Friday, December 10, 2021

Chapter 11 (Plan B) Prelude

After being abruptly knocked out i woke up myself in the one-by-one scale replica of HMS Belfast made a week ago by ironically... Lugh. Which will become my next target-of-interest for reasons to be revealed soon.

There is however... 

Bell, Ed, Joanna, and Shannon...

Shannon's kinda hurt, but he's still okay to talk. But still he need to go to the sickbay after the whole thing.

Bell: Let's not broke hearts, okay? You're really kind, and i wish you can stop this from happening...

Ed: Dia's life is in danger... i can feel it... However i was told to stay out of harm's way, and...

Shannon: Getting in contact with me...

Joanna: And also me. Thank goodness brother, you okay...

We're discussing the next step. I... we... think it's time to go rogue.

Shannon: That's it... Tuatha De nobility is no more...

Joanna: I think they went too far... assigning assassination target to...

Ed: A child? For years i'm in service of her... how could be?

John: For years also the Tuatha De were in good faith by Dia as the magic arts teacher as well... how could they.... HOW COULD THEY?!!!!!!!

Bell: Never once i felt really highly disappointed. Not towards you, of course, but towards those who claim to work for the greater good.

Without divulging how, what, or why...

Right now i lost almost everything...

And yet, for the first time in many years...

 I'm in control of everything. I'm in charge of everything.

Shannon: Oh by the way, before i forget...

Joanna: Welcome to the Templar Order.

Shannon: Your wisdom...

Bell: And your kindness...

Ed: Will guide us all...

Shannon: Your next assignment is a choice, either...

Plan A. Convince Lugh to stop doing that, demand explanation to the family of nobility why


Plan B. Complete scorched earth. As Dia survives, we need to convince that Lugh died in accident.

Shannon: This wouldn't be that easy. Especially as you told, he reincarnated from an assassin. The best one, allegedly...

Joanna: But you show ruthlessness and unwillingness to give up, even better resolve than Lugh.

Shannon: So i think i have to leave the rest to you. Make sure we're averse.

The explosion and sleeping gas is enough to convince that we're all MIA without suspicion.

John: About the ship...

Bell: It will be my... our new home, dear master... darling.

John: Hmmmm, try to be formal around others, it's kinda embarassing.

John: Excuse me, let's sail and sing to take our minds away for awhile, as we plan our next move...

Did we just... lost everything?

Granted, the person on board already have some belongings, but that's far smaller than the Tuatha De's treasury...

By the way everyone, let's sing together...

John then sing from the bottom of his heart, as the others soon follow in chorus:

I thought I heard the Young Man say:

"Leave them, Johnny, leave them."

Tomorrow we will get our pay

And it's time for us to leave them

Leave them, Johnny, leave them!

Oh, leave them, Johnny, leave them!

For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow

And it's time for us to leave them

Oh, the wind was foul and the sea ran high

"Leave them, Johnny, leave them!"

they shipped it green and none went by

And it's time for us to leave them

Leave them, Johnny, leave them!

Oh, leave them, Johnny, leave them!

For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow

And it's time for us to leave them

To be honest, i never liked to be called Johnny. My dear Bell wouldn't ever call me that either. But that's the song i always remembered. Especially in times like this.

By the way, the "them" refers to the nobility that for years i thought were family. Turns out they're just hypocritical mindless killers. I already put my best "ruthless facade" for them. And yet they dare to try to put a hit on a child?

Bell: You sing better than i expected. I had a vague memory of being a singer as well, but... that's my darling!

Always happy with her on my side. Then there's also...

John: Is your arm ok?

Shannon: Well, singing with you makes me kind of forgetting the pain. But still i need some more rest.

Thus began my sea-faring life...

I got to find a perfect hiding spot at times... Can't really go to land until we're prepared...

And we have... to raid nobilities' ship day by day for supplies and repair materials...

Making contact with potential recruits to our cause...

But about our uniforms, no, we ain't changing much in terms of color. We just wanted to be remembered as the ones that the nobility has betrayed.

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