Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Chapter 12 (Route A)

Meanwhile... Lugh went on and met Dia, which is unharmed.

Then Lugh shot a bow, deliberately missing, to send a message.

Of course, it's Lugh.
There is a paper written "If you done with the frisky fun thing, come here. Let's meet up while covering the escape."

Both of us smiled.

Then we gathered inside the Viekone House Castle.
And suddenly...

Okay. A demon. Speaking German, it's attacking me.

Lugh: That's the fugitive. A large demon.

Along with an army of smaller demons.

We avoided them. Especially how my attention focuses on Bell.

Bell: I'll hold him back!

Bell and Lugh then launches her incendiary cannon attack, while

Lugh: Keep firing on him! It wouldn't do that thing good, but at least it's a good diversion.

I keep on shooting with available armaments. Like, just a bolt action rifle.

While the others fight the smaller demons.

Granted, i am really worried about Bell's well-being, but never, i mean never,

Underestimate just because it's a woman.

Underestimating woman lead to losses further in time forward.

John: You okay Bell?

Bell: None of the bullets hit me, or you, but...

Bell: My battle dress got torn up... 

John: Let's continue fighting, shall we?

Both me and my dearest one smiled toward each other as we continue fighting.

There is no way, that the Eisenblut would let this strategic point - and person of interest - step aside in a skirmish.

They have prepared.

Dia: I won't become the property of anyone! I shall submit to none but myself!

Then i hear an announcement

RADIO VOICE: This is an announcement from the United States of Amelion. Allied Strike Imminent. Forward report elements are sent. You are to hold for 2 minutes before <unintelligible> 

Lugh: Look, pretend all of you are dead. Get away...

John: But...

Lugh: Allied Force are on the way. Contact them. Don't worry, they've been informed.

Amelion is said to be my beloved's homeland... I wish to visit the place.

So all of this is just to stall time...

To ensure the safety of everyone...

I have to cover their escape...

I switched to a Thompson and gunning down everyone that isn't Dia, the members of her forces and family, Lugh, and Bell.

Suddenly, i was reminded of something as a rumbling, something like earthquake happen and i feel unconscious.

Operator: This is Gungnir-1, reporting in.

Operator: Gungnir-1, closing on vector target.

Operator: Target designation DEMON. BARON OF HELL. Spotted.

I remember how Lugh back then left us to train with some faraway regiment planning forward military partnership. 

That they are the members of the United States Army, with familiar looking faces and names.

For an armament known as the Orbital Cannon.

Granted, this is a loud way to go for that demon, but.

As i realize i am awake in Bell's embrace...

Bell: Such risky observation...

And i notice to the right...

Yeah, it was Lugh's work.

It's assassination.

Granted, it's loud, but...

We find ourselves awakened in a makeshift infirmary camp.

Well, we're injured. Mostly by fall, but thankfully the girls, Bell and Dia, were practically unharmed.

A familiar looking soldier watches over us They resemble American uniform and combat gear. More than resembles though. Just the names that are different.

Amelion Soldier: Staff Sergeant Brad Barnes. US Army. We know everything thanks to this "Lugh Tuatha De" Landing will be commenced. The Viekone nobility will be held in good hands.

Granted, i did nothing, but...

Brad: Hadn't we receive intelligence from Milleu... from the Balor... Our units will be wiped out in that instant, but...

Another soldier, carrying a document, comes in. Along with Lugh, bandaged on the forehead like me.

Soldier: Thanks to this little kid, we got the objective handed over to us and further casualties from that... Demon has been avoided.

Soldier: Plus, the top brass got to test the experimental Gungnir. Cleaner than the dirty radiation bomb.

Lugh: Well, after the pain is gone, let's go home.

Lugh: Without them i can't perfect my Gungnir technique of launching them far from high altitude.

Lugh: By the way, i need a moment...

Bell: Goodness, you're alright! 

Dia: Lugh...

Dia: To see how a man would've gone so far as to risk his life for me...

Dia: I...

Dia: Love you.

Dia: May i be yours?

Lugh: Of course... my dear.

Lugh and Thea then kissed.

Boarding a truck, we go home, to the...

Tuatha De Residence...

Lugh: Well, that was intense, but we know how we're still far from over.

Lugh: If you need anything else from me, ask and i shall be.

Lugh: You're now free to engage the new objectives from now on.

And then...

