... you can see my ancestor here?

Jon: Well, since you told me, yeah.

Jon: By the way, won't you sit here?

Dani: "You" as in grandma or me?

Jon: (smiles) You, of course.

Dani noticed her Jonathan there playing a third person shooter game.

Dani: What now? Fatal Bullet?

Dani smiles. She think of his boyfriend here like Kirito.

But of course, she's happier knowing that Kirito is a pipsqueak compared to her lovely Jon.

Dani: Well, back to the topics... where did the survivor go...

Jon: Well, according to the AWACS who tracked the sudden appearance of a Japanese bus...

Dani felt asleep, almost doesn't catch the whole thing about AWACS, reconaissance, blablabla...

Dani: Well, it's crazy how it's just like a day and you've got the backing of the US Army here...

Jon: Well, they have a common enemy, and they'll interested to send us home, because we want to get home...

Jon: Dani get down!

Suddenly the train stops as explosion and gunfire suddenly appeared.

PA Voice: Attention. Emergency protocols. Engine failure.

Jon then gives me a gun. 

MK23 Socom.

Dani: Look, an armored soldier!

Jon: Don't interrupt. No collateral, no cross fire!

The armored soldier lost to a Dragon Quest-looking swordsman.

Then the swordsman aiming his attack at us!

Dani: We're civilians! Cease fire!

Unknown: You're an eyesore!

Jon: No, you.

Unknown: I'm a Sage. Now give up, and....

Jon: No, you die.

Jon aims his M82 Barrett right into the chest of the unknown Sage that just taken down the armored soldier.

The "Sage" just fell down.

Dani: Wait... you killed him, right?

Jon: Well, it's a self defense, right?

Armored Soldier: Wait...

Armored Soldier: I offer you my gratitude for helping me...

Armored Soldier: However...

The Armored Soldier then points to Dani.

Armored Soldier: Dani? That's your name? Dani... isn't destiny's a harsh mistress....

Dani: eh?

Armored Soldier: But... It'll be on you now, daughter.

Integrating new DNA profile.... Initializing....

Recording: Dani... It's all i can do... For all of us...

Recording: I'm used up... My body... is used up. 

Dani: Rest in Peace, unknown soldier...

Dani then prepares to bury the unknown soldier before telling Dani to continue on foot.

Meanwhile, this is a nice piece of armor... Can't believe, in just two days...

Dani then moved somewhere to wear the armor inside her "magical girl" outfit.

Meanwhile.... Later...

Edelgart and Jorge investigates the combat zone, now surrounded by both the US Army and PPD...

Including the dead Dragon Quest-looking swordsman.

Edelgart and Jorge: Gasp... That Sage Santos, right?

John: (munching sandwich) Ummm... Jonathan Torrington and Daniella Tammison?

John remembered that there will be a new guest coming. Probably talking about the recent unusual rash of events that bothered his mind as well.

John overheard her beloved Bell talking to the new guest. It seems like they're talking about the recent mysterious deaths happening.

"Ah yes, Rayne", as John observes. I remembered fighting with him in Eisenblut. She has longer hair than what i remember.

Bell: Dead Eye, right? I thought Santos is immune from that...

Rayne: Dead Eye... well, last time i read, two of its wielders died... another two lived a life away from action...

Bell: Figures, probably, it's about the incoming darkness...

Rayne: There's a lot of pressing matter, like, the one that's going around killing Sages so easily.

Rayne: So please, my friend, don't interfere with the Sage candidates. Now i'm taking over from here.

Bell: So, now you decide to take over the plan me and my lovely John had cooked for months? 

Rayne: For the sake of little... John... there.

Bell: Ufufu... John's not little!

I smiled a bit.

Bell: Looks like that's it then. Thanks and bye bye!

As i opened the door, i look at Bell straight in the face.

Bell: My honey, what's the sullen look?

Rayne: And oh, forget about the snacks. I can grab some on my own.

Bell: John my beloved, this is a grown-up matter!

Eh... eh... i'm 33.

But yeah, Bell and... who she is... Rayne... she's like already older than mine.

Bell: Come on, take some munchies, banish your anxious feelings, and....

John: Ehe....ehehehehe...

Bell: Ufufufu...

John blushes given it's the corridor, not their own personal quarters....

But yeah, the next step is obvious, Bell grabbed me along to our personal quarters and then we began... frenching...

