Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Chapter 11 (Plan A - Canon)

As we went back home i was greeted by the sight of Daddy and Mommy tending up the wounded messenger from...

Daddy: You guys... This is an urgent matter...

Daddy: I will need you all, especially Lugh...

Daddy: As we were contracted by this very messenger...

Daddy: To assassinate Dia Viekone.

Sure enough all of us shocked. A lot, no, all of our targets deserve what's coming to them, but... she's pure as a flower. Why would be?

Calli: YOU REPREHENSIBLE THING! We knew her for so long and you just ask us to... well. Kill? Kill. Kill. Kill. That's what assassins are? As a reaper i felt disgusted on how lightly you order this. Oh yeah, kill her. Kill him. Kill me. Kill you. You're lucky that THIS. ISN'T. A. HOSTILE. AREA. You're lucky that [Angry words and expletives continues]

Calli were exploding. I would say the same thing if i'm not part of the family by blood.

I am shocked tat the whole journey until that reprehensible order was sent by none other than Daddy-not-by-blood himself.

I decide to listen to the whole thing. It's daddy...

Stay with Lugh's plan.

Daddy: There's no other way.

Daddy: Officially this is an assassination.

Daddy: But..

Daddy: You have to make sure that whatever it is, Dia will officially dead or disappear.

Daddy: So that whoever involved with the conflict did not claim Dia.

Daddy: We cannot intervene directly to their conflict as it will expose us...

Daddy: Do as i say, but...

Daddy: You don't have to kill her. At all. Just make sure she's presumed dead.

Daddy: And Calli (pointing to how Calli threatened to aim toward her own head), put down that gun before somebody gets hurt.

Calli sighed in relief.

I sighed in relief. 

All of us.

Still, a bit shaky though.

I handed Calli a cola bottle. Amelion import. Should be expensive, but Lugh always finds a way.

John: Hey, all that rant makes you thirsty? By the way, thanks, for speaking out for me, and for yourself.

Calli: Don't mention it. We're all in this together.

We both drank the cola, while afterwards, i reminded of... 

Where's Bell?

John: Where's Bell?

Daddy: Well, she took the initiative. She scouted the place.

Lugh calmed me and Calli, who back then brought down crying for the night, and then...

Mom came into the bedroom... and speak to the two of us personally.

Mom: Not only i personally glad that you're decided to take in... well, to take her as our family...

Mom: But there's one thing i want to say...

Mom: The silver hair of your brother... 

Mom: The silver hair of Mother herself...

Mom: Actually i'm part of the Viekone family. Which means that the Viekones are your "in-law"

Mom: That makes it perfect to integrate her and the rest of the family into ours...

Mom: But well, to make it less suspicious...

Mom: Especially you, my dear John, who possesses hair as dark as night and eye as green as the jade..

Mom: You'll be with Dia, while Lugh...

Mom: Well, this will be a bit personal, so John, just please, go to sleep!

Well, Lugh smiled for once, for the whole night. I decided not to follow up and respect Lugh's private manners.

As usual, Calli prefers the night watch. With lots of caffeine.

The morning.

Lugh: Well, it's like, very far, 3 days of journey on foot... Shall we...

Lugh: Well, i have an idea. I have a contact. First, wear this harness...

Hey, i recognize that. Skyhook extraction.

Calli: Lugh, you damn... genius.

All of us then wear the harness.

Then a large plane, which i identify as a Globemaster, approaching.

It is predictable that the thing sent us... flying.

John: (screaming) YOU SURE THIS THING IS SAFE?

Lugh: Don't worry, it's Amelion tech.

All of us then board the plane from the back.

Despite having to fly through a storm, we managed to... well, Lugh told me to parachute together with him, while Tart decided to stay.

Tart: I'm... I... 

For reasons unknown i often feel irritated toward her. Despite having no real bad thoughts. Maybe it's an allergy or something.

John: But please...

I then gave Tart a bag of gold coins.

John: Take it easy. You did well. Go fetch some rum or something. There's a cooler. You really earned it.

Tart then switch duties with a spare pilot as she drank herself from the compartment.

We managed to found Gilbert, scouting the place.