John: Morning, Thea, how's the home?

Thea smiled.

Thea: Thanks to you and the US Army, i have almost all of my research recovered!

Thea: I can start my study again here, so you don't have to travel back and forth!

John: What about your family?

Thea: They... well, we have to attend the funeral for the fallen sooner or later, but my dad survives and that's a good thing to hear.

Thea: Again, i have to thank you. Not just Lugh. But you too.... and Bell too!

John smiles.

John then meet Bell.

Bell: John. Come with me. The garden.

John: Ummmmmm....

Bell: Just enjoying fresh air together.

Bell: Ufufu...

John: Bell, you became strange...

Bell: What's strange about being a married couple?

Bell: Sometimes, you just need to take a break!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Chapter 11 (Plan A - Canon)

As we went back home i was greeted by the sight of Daddy and Mommy tending up the wounded messenger from...

Daddy: You guys... This is an urgent matter...

Daddy: I will need you all, especially Lugh...

Daddy: As we were contracted by this very messenger...

Daddy: To assassinate Dia Viekone.

Sure enough all of us shocked. A lot, no, all of our targets deserve what's coming to them, but... she's pure as a flower. Why would be?

Calli: YOU REPREHENSIBLE THING! We knew her for so long and you just ask us to... well. Kill? Kill. Kill. Kill. That's what assassins are? As a reaper i felt disgusted on how lightly you order this. Oh yeah, kill her. Kill him. Kill me. Kill you. You're lucky that THIS. ISN'T. A. HOSTILE. AREA. You're lucky that [Angry words and expletives continues]

Calli were exploding. I would say the same thing if i'm not part of the family by blood.

I am shocked tat the whole journey until that reprehensible order was sent by none other than Daddy-not-by-blood himself.

I decide to listen to the whole thing. It's daddy...

Stay with Lugh's plan.

Daddy: There's no other way.

Daddy: Officially this is an assassination.

Daddy: But..

Daddy: You have to make sure that whatever it is, Dia will officially dead or disappear.

Daddy: So that whoever involved with the conflict did not claim Dia.

Daddy: We cannot intervene directly to their conflict as it will expose us...

Daddy: Do as i say, but...

Daddy: You don't have to kill her. At all. Just make sure she's presumed dead.

Daddy: And Calli (pointing to how Calli threatened to aim toward her own head), put down that gun before somebody gets hurt.

Calli sighed in relief.

I sighed in relief. 

All of us.

Still, a bit shaky though.

I handed Calli a cola bottle. Amelion import. Should be expensive, but Lugh always finds a way.

John: Hey, all that rant makes you thirsty? By the way, thanks, for speaking out for me, and for yourself.

Calli: Don't mention it. We're all in this together.

We both drank the cola, while afterwards, i reminded of... 

Where's Bell?

John: Where's Bell?

Daddy: Well, she took the initiative. She scouted the place.

Lugh calmed me and Calli, who back then brought down crying for the night, and then...

Mom came into the bedroom... and speak to the two of us personally.

Mom: Not only i personally glad that you're decided to take in... well, to take her as our family...

Mom: But there's one thing i want to say...

Mom: The silver hair of your brother... 

Mom: The silver hair of Mother herself...

Mom: Actually i'm part of the Viekone family. Which means that the Viekones are your "in-law"

Mom: That makes it perfect to integrate her and the rest of the family into ours...

Mom: But well, to make it less suspicious...

Mom: Especially you, my dear John, who possesses hair as dark as night and eye as green as the jade..

Mom: You'll be with Dia, while Lugh...

Mom: Well, this will be a bit personal, so John, just please, go to sleep!

Well, Lugh smiled for once, for the whole night. I decided not to follow up and respect Lugh's private manners.

As usual, Calli prefers the night watch. With lots of caffeine.

The morning.

Lugh: Well, it's like, very far, 3 days of journey on foot... Shall we...

Lugh: Well, i have an idea. I have a contact. First, wear this harness...

Hey, i recognize that. Skyhook extraction.

Calli: Lugh, you damn... genius.

All of us then wear the harness.

Then a large plane, which i identify as a Globemaster, approaching.

It is predictable that the thing sent us... flying.

John: (screaming) YOU SURE THIS THING IS SAFE?

Lugh: Don't worry, it's Amelion tech.

All of us then board the plane from the back.