True that Bell can play with him anytime, anyday, especially at night and lately John felt elevated, but John have a lot of thoughts. Mostly bad. Such as how Bell seems to be hiding something, and there's rash of people who suddenly... just drop dead.

All of these could be the end of us all... 

John often has phases where he think about death itself along with the impending end of things that he savoured. True that he can "return by death" any time, but lately, just like in his previous life, a sense of creeping dread, especially how a lot of people and things just.... die... made him felt fearful.

Sometimes he even had silent crying and sobbing fits.

He even missed his family, but now it is the next cycle of his life, so that he couldn't even met them.

And such cycle has its end as well... 

Things that, no matter how strong he is, are often beyond his control. 

Especially... the great end itself.


With only the smooth silken blanket covering our beautiful bodies, i embrace my beloved Bell as my mind slowly drifts out...

Or not, i'm just insomniac at any times, but Bell doesn't mind i'm loitering around anywhere. It's my home, and my headquarters.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Chapter 3TJ - San Da Silva

 It's the morning and John's still lightly dressed with a comfy, canvas t-shirt. 

He does, however, wondered why...

Did his dearest Bell hid something from him?

Does his uneasy feelings are related to the... happenings?

John overheard his dearest mentioning the name Jonathan Torrington and Daniella Tammison, supposedly from the bus she "brought in" to recruit.

Which, for John, probably okay. The wonderland known as Mobius needs more people anyways.

But 16 fatalities...

"Grown up matters", i'm 33, did my dearest wife, who had nothing to hide after all, started hiding something?

I've met some cool guys in a tavern, like, yesterday. Befriended that one Cameron Taylor. He seems to be... troubled. Didn't know why.

Well, he already rested for like 10 or 11 hours... it's time...

He then takes some showers and get dressed.

Time to set the clock for the PPD then. 

Along the way, he met one of his subordinates, Gomez.

Gomez: Something on your mind? People said you'll twitchy and "uneasy"...

John: Uhhhh.... fine, fine. 

Gomez: As a brother-in-arms, i just want to say, "don't overdo yourself."

John: Well, how about the date with Winfield?

Gomez: Oh, you know that we're dating...? Well, she's a nice girl, but you, as a superior, know that i'm on duty, right?

John: Uhhh... Ohhh... yes, yes, you're dismissed for this day. Go on. Have fun.

Gomez: Ummm... sure. Who's going to take my post anyway?

John: Well, i'll report to Thorns later. See you.

Gomez: Good day.

With sandwich on mouth, John marches on for his day-to-day task at the PPD. Something so that the Logistics could get an additional contract funding. And staff training as well.

Chief: Afternoon, John? Trouble sleeping?

Chief: Well, most of the force have... those... uneasy feel. Trouble sleeping. Wish to be relocated, all that stuff.

Chief: But they're really glad on meeting you. I mean, you've got that smile...

John: Ummm... Teehee.

Chief: Yeah, but i can see behind that smile that you're... clouded.

Chief: Well, nothing to do here for the platoon apart from the firing range and VR simulation now.

Chief: Or... you could just laze around on the roof.

Funny, this is the first time John - or anybody - have a chief telling them to laze around. 

But sure. Things just... well, it's like anybody could sense the end of the world is near.


Dani: Ahhh yes... we're here at... let's see...

The sign...


Dani: Well, strange name, and the city... looks modern.

Dani: So... lock and load, then?

Jon: There's no point. I won't do a GTA-style chaos. That was wrong. I'm only killing those who were out for our blood.

Dani: Well, hold on tight... Just want to try the armor...

Jon was surprised to see her girlfriend allowing him to hold her.

Of course, both wanted to jump down.


Jon: I hope that's inconspicuous enough.

Dani: Where to next?

Jon: Beth tell us... and already booked... a high rise hotel.

Jon: There will be JSOC contacts... and a base of operations.

Dani: Cool, i'm down with that!

Entering the hotel...

Dani: Whoa, this felt like home....

Then suddenly...

I see a fancy-looking nobleman looking guy...

Ah yes, it's Taylor. Knew him back. Only he left earlier.

Dani: Well, you got here earlier?

Taylor: Yeah, thanks to our contacts. Archer. Military guy.

Erica: Now who's this bee-yoootch?

Erica: You've been awfully close to Taylor, you fetcher!

