Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Chapter 12 (Route A)

Meanwhile... Lugh went on and met Dia, which is unharmed.

Then Lugh shot a bow, deliberately missing, to send a message.

Of course, it's Lugh.
There is a paper written "If you done with the frisky fun thing, come here. Let's meet up while covering the escape."

Both of us smiled.

Then we gathered inside the Viekone House Castle.
And suddenly...

Okay. A demon. Speaking German, it's attacking me.

Lugh: That's the fugitive. A large demon.

Along with an army of smaller demons.

We avoided them. Especially how my attention focuses on Bell.

Bell: I'll hold him back!

Bell and Lugh then launches her incendiary cannon attack, while

Lugh: Keep firing on him! It wouldn't do that thing good, but at least it's a good diversion.

I keep on shooting with available armaments. Like, just a bolt action rifle.

While the others fight the smaller demons.

Granted, i am really worried about Bell's well-being, but never, i mean never,

Underestimate just because it's a woman.

Underestimating woman lead to losses further in time forward.

John: You okay Bell?

Bell: None of the bullets hit me, or you, but...

Bell: My battle dress got torn up... 

John: Let's continue fighting, shall we?

Both me and my dearest one smiled toward each other as we continue fighting.

There is no way, that the Eisenblut would let this strategic point - and person of interest - step aside in a skirmish.

They have prepared.

Dia: I won't become the property of anyone! I shall submit to none but myself!

Then i hear an announcement

RADIO VOICE: This is an announcement from the United States of Amelion. Allied Strike Imminent. Forward report elements are sent. You are to hold for 2 minutes before <unintelligible> 

Lugh: Look, pretend all of you are dead. Get away...

John: But...

Lugh: Allied Force are on the way. Contact them. Don't worry, they've been informed.

Amelion is said to be my beloved's homeland... I wish to visit the place.

So all of this is just to stall time...

To ensure the safety of everyone...

I have to cover their escape...

I switched to a Thompson and gunning down everyone that isn't Dia, the members of her forces and family, Lugh, and Bell.

Suddenly, i was reminded of something as a rumbling, something like earthquake happen and i feel unconscious.

Operator: This is Gungnir-1, reporting in.

Operator: Gungnir-1, closing on vector target.

Operator: Target designation DEMON. BARON OF HELL. Spotted.

I remember how Lugh back then left us to train with some faraway regiment planning forward military partnership. 

That they are the members of the United States Army, with familiar looking faces and names.

For an armament known as the Orbital Cannon.

Granted, this is a loud way to go for that demon, but.

As i realize i am awake in Bell's embrace...

Bell: Such risky observation...

And i notice to the right...

Yeah, it was Lugh's work.

It's assassination.

Granted, it's loud, but...

We find ourselves awakened in a makeshift infirmary camp.

Well, we're injured. Mostly by fall, but thankfully the girls, Bell and Dia, were practically unharmed.

A familiar looking soldier watches over us They resemble American uniform and combat gear. More than resembles though. Just the names that are different.

Amelion Soldier: Staff Sergeant Brad Barnes. US Army. We know everything thanks to this "Lugh Tuatha De" Landing will be commenced. The Viekone nobility will be held in good hands.

Granted, i did nothing, but...

Brad: Hadn't we receive intelligence from Milleu... from the Balor... Our units will be wiped out in that instant, but...

Another soldier, carrying a document, comes in. Along with Lugh, bandaged on the forehead like me.

Soldier: Thanks to this little kid, we got the objective handed over to us and further casualties from that... Demon has been avoided.

Soldier: Plus, the top brass got to test the experimental Gungnir. Cleaner than the dirty radiation bomb.

Lugh: Well, after the pain is gone, let's go home.

Lugh: Without them i can't perfect my Gungnir technique of launching them far from high altitude.

Lugh: By the way, i need a moment...

Bell: Goodness, you're alright! 

Dia: Lugh...

Dia: To see how a man would've gone so far as to risk his life for me...

Dia: I...

Dia: Love you.

Dia: May i be yours?

Lugh: Of course... my dear.

Lugh and Thea then kissed.

Boarding a truck, we go home, to the...

Tuatha De Residence...

Lugh: Well, that was intense, but we know how we're still far from over.

Lugh: If you need anything else from me, ask and i shall be.

Lugh: You're now free to engage the new objectives from now on.

And then...

John: Morning, Thea, how's the home?

Thea smiled.

Thea: Thanks to you and the US Army, i have almost all of my research recovered!

Thea: I can start my study again here, so you don't have to travel back and forth!

John: What about your family?

Thea: They... well, we have to attend the funeral for the fallen sooner or later, but my dad survives and that's a good thing to hear.

Thea: Again, i have to thank you. Not just Lugh. But you too.... and Bell too!

John smiles.

John then meet Bell.

Bell: John. Come with me. The garden.

John: Ummmmmm....

Bell: Just enjoying fresh air together.

Bell: Ufufu...

John: Bell, you became strange...

Bell: What's strange about being a married couple?

Bell: Sometimes, you just need to take a break!

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