Despite having to fly through a storm, we managed to... well, Lugh told me to parachute together with him, while Tart decided to stay.

Tart: I'm... I... 

For reasons unknown i often feel irritated toward her. Despite having no real bad thoughts. Maybe it's an allergy or something.

John: But please...

I then gave Tart a bag of gold coins.

John: Take it easy. You did well. Go fetch some rum or something. There's a cooler. You really earned it.

Tart then switch duties with a spare pilot as she drank herself from the compartment.

We managed to found Gilbert, scouting the place.

Gilbert: Whole thing is terrible. There is around 150 regiments surrounding Viekone's castle...

Gilbert: While...

Gilbert: There is only 50 of us.

Gilbert: For all day we've holding them off, and there is a ceasefire, but without both of you, and of course, my sister, we'll be lost.

Gilbert: Come on, have a field break here...

John: What about my dear... uh, Bell?

Gilbert: She's scouting the situation. She's practically invisible at this time, you'll meet her once the flare launched.

At night, we prepared around 200 meters before Dia's castle house.

Lugh: The next strike will commence...

Lugh: Had we're not interfering...

Lugh: The Viekones will lost...

Lugh: John... 

Lugh: Don't kill indiscriminately, for there are the House Viekone guards...

Lugh: Rescue Dia, and fake his death.

Lugh: Here's a Springfield, a Thompson, and a Welrod. Bell entrusted the rifle to you. Aim steady, pick your targets wisely, and relocate after shooting.

John: Like Karl Fairburne?

Lugh: Uhhh, you can write the Karl Fairburne stories later for us to tell with the family?

Lugh: By the way... if you want to go loud...

I see, an explosive bow... Lugh used the "grenade launcher" to draw distraction on him allowing me to snipe on another vantage point undetected.

Lugh: Want to try.

John: Here. Catch!

Well, look what is this baby... an M32...

I am having fun with the M32 after marking all the baddies.

Lugh: Could you please tone down the explosion? You seem to enjoy it, but...

I always found how funny it is that they fumble around without knowing the assailant. Like how i usually pick up baddies stealthily in a stealth game.

Lugh: Don't expose yourself! The explosion is enough to mask both of us, but... Just don't die please....

Lugh: Here, i marked the high-ranking targets for you. They can spot us faster. Eliminate them and we'll have far less to worry about.

Lugh: Do it...

Lugh: Like Karl Fairburne!!!!

John: You just said it, now i do it.

Lugh: Provide a large scale distraction so i can get in unnoticed!

I smiled and winked in agreement.

For some reason just by thinking it i could "become" Lugh as well. How strange. It's like how in that... ummm... game, you can switch to different, usually 2 or 3, person. All male though. Am i sleepwalking?

Situations like this makes me wish i'm into... 

But yeah, this is the first time i really passionate.

Like i'm inside a video game or something.

After i cleared all of the threats... Lugh spoke to me by long range, as he's already inside and i'm told to stay outside.

Lugh: Hey... look at the flare marks... please...

Lugh: Outside... to the east... BUT  FINGERS OFF TRIGGER AND DON'T SHOOT!

As i looked on the scope i see a pair of... 

haha... chest... familiar... at least it eased my tense...

And of course she's...

(original art by Duoyuanjun)
My wife...

Well, she isn't called Springfield for nothing...

Bell: Won't let my sweet darling cat wander in danger by himself! Time to do what have to be done!

Granted, as an outdoorsman, Bell did not really expose herself. And she readied another Springfield for herself, though she didn't get to shoot this time.

As the position between me and Bell are relatively empty of hostile, i reached out to her and... cool the tense.

(Original Art by @8Ovjfg8YRwM7qXz used as scene placeholder)

Then i suddenly became wild as usual... 

Come on... This time... of all times?

Granted the situation is clear so i think it's good time to pass time (yeah, "pass time") while Lugh and Dia has something private to do as well.

There is a tent nearby, set up by Bell herself.

After it's done...

I felt euphoric. Really, really euphoric. Takes off the tense and weight of having to do such kind of mission. 

We hastily set up our clothing back to our bodies and sat side by side,

Bell gave me a canteen filled with coffee and herbal drinks.

I think it's only given that she knew how i really dig in to caffeine...

Bell: There? Feel the caffeine rush into your bloodstream...

Bell: Our work here isn't over yet...

Bell: Come on, we need to cover the pair's escape.