Taylor: Chill, Erica. She's my classmate.

Erica: If you say so....

Taylor then gets surrounded by beautiful girls. Seems to be cosplayers.

Dani: Who the hell are they?

Jon: I would ask the same thing.

Taylor: Oh, i forget to introduce you... these are my bodyguards.

Erica: I'm Erica, Fifth Class Private from Archer Logistics... But honestly, names are for friends, and you two are not my friends, but this is because Taylor told me to.

Stephanie: I'm Stephanie, Fourth Class Private, Archer Logistics... I shouldn't talk to you unless Taylor told me as well.

Chelsea: Third Class Private Chelsea...

(miming her grinning teddy bear) would you just die, stranger?

Elize: Second Class Private Elize. I found both of you an eyesore. Would you drop off the sight, please?

Lisa: Here's Sergeant First Class Lisa, and i'm the captain of all before you. Drop off your arrogance or i'll send more reinforcements after you two.

Dani: What's with the unfriendliness! You all approached us!

Taylor: Apologies. They're just that overprotective.

Jon (whispers): Hey, hey, Taylor seems awfully in over his head...

Dani: Well, before we all enter Mobius, we know that he's such a womanizer.

Taylor: Then..... will you (looking at Dani) be my mistress?


Taylor: Perhaps i'm too hasty after all, or...

Taylor: Probably you're already taken by this... Torrington?

Taylor: But i'll would enlist this Tory as well, as we're classmates, right?

Dani: How could you be so confident with people around you...?

Taylor: well....

Taylor: The lass back in the beginning of the Mobius grant me the ability to dominate and command lower ranked ones.

Taylor: And we're with the clearing party....

Flashing back to Taylor during the Archer Logistics clearing party... where they survived reaching Persica and granted membership to Archer Logistics as their first mission.

The mission that, unsurprisingly, isn't granted to Dani, and Jon chooses not to partake for the sake of Dani.

Vincent: Vincent Fabron. Consultant for Archer Logistics.

Vincent: You know this guy? (shows a picture of a cute-looking boy with distinctive green eyes). Here's John Archer. I learned being a consultant from him. He's the founder of the Logistics. 

Taylor: So...

Vincent: Well, i'll open a recruitment drive for you. You'll have a roster of brothers-in-arms. Sisters, even.

Vincent: It's time to put your leadership ability to test. It's what the lass grant you, remember?

Attendant: (Clap Clap!) Attention everyone! Now we have John Archer, playing Shadow of the Sun!

The cute boy from the picture appears. Wearing a fancy nobleman's clothing, he introduces himself to others with a heartful smile before he starts singing with a very soothing tone:

Once upon a time

I was on the mind

To lay your burden down

Leave you where you stood

You believe I could

You seen it done before

I could read your thoughts

And tell you what you saw

And never say a word

But now all that is gone

Over with and done

Never to return

Audience: (Cheers)

And I can tell you 

Why people die alone

I can tell you I'm 

The shadow on the sun

Vincent: Heh heh, you know why he's so charismatic? He's the lass' husband.

Vincent: Bell, you know her, right?

Taylor blushes. 

Vincent: And you should be lucky that you've got part of his ability granted to you.

Vincent: We need various approaches to bring forth a Sage. No, not just a Sage. More of it. You enjoy living here more than the "real" world, right?

Vincent: Another point is guess what? Like videogames, you can unlock your brothers and sisters in arms perks and abilities. Soon you'll be unstoppable!

Vincent: Without people like you, the others would be suicidally charging and wasting their lives.

Vincent: Welcome to the Logistics, Taylor.

Back to the present.

Taylor: So, that's that.

Jon: Ah i see. As you level up your soldiers/squadmates/servants/whatever, you're leveling yourself too, right?

Taylor: Well, now i'm ready to take on what's happening and appearing in this world!

Taylor: So.... Miss Tammison, will you...

Dani: No, never! Don't touch me!

Taylor: Well, think about it later!

Dani: Uuugh... how annoying...

Jon: Well, let's leave him be, right? We need to find a way home, right?

3 days later...

Dani: Well, day 3 now.

Dani: I understand, the foods are delicious, the town is nice... and... 

Dani: Don't forget our goal.

Mackie: Boy seems tired. You should check him out.

Dani: But... fresh air...

Then an ominous clusters of black fogs appeared.