Gilbert: Whole thing is terrible. There is around 150 regiments surrounding Viekone's castle...

Gilbert: While...

Gilbert: There is only 50 of us.

Gilbert: For all day we've holding them off, and there is a ceasefire, but without both of you, and of course, my sister, we'll be lost.

Gilbert: Come on, have a field break here...

John: What about my dear... uh, Bell?

Gilbert: She's scouting the situation. She's practically invisible at this time, you'll meet her once the flare launched.

At night, we prepared around 200 meters before Dia's castle house.

Lugh: The next strike will commence...

Lugh: Had we're not interfering...

Lugh: The Viekones will lost...

Lugh: John... 

Lugh: Don't kill indiscriminately, for there are the House Viekone guards...

Lugh: Rescue Dia, and fake his death.

Lugh: Here's a Springfield, a Thompson, and a Welrod. Bell entrusted the rifle to you. Aim steady, pick your targets wisely, and relocate after shooting.

John: Like Karl Fairburne?

Lugh: Uhhh, you can write the Karl Fairburne stories later for us to tell with the family?

Lugh: By the way... if you want to go loud...

I see, an explosive bow... Lugh used the "grenade launcher" to draw distraction on him allowing me to snipe on another vantage point undetected.

Lugh: Want to try.

John: Here. Catch!

Well, look what is this baby... an M32...

I am having fun with the M32 after marking all the baddies.

Lugh: Could you please tone down the explosion? You seem to enjoy it, but...

I always found how funny it is that they fumble around without knowing the assailant. Like how i usually pick up baddies stealthily in a stealth game.

Lugh: Don't expose yourself! The explosion is enough to mask both of us, but... Just don't die please....

Lugh: Here, i marked the high-ranking targets for you. They can spot us faster. Eliminate them and we'll have far less to worry about.

Lugh: Do it...

Lugh: Like Karl Fairburne!!!!

John: You just said it, now i do it.

Lugh: Provide a large scale distraction so i can get in unnoticed!

I smiled and winked in agreement.

For some reason just by thinking it i could "become" Lugh as well. How strange. It's like how in that... ummm... game, you can switch to different, usually 2 or 3, person. All male though. Am i sleepwalking?

Situations like this makes me wish i'm into... 

But yeah, this is the first time i really passionate.

Like i'm inside a video game or something.

After i cleared all of the threats... Lugh spoke to me by long range, as he's already inside and i'm told to stay outside.

Lugh: Hey... look at the flare marks... please...

Lugh: Outside... to the east... BUT  FINGERS OFF TRIGGER AND DON'T SHOOT!

As i looked on the scope i see a pair of... 

haha... chest... familiar... at least it eased my tense...

And of course she's...

(original art by Duoyuanjun)
My wife...

Well, she isn't called Springfield for nothing...

Bell: Won't let my sweet darling cat wander in danger by himself! Time to do what have to be done!

Granted, as an outdoorsman, Bell did not really expose herself. And she readied another Springfield for herself, though she didn't get to shoot this time.

As the position between me and Bell are relatively empty of hostile, i reached out to her and... cool the tense.

(Original Art by @8Ovjfg8YRwM7qXz used as scene placeholder)

Then i suddenly became wild as usual... 

Come on... This time... of all times?

Granted the situation is clear so i think it's good time to pass time (yeah, "pass time") while Lugh and Dia has something private to do as well.

There is a tent nearby, set up by Bell herself.

After it's done...

I felt euphoric. Really, really euphoric. Takes off the tense and weight of having to do such kind of mission. 

We hastily set up our clothing back to our bodies and sat side by side,

Bell gave me a canteen filled with coffee and herbal drinks.

I think it's only given that she knew how i really dig in to caffeine...

Bell: There? Feel the caffeine rush into your bloodstream...

Bell: Our work here isn't over yet...

Bell: Come on, we need to cover the pair's escape.

Bell: But at least, we could observe from here until Lugh has given the signal for us to move.

As i exit the tent, i see Calli, who goes into the chaos after seeing the commotion.

Calli: Is this your handiwork? If so, i'm not choosing the wrong man to be my foster little brother.

Calli: Well, i do like you, but i am not intending to make you my husband or something. I'm already taken.

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