Bell: But at least, we could observe from here until Lugh has given the signal for us to move.

As i exit the tent, i see Calli, who goes into the chaos after seeing the commotion.

Calli: Is this your handiwork? If so, i'm not choosing the wrong man to be my foster little brother.

Calli: Well, i do like you, but i am not intending to make you my husband or something. I'm already taken.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Plan B (Rogue Route) Ending (Non-Canon)

(Note: This is an alternate "non-canon" route B ending, where what if John, his siblings, his own friends, and his wife gone rogue, dissociate themselves with the Tuatha De nobility, and seek to rebuild the society by destroying the nobility and establishing a "Templar Order"* where peace, love, and understanding between humankind is above all else)

*Templar Order largely in name only due to the nature of new world.

It worked.

We built an armada.

We raided the Alvarn nobilities, making the ocean basically a Bermuda Triangle where the landmass Alvarn on were isolated.

And now...

We launched a surprise attack.

I didn't want to, but i didn't even look when i pull the trigger toward Esri, Tart, and the "big daddy" himself.

Shining lights, even in death.

But this is different... they ordered a hasty betrayal.

And i give them the taste of betrayal.

Then there's the Assassin himself.

Lugh: ...You! John!

Like a gunslinger, i drew my first shot as he became surprised, outmatching Lugh's. That this also could be my final shot towards assassination...

A void of blue sea hue surround us as i approach Lugh, who barely survived despite how the armor-piercing bullet ruptured his innards.

Lugh: Uugh... <cough>...<cough> I think not just me... but our family... taught us well...

John: This is just luck...

Lugh: No... This isn't luck. This is you fighting with all your soul...

Lugh: And how do you do that, dear brother? Though we're not bound by the same womb,  you have the blood of the Tuatha De running on you since you got the eye...

Lugh: Yet you broke them all. Mom. Dad. Tarte. And even Matcha... Sending them into Oblivion by yourself... To whom you side with?

John: I side with myself. There is nothing justifying killing your own dear teacher. Even nothing justifying HOW SHE IS JUST A CHILD AND SHE TAUGHT YOU WELL WITHOUT COERCION, FORCE, OR ABUSE?!

Lugh: You... you... Dia was never meant to be killed... And your shortsightness ruins it all. Ruins the plan...

John: I made my own plan now. Without this kind of dog-eat-dog society, there will be no demons. And no "hero" that will destroy the world. I... we... will build our own new society. One without assassins. One without nobility. One that is guided by Understanding of fellow humankind.

Lugh: (laughing) i hope the world you'll shape is a good one...

Lugh: But thanks for granting me a proper death, one that i was denied back in my old life.

Lugh laughed, not in a sinister way but in a childish way, as his breath exhausted, one by one, and finally, he's not moving anymore.

As he become a meat puppet i closed both of his eyes, and paid my final respect.

John: Requiescat in pace, mi frater.

As i loot his body, i found a notebook signifying the current position of Dia.

Dia might not accept this, but i know my sister can fully erase memories. Then off we go. We'll got another sister.

Several chaos later...

I watched from the highest tower in the town about how Alvarn is bathed in flames and explosion.

John: Templar is in the house, baby! Yeah!

And that's it. The Alvarn Empire is no more. So does Milleu and the surrounding areas. The corrupt old nobility has fall. Make room for Templar Order and those under the supervision. 

Soon, the humanity of new world will be rebuild. Of those with the teachings of peace, love, and understanding with each other.

Everyone will be workers and servants and yet everyone will also be leaders and masters, 

Thus, everyone will be equal.

I'm John Archer.

And soon, i will be a father.

Through great sacrifices i... we... have achieved.

A new dawning age for the empire we will build from the ground up...

[9 Months Later.]

John: It's a girl...

John: I don't have much for a name, but i can see the soul of her mother in her... i shall name her Bell Archer the Second, and call her Little Bell for the rest of her childhood...

John: She will be serving House Archer for time to come.

John: My love to you will be unceasing.

Bell: Love you too... unceasingly.

[8 Years Later.]

John: Bell... you look as beautiful as the day i met you.

Bell: You too... you didn't seem to age at all after all these years...

Bell: In fact... you look better by the age...

Little Bell: Dad! Mom!

John: Let's have a drink together, shall we?

Bell: Mojito will be nice for such a warm day.

Little Bell gestures in agreement as the three of us walk into the reception, where not only we're reunited, but we live together.