Dani: Eh... what's that?

Mackie: Something's.... bad.

Dani: We have to pack out. Lock and load.

Mackie: Invisible assassin!

A gunfire rings.

A girl laid down with a bullethole.

Dani: Erika?!

Jon: Should have thought it. These guys are up to no good!

Jon: Again, we should pack up and leave!

Both readied their respective guns.

More gunfire ringed.

Soldiers of unknown origin appears, opening fire at Jon and Dani.

They seems to wear American... er... Amelion special operations personnel suit, yet there's no flag patch.

The dogtags, however, indicate that they're a member of a mysterious secret unit called the Hamlin Battalion.

Both, however, relentlessly fight back, despite Dani's initial hesistance to pull the trigger.

Jon indeed can kill or disarm easily, but that's mentally and physically tiring for him, and he need maximum focus to trigger it.

That, and the bulletproof function of Dani's suit helps.

Then Lisa intercepts us.

Lisa: My... my.... After all you've done, i wouldn't let you and those pansy-ass 'Mocs get away!

Dani: What do you mean the 'Mocs?

Lisa: The so-called "JSOC". What, your contact?

Lisa: And now there's only two left...

Lisa then conjures a frost barrier, trapping the two.

Lisa: Taylor told me to bring you, Dani, to him.... 

Lisa: You'll be a fine addition to the Logistics!

Both broke free with shotgun. 

M870. Seems to be a weak magical barrier, isn't it?

Dani: Yeah but it's cold and hard to the touch!

And now...

Jon fires a killing shot to the magic wand...

Jon: As you see, i can kill everything i shot with.

Jon: Try anything and you'll be boarding Afterlife Express with a buckshot.

Jon: Now... Lisa, answer!

Lisa: Yes......

Jon: Can you use magic without your wand? 

Jon: As far as i knew, wands only provide limited magical capability, and cannot be improved apart from buying a new one.

Lisa: Yes.....

Jon: So that's it, you're not even a real mage.

Jon: So... where's the rest? WHERE'S THE REST?

A shadowy being approaches Dani...

Suit: Maximum Strength.

Dani then, by pure reflex, fought the shadowy being.

Dani: What's this? A puppet?

Jon: Must be Chelsea.

Bunch of puppet approaches.

Lisa: He.... hehehehehe...

Jon: Shut up. (fires M870, dropping Lisa dead immediately)

Jon: Dani! Keep on firing! Keep on firing!

Jon: Beth? Any backup...?

Beth: I'm losing signal. Logistics have taken over the town!

Chelsea: Noooo... my beloved... Bonnie... Chica... and...

Jon and Dani approaches Chelsea, who controlled the doll...

Chelsea: (heartfelt pleading) Please.... please.... don't....


Radio operator: Permission to use the secret weapon, sir!

Unknown: Granted....


Metallic insects approaching!

Dani: ehhh.....ehhhh.....ewwwww....

Jon: Prepare your MAC-10 for the ground-based ones!

Jon: For the flying swarms, use the M870!

Dani: Just.... just.... how many of these.... things are there!

Mackie: It seems like Taylor is using those... what are those?

Beth: Terror Bites.

Mackie: Ah yes, Beth, you knew that i'm exists, don't you?

Beth: Well, save the chatter for later.

Beth: The Terror Bites are mechanical insect like beings that can function as a swarm-based weapons or a surveillance tool with its long range camera optic capability. It was first seen in 2007, before.... (radio interference)

Jon: Never mind, just hold down the trigger and keep firing as we'll make it out here!

Dani: But... but... what about the ammo?

Jon: Dead soldiers. They have it.

Soldiers from the Hamlin approaches and Jon and Dani gun them down without a second thought due to how they're out for both.

Jon: Well, i've got a good idea for the Terror Bites...

Jon then attempting to hack the signal of the Terror Bites to be able to call Taylor back.

Jon: Hello, Taylor.

Taylor then panicked.

Jon: (coordinate numbers)

Jon: Beth, initiate orbital strike at (coordinate numbers)

Beth: Roger.

Jon: Wait, you took direct orders from a civilian like us?

Beth: You two are the only hope after The Logistics took so much control over Persica.

Beth: Therefore, you two are immediately as of now, a pair of US JSOC member.


John Archer's WIRE.

Audio Call.

Voice: John, this is an urgent matter....

Voice: Taylor... you know, the guy you met at Outer Persica's tavern?

John: Yeah. Soon-to-be a field commander?

Voice: I'm sorry to say.... but... Taylor. KIA.

John immediately went shocked.

Knowing how easy it is for his new friends to just drop dead like that.

John: I see. Recover his body, and prep him for the funeral. End call.

John then cries and starts pounding with his arms.


John: Why......why?

John: He didn't deserve this!

John: We've planned for a gathering later this weekend!

John then send a message to the previous caller.

John: Need a time to mourn for a bit, then we could do for a funeral.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Character Profile: Bell Aster Archer (nee Springfield)

 As a maid/housemaiden

As a soldier/barmaid (not oftenly used)

Her (apparent) true form as a Sage.

 Possible appearances, the top of which being how she appeared as a housemaiden, and the bottom of which is her apparent true form.

Voiced by: Yui Horie (Japanese, All Forms)

Maaya Sakamoto (Japanese, Sage Form) (Type B) 

Lindsay Seidel (English, Maid) 

Christina Kelly (English, Soldier)

Chandni Parekh (English, Sage Form)

Erika Harlacher (English, Sage Form, Type B)

Age: Unknown (immortal/ageless)

Date of Birth: Unknown (she did celebrate her birthday at the same time as John's)

Birthplace/Nationality: Unknown, United States of Amelion (currently)

Military Experience: Far East Insurrection (early 20th Century), World War I, World War II.

Innate Ability: Multiple Forms and Personalities

Skill Majors: One-handed (include firearms), Two-Handed (include firearms), Archery, Enchantment, Speech, Destruction, Illusion, Conjuration, Alteration

Major Arcana: The Empress, The Lovers, The Star, The Hermit, The Tower

Sol/Luna alignment: Luna

A housemaiden under the employ of the Tuatha De nobility. Known for being exceptionally beautiful and very tempting, which is her most deadly weapon (apart from her physical and military training). Also she can change her appearance easily into whatever attracts her mate the best, making her hard to recognize apart from the voice.

Three of her most used forms are of a maid (which John, her husband, noted that it's his favorite), a swordswoman (often used when going outside so that she doesn't look innocuous), and of a soldier (only sometimes used when helping John, otherwise John refuses her help for fear of being unable to focus. But still, without John's knowledge, she often provide sniper fire)

Unlike her beloved, she prefers semi automatic or precision targeting due to her most frequent military training being heavily trained on using pre-automatic weaponry military hardwares. 

Bell Springfield isn't her true name actually, with Bell being named after shortening the Royal Amelion* Navy battleship "HMS Belfast" which she had experienced in commandeering and she planned to use it as a future home, and "Springfield" from the legendarily durable and reliable early 20th century United States of Amelion made bolt action sniper rifle "M1903 Springfield".

*yes, in Mobius, the US and UK are under the same flag due to post-independence naval invasion of Britain by the United States Navy around 1780s.

Once she introduces herself, immediately, she become a sister figure to Lugh, while on the spot, proposing to marry John, as her very purpose to become a housemaiden is to find a young, strong mate.

She offers her lifetime service towards John especially, with no payment... Apart from being her lover. 

According to John, she has a calming and sisterly feel whenever she's present, where John often felt that every of his uneasy feeling from worriness to anxiety gone, most of the time. It helps that every night after being married she often sleeps beside John... only for John to wander around while feeling energized after doing the deed. 

While she 100 percent resembles a human woman physically, she... apparently isn't.

The most obvious is that she's already around ever since John and Lugh was young, away from plain sight due to her tendency to surprise people. Her appearance as a twenty-something woman had never change by years. 

According to reports and warnings given,

She can regenerate easily especially with the help of "male fluids" and even apparently reverse signs of aging.
Even if she apparently killed, her spirit presence can easily "linger" and tempt male into giving his fluid into her remains, regenerating her.

Those who consummate with her could also feel that the male's aging is delayed and, though sometimes exhausted and tired, could feel refreshed (it helps that for John, he often consumes night coffee while doing night time works he's known for).

That did not, however, prevent the eventual end of age of her mate, though the inevitable is often delayed by having one of her mate lived up to 200 years old and John looks like an early adult despite hitting 33. Though according to John, Bell spoke very kindly of her late mates before.