I can see Dia, a surrogate older sister for Little Bel, and my sister.

Joanna's measure succeed to erase her memories and all knowledge of the now not even history Tuatha De Nobility.

In fact there is no more nobility.

Only Order.

John: Heard you'll be singing for the ball... So, you already rehearsed? If you're crying...

I hugged Dia...

John: Please. Calm down. I cried when i sang that song. But that song is important.

John: It's about the treasure we cherish. It's about family.

Dia: Okay brother, i'll sing for you... no... for all.

Then we made our ovations and Dia sang the song.

It's called "The Parting Glass". I memorized the lyrics from the old world.

Of all the gold that ever I had
I have spent it in good company
Oh and all the harm I've ever done
Alas, it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of wit
To memory now I can't recall
So fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all
So fill to me the parting glass
And drink a health whatever befalls
Then gently rise and softly call
Good night and joy be with you all
Of all the brothers that ever I had
They're sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that ever I loved
They would wish me one more day to stay
But since it fell into my lot
That I should rise and you...
I'll gently rise and softly call
Good night and joy be with you all
So fill to me the parting glass
And drink a health whate'er befalls
Then gently rise and softly call
Good night and joy be with you all
But since it fell into my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and softly call
Good night and joy be with you all
Good night and joy be with you all


Makes me broke down crying.

Sure that many people's memories were erased courtesy of Joanna...

But i personally ask her...


Let some small part of my brain held the treasured moments between me and Lugh.

How that without him i wouldn't have a beautiful wife...

A surrogate family... which include Matcha, that makes me reunited with my old world sister in technicality...

And a really caring, dependable sister. One who sees her brother as the true hero at heart he is.

As i excuse the others to see the night...


Little Bell: Daddy... daddy... why are you crying...?

John: It's okay my daughter, it's just the drink... i have to sample a certain Milleu brew for the sake of a trade...

Bell then moved to me and made her chest a pillow to me while standing.

Bell: But i know why...

John: There are a certain part of memory that seems painful to remember, but at the same time, it's pleasant... besides... without that guy...

Bell: We wouldn't form a lifetime contract, right?

Bell: Don't worry, Shannon will took care of things... you... we... let's go to sleep, shall we? The moon's in full and....

Bell: (chuckles) What? Getting heated up again as usual?

John: Kind of, but let's just sleep. Besides my... our heat will shield our daughter from the coldness of night...

The three then goes to sleep together, facing an uncertain, yet brighter tomorrow...

As my consciousness for the day faded, i remembered the oath we took at that very night...

"Uphold our principles and everything we stand in belief for."
"Never share our secrets and give away the the true nature of ours unless to those intended to be initiated or to be killed."
"Do so until the end of our lives, no matter what the cost."

Since that night, i believe in that oath.

I am John Archer - Templar Lord of the New Templar Empire, where Alvarn once stood and burned.

Though i grew old, i still have the shell of a strapping young man. But not just i. We... grew wiser as well. A large revolutionary strife has ended...  But perhaps another will begin in the coming days...

As this world isn't just Alvarn and its surroundings, but also many, many uncharted territories, which i send a lot of people off to scout and scour...

May the Father of Understanding guides us all...


{{Author's Note: Things that might be perceived as plagiarism is merely a direct reference. After all this is a cross-over fanfiction.}}

AFTER CREDITS SCENE (in perspective of the Goddess):

"Hmmm.... John Archer, isn't it?"

"It wasn't his actual name. I didn't even pick him the name."

"But if it's his name, that's his name."

"As i observe, he has the quirks."

"Quirks that i can't even predict despite my grants toward him."

"Rather than confronting the hero and the demon directly, he decided to reform the society so that the demons and hero will not appear..."

"Most of my subjects... like... 400 of them... just gave up."

"They either slack off or failed..."

"The several latest ones show promise. Perhaps i granted them too much."

"And... i see a familiar face that become John's soulmate..."

"Her body doesn't look like it but through her face i can sense it..."

"Is it her?"

"Many ages ago, i was trapped in a loop engineered by divine beings like me, but with a sinister purpose."

"That loop took form of a quaint Japanese village in the old-world year 1983 where terrible oddities happening. From death to madness. It's all vague like a nightmare, but also a sweet dream, as i befriend many nice people at the moment."

"John's soulmate is the one that accompanied me while i was alone, under the guise of a horned girl. We have long histories toward each other."

"As i sat upon this lone crystal throne i am bound for to ensure the safety of myself and to ensure that divine powers are not leaking to the human world... 

"...i always reminisce the times... Hanyuu, when will i can reunite with you again?"

Friday, December 10, 2021

Chapter 11 (Plan B) Prelude

After being abruptly knocked out i woke up myself in the one-by-one scale replica of HMS Belfast made a week ago by ironically... Lugh. Which will become my next target-of-interest for reasons to be revealed soon.

There is however... 

Bell, Ed, Joanna, and Shannon...

Shannon's kinda hurt, but he's still okay to talk. But still he need to go to the sickbay after the whole thing.

Bell: Let's not broke hearts, okay? You're really kind, and i wish you can stop this from happening...

Ed: Dia's life is in danger... i can feel it... However i was told to stay out of harm's way, and...

Shannon: Getting in contact with me...

Joanna: And also me. Thank goodness brother, you okay...

We're discussing the next step. I... we... think it's time to go rogue.

Shannon: That's it... Tuatha De nobility is no more...

Joanna: I think they went too far... assigning assassination target to...

Ed: A child? For years i'm in service of her... how could be?

John: For years also the Tuatha De were in good faith by Dia as the magic arts teacher as well... how could they.... HOW COULD THEY?!!!!!!!

Bell: Never once i felt really highly disappointed. Not towards you, of course, but towards those who claim to work for the greater good.

Without divulging how, what, or why...

Right now i lost almost everything...

And yet, for the first time in many years...

 I'm in control of everything. I'm in charge of everything.

Shannon: Oh by the way, before i forget...

Joanna: Welcome to the Templar Order.

Shannon: Your wisdom...

Bell: And your kindness...

Ed: Will guide us all...

Shannon: Your next assignment is a choice, either...

Plan A. Convince Lugh to stop doing that, demand explanation to the family of nobility why


Plan B. Complete scorched earth. As Dia survives, we need to convince that Lugh died in accident.

Shannon: This wouldn't be that easy. Especially as you told, he reincarnated from an assassin. The best one, allegedly...

Joanna: But you show ruthlessness and unwillingness to give up, even better resolve than Lugh.

Shannon: So i think i have to leave the rest to you. Make sure we're averse.

The explosion and sleeping gas is enough to convince that we're all MIA without suspicion.

John: About the ship...

Bell: It will be my... our new home, dear master... darling.

John: Hmmmm, try to be formal around others, it's kinda embarassing.

John: Excuse me, let's sail and sing to take our minds away for awhile, as we plan our next move...

Did we just... lost everything?

Granted, the person on board already have some belongings, but that's far smaller than the Tuatha De's treasury...

By the way everyone, let's sing together...

John then sing from the bottom of his heart, as the others soon follow in chorus:

I thought I heard the Young Man say:

"Leave them, Johnny, leave them."

Tomorrow we will get our pay

And it's time for us to leave them

Leave them, Johnny, leave them!

Oh, leave them, Johnny, leave them!

For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow

And it's time for us to leave them

Oh, the wind was foul and the sea ran high

"Leave them, Johnny, leave them!"

they shipped it green and none went by

And it's time for us to leave them

Leave them, Johnny, leave them!

Oh, leave them, Johnny, leave them!

For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow

And it's time for us to leave them

To be honest, i never liked to be called Johnny. My dear Bell wouldn't ever call me that either. But that's the song i always remembered. Especially in times like this.

By the way, the "them" refers to the nobility that for years i thought were family. Turns out they're just hypocritical mindless killers. I already put my best "ruthless facade" for them. And yet they dare to try to put a hit on a child?

Bell: You sing better than i expected. I had a vague memory of being a singer as well, but... that's my darling!

Always happy with her on my side. Then there's also...

John: Is your arm ok?

Shannon: Well, singing with you makes me kind of forgetting the pain. But still i need some more rest.

Thus began my sea-faring life...

I got to find a perfect hiding spot at times... Can't really go to land until we're prepared...

And we have... to raid nobilities' ship day by day for supplies and repair materials...

Making contact with potential recruits to our cause...

But about our uniforms, no, we ain't changing much in terms of color. We just wanted to be remembered as the ones that the nobility has betrayed.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Night Talk 9 - Lugh

 Drinking several cups of coffee i myself prepared, i can't made myself sleep.

True that i cause an "accident" that sink a whole mansion, but seeing how those involved with the lavish party ruins an entire town with drugs, i can't feel any guilt.

Besides with all that magic, how my ability revolves around, and there are lots of unpleasant people in those places, it's just i treat this new world as a videogame world where the protagonist works to cleanse the world of evil.

Got to talk to Lugh about the assignment. His guilt is my primary source of concern now.

I see that he can't sleep either despite some reassurement by Tart (who is now asleep)

John: Something on your mind?

Lugh: I mean... well, Venkar saved a noblewoman from poverty, and that noblewoman really lost it after i...

Lugh: Killed him. And you brought down an entire mansion in an engineered "natural" disaster, putting your body count in...

John: Related or not, Venkar ruined a whole town with drugs... and...

John: By ruining the lives of an entire town, it's a just payment for them.

John: Come on, calm down. You did your best. You did better than me in...

Lugh: Yeah but that's a...

John: Videogame? With all these magic and my abilities we might as well be living in a videogame. So please calm down. Enjoy life.

Lugh: Yeah... i mean... it's nice to have a friend like you. Back in my old life i throw away associates just to erase my trace. Since i was reborn, i can build attachments toward fellow humans so easily that i can suppress my emotions no longer.

Lugh: Even then... Well, i accept your quirks.

John: Excuse me?

Lugh: Your quirk for being a grown-up, a husband, and be able to act childish and catlike seemingly at whim. Yet you still have that treasure of kindness inside your heart.

Lugh: You're definitely older than me, but you're better at managing your emotions than i did.

John: Thanks. In this new world i also have more people appreciate me for what i am.

Lugh: Yeah... anything else to say before we should sleep for the next day?

John: Nothing. You said it.

Lugh: Thanks for lifting me off the weight. Tart as well. But then again she's like you, and she did it all and base her personality from you. She understood that you have a loved one, which is why she backed off peacefully and make herself scarce from you.

Lugh: Let's go to sleep, right?

Both made themselves scarce and returning to their respective bedrooms, where for Lugh, Tart awaits, and for John, Bell awaits.

Of course, Bell wasn't, and never aware of what both of us did. She's helping with the home and the orphanage while both of us and Tarte were doing the assignment.

Chapter 9 (For Real This Time, LOL)

 Glad to finally had firearms after all this years. Granted my skill should be rusty or faded after all these years, but those time skips made 11 years of life feels like two months.

To elaborate, 

Lugh got himself a customized M1903 Springfield with silver body finish like what he used during the first training with Dia years ago,

Bell got a wooden stock M1903 Springfield for her outdoorsman look, and for her maid look, a pair of incendiary miniaturized battleship canon, befitting her origin of identity as that one immortal British battleship that still stands in the rivers of London as far as i remember in the old world,

Though for her knight-errant look, she prefers her custom "Phoenix Sword".

Yeah she's a shapeshifter. And could store those equipments in her proverbial "pocket dimension".

And they saved the best for the last...

After all these years of using a pair of crude and unwieldy flintlocks, i've got a chance to be equipped with a Colt M1911 with custom finish. And another Springfield rifle for long range engagements, of course.

Definitely my type.

Of course these are to be stored in "pocket dimension" inventory. Not to be used until it's required.

Then i think how i started to get used to being a couple and having an overactive carnal life during the night while retaining my youthful innocence during the daylight (yes, i do kill things and others too but this new world is like a videogame. Full of opportunities to explore and things to do.)

Only have to play by the rules. Don't cause too much chaos to the point that we... i... become the "hero"

Whatever, i don't recall the time/date of operations...

But yeah, this, Beizal, is a miserable town...

Junkies and drugs are everywhere.

John: Take over this town, one by one.

Lugh: I heard what you just mouthed, but please... take the subtle approach

John: I mean i'm reloading save game so often in that assassin game, i can't. Yeah yeah i leave all of this to you.

Lugh: Oh my... oh my...

And my ability to make others forget can't really work large scale, like leveling the whole town. Eventually they'll know.


There goes the boring scouting...

What the target name again?

Well, it's not really my mission but...

Ah yes, Count Venkar Amon.

Me (and a certain bald agent) aren't exactly the social type, and in fact i play that bald barcoded tuxedo wearing, disguise loving agent as the prankster type, but Lugh's