Also, she cannot conceive or bear a children, due to her age being past the human fertile age. The fluid is instead consumed by the body to reverse her aging and healing.

She can easily exert pheromones that either made her mate asleep easily if already tired, or being invited to do the deed if it's not.

That being said, unless you're on her bad side (though she often lightly kills whoever stand in her way), you have nothing to worry due to her kindheartedness and that she seeks a good-hearted mate, as according to her, the taste of the fluid is as good as the heart.

She took assassination with the Tuatha De nobility as a living, along with having a permanent resident as a housemaiden. Even as a housemaiden, her room is more of a noble, and as John married her, she's  sharing the same room as John's (though both often wander around at times especially when John needed alone time)

She often has no need for money and riches for herself apart from the bare essentials, the only thing she needs and wants is that so that she can make her mate happy. According to her, John is the most genuine lover ever in her unusually long lifetime. She is also generous in providing something, be it money or power, to those close to her.  

"John, please don't bore me... Or else, you'll make a fine meal for me... Ufufu, just kidding! If you can kiss me, then kiss me. Embrace me! Or... You may become my hug pillow every time i want to sleep~ufufu..."

Of course, she's just teasing, given that John could never bore her especially how with a bit of pheromone John can somewhat be" steered" or that John doesn't mind to be treated as a hug pillow whenever he's resting around Bell. 

"The braver and kinder you are, the tastier you'll become. So please, give in!"

After John leaving the nobility and establishing Archer Logistics, she parts amicably with the nobility. Not so much with John, who were simply tired of the "assassination" business seemingly unending in the land of Alvarn and surrounding areas.

Regardless, John and Bell, as a married couple, has an unending honeymoon for years.  

However, apart from the angelic exterior, something insidious is hidden.

Her forms affect her personality. She can consciously and at will change forms, but her personalities differ each other.

As a housemaiden or a barmaid, she tended to be "kindly but seductive" or "motherly but girly" respectively, but as a Sage, ever since she discovered and unlocked the magick inside the Sagestone, deep inside her body and soul, add "mischievous" on top of those... 

Her apparent true form, discovered after she "unlocks" the innate magical ability within her, is of a Sage, a high leveled, extremely powerful mage with the form of a blonde haired beauty (not that the other forms are beautiful but John considers it the most beautiful one) wearing something like a 19th century dress and being capable of using magic and transferring it into an item or somebody else. She added "Aster", as in the flower, to her name as well.

"The target exhibits a classic low-affect personality."

"Psychopathic disregard for others, narcissistic world-view punctuated by self-obssessive disorders"

It is revealed that, as a Sage due to her ability to create magical spells and perks and granting them to those she chooses, in her supposed true form as a Sage, she took bringing people in from a (considered to be) miserable and decaying "Alpha Universe" (in other words, the "real world") to Mobius as a side job, thinking it's "fun" eventually recruiting them into the Logistics as Sage like her.

Unfortunately, under the apparent influence of the nigh-limitless power granted by the Sagestone (later known as the Amelion Bloodstone), her common sense has been somewhat lapsed, treating the universe like a sandbox, and basically became devoid of true love anymore apart from her love to her beloved one and their associates. 

She even took to things unthinkable before like subconsciously mind controlling her beloved John ("this is a grown-up matter!") to suppress his inquisitive behavior and at a brief moment in the end, directly controls him, and also being casual to murder innocents (something that John even frowned upon, but he didn't knew up until the end).

In the end, amidst all the chaos she intentionally or not caused, it was her beloved that eventually saved her because, conditional or not, mind control or not, John truly loves her.

Character Profile - "Perseverance made Spirit" (Default Name: John Archer)

John Archer, 33 years old. Camo outfit, his signature. 

Default appearance. Regardless of the change-able appearance, the eye will be green.

Voiced by:

Miyu Irino (Japanese) Micah Solusod (English) [Teenager]

Chiharu Sawashiro (Japanese) Brian Bloom (English) [Adult, Type 1]

Yuuichi Nakamura (Japanese) Peter Jessop (English) [Adult, Type 2]

Hiro Shimono (Japanese) Gavin Drea (English) [Adult, Type 3]

Soma Saito (Japanese) Max Mittelman (English) [Type 4, both Teenager and Adult]

Jun'ya Enoki (Japanese) Caleb Yen (English) [Type 5, both Teenager and Adult]

Also known as:

Dragonborn (practically made up by John in the new universe because it's not Tamriel or Nirn) 

Lovely Honey (from Thea)

Guardian of Persica


Sentinel (his preferred nickname) 

Security Officer (note, "officer", not "leader" though he's technically a leader)

Vanguard (his preferred nickname, two) 

All he remembers is that he is awakened by an angelic-looking figure with the face and the voice of her beloved little sister, Alice.

In this "new universe" that is known as Mobius, he awakened in his 13 years old, just as the soul is sent forth by the time of the birth of his little brother, Lugh Tuatha De.

Such as how he feels lighter than usual, in his words he felt like a "videogame character". He's also less likely to feel pain (as in how getting an arrow felt like being pinched) as well as being adept with various weaponries quickly as soon as his brother Lugh taught him years afterwards.

Early on, alongside Lugh's affinity to hunting, farming, and cooking, John's affinity is, thanks to his favorite game, is mining and building shed to craft, upgrade equipment, and mine better stuff. Also shooting as well, but initially, he's only able to hunt, before doing assassinations. 

Both contribute to the family's wealth by the jobs.

As he awake in the new world, all he remembers is how he fell asleep being awakened by the sound of a baby crying. After getting to know his family and learning that he's basically in coma since his birth until the age of 13, he set to write everything he remembers after he discovers that he'll be having a little brother, making him out to be a writer. 

Despite being the member of Tuatha De nobility, he was cast out of his nobility surname in favor of "Archer", even given custom uniform in hopes that his action for the family's assassination career (as he it set and taught to provide combat and distractions) cannot be traced directly to the nobility.

His natural appearance are an oddity. Despite the nobility tend to have fairer skin and usually silvery hair, his appearance resembles a common Amelion (America in Mobius) people instead - bright, slightly sun-burnt skin (instead of being clear pale), and a hair as dark as the darkest night itself. He has a jade green eyes, noted by many as "beautiful". 

Despite being taught equally along with Lugh by the head of the family Cian Tuatha De, John rejects the term "assassin" preferring "wanderer", "vanguard", or "sentinel" in situational terms, as he hopes that by doing this all of his actions supporting the Tuatha De assassination operations cannot be traced directly to the nobility no matter how open his acts are compared to the often stealthy and shadowy Lugh.

His ability centered around video games, as in:

The ability to compress objects, though not all, and the ability to construct stuff by using "crafting table" also the ability to bring up an interface in which only he can see, to manage skill and to see "crafting recipes"

He also can see what remains of a loaded weapon without opening the cartridge, and while moving, aiming, and shooting, he can just imagine "he's having his hands on keyboard and mouse".

As he bonded further with his lover, he has more abilities as well, like being charming without even trying, achieve extremely high focus where to others it seems like John is moving fast, and generally increased moving speed, among others. 

John has an odd quirk as well, the fact that most people he sees as "not important" will quickly forget him no matter what, effectively preventing him, except to his closest ones, to be identified. This extends to how if John has to commit chaotic acts in order to provide Lugh's cover.

That and lately he often has flashes of being someone he supposed not to be, and perfectly acting as those guy (even instantly having their memories), feeling like a lucid dream but everything he acted as really happen. And then as he grew up, he can mind-link with anyone he befriended. Something he usually did to bolster confidence or tie up loose ends.

Mind-link, as in basically mind control but consenting.

Has a strong long-term memory and made a living by storytelling works of art and entertainment from the old world, which during his pastime, often wrote. When his brother Lugh noticed that both he and Lugh "apparently" reincarnated from an "old-world", both told everything they remembered.

As a sentinel he wore a black combat uniform, designed by his father, with green accents signifying his status as a sentinel. But more than uniform, he considers the uniform an everyday clothing given that he isn't formally align in a military force... yet.

As the leader of Archer Logistics later on, he's almost always seen wearing military or law enforcement clothing, though sometimes he dresses as a nobleman in occassions.

Though actually older by 13-years margin than Lugh, he didn't look taller than Lugh, they roughly on the same height.

Fell in love at first sight with Bell Springfield, the Tuatha De's longtime housemaiden and its most valuable member, in which within a week they're married. Despite the unnaturally high attraction and Bell being somebody who can exert attractiveness at will, John insists that he's not brainwashed. He's truly loving Bell as she is.

"I will be with you until the sun, moon, and stars are no more".

-John to Bell.

"The one between your ears? Slightly above your eyes? I treasure it the most inside the most beautiful receptacle i've ever seen, which is you."

-Bell to John.

In turn, Bell treasured John ever. More than her past lovers where Bell (apparent) immortality outlived them. She even said that all of his parts, especially the brain where he could solve any possible problems they encounter, as the most treasured object of the world ever existed. 

John's spirit of perseverance and unnaturally high attraction provided Bell the most mana to regenerate and reverse aging. This also extends to John himself, where he's 33 but looking like 19. Through John's stream of mana, Bell can conjure lots of Sage Powers / Battle Song System and granting it to those Bell personally chosen. 

He is noted to be, despite his laziness at times, being extremely kind (impulsive outbursts aside) and trying to be helpful whenever possible.

Lately however after the couple move into Archer Logistics, John is noted to be sleepy so often especially in daytime. Those who heard hard enough often listen to moans and giggles every night at the top level suite of Archer Logistics. He's hitting 33 yet still looks like a 19 year old, with many remarking him as "cute" or "charming".

But don't mistake his cuteness and gentle, kind demeanor as a weakness, for he often shows his true strength at combat, earning declarations of honor and fear throughout his allies and enemies.

That's said, off-duty, people, usually his subordinates, noted that his personality is "dynamic", where, off-duty, he didn't have any trace of a "commanding" personality, looking and acting often like a school or college aged person, and sometimes seen flopping and wailing as well. 

John Archer, 33 years old. Law enforcement suit with Archer Logistics accents. 

The appearance of an instant death dealer and a surprisingly "giftless" warrior brought him fear, uncertainty, and doubt for the first time in his second life, especially seeing how his brothers and sisters in arms gradually being killed. The logistics, his subordinates... even his wife puts a facade, as if she wants for him to stay out of the matter.

Yet John can feel the dread. Feeling that the end is soon to come for him and the closest ones. 

Despite being a seasoned one-man army with body count worth hundreds, he sees the idea of killing innocents, apart from pure accident and being forced to serve the enemy side, disgusting. That being said, when it comes to Bell, instead of being angry, John instead willing to take (the sin) for himself, as he blames himself for waking up late and not overseeing his wife's scheme.

As it is revealed, he has the ability to "return by death" where upon his death the universe seemingly straight up resets to the point where desirable outcomes can be achieved. 

The second time involving nukes, everyone remember the whole thing. As if it was set up... Thus from then on, John became an entity of interest by people around him. Also people around him can made amends of the happenings.

As a "Perseverance Made Spirit", he is practically immune* to Jonathan Tammison's Mystic Eyes of Death / Dead Eye. Jonathan "could" bypass John's Return By Death but that would involve Jon physically killing John. And Nature Itself has a "Counter-Force" (Deterrent Force) to prevent it from being easy.

*The immunity mostly stems on how John lacks killing intent toward Jon, not just out of fear but also out of kindness, and Jon himself cannot, for whatever reason, bring himself to kill the honey-cutey-minty-pie known as John Archer. The other way around also applies given that Dani, Jon's girlfriend-later-wife, reminds John of John's cousin, and Jon is also as much of a gamer as John were.

Reality Marble "Boss Fight"

That being said, if Jon really intend to defeat (not kill, cannot kill) John, then John unleashes his most powerful innate barrier ability Reality Marble "Boss Fight". In it, John's attacker universe is transformed into a boss fight with John as the stage boss. John will be unconsciously assigned a role and form that is suited to the attacker's skill, weaponry, and games preferrance.

For instance, John will take the form of a Lord of Salt (which resembles the Soul of Cinder but with a spear) if the attacker has swords and spells, or John will take the form of a hyper-powered combat armor akin to a Hanged Man Armored Core if the attacker is driving or piloting an armored combat machine.

Defeat of John will severely weaken John after making the Reality Marble crumble, allowing the attacker to deal the final blow. In case there is no final blow, John will recover after a day's worth of rest.

Conversely, the defeat of the attacker will severely weaken the attacker after the Reality Marble turns off, allowing John to deal the final blow. In case there is no final blow, the attacker will recover after a day's worth of rest.

The known attacker that could trigger the Boss Fight is so far only Jonathan Torrington, given John's preferrence to fight the others "fair and square" and John is known to survive multiple sniper attacks with only injuries on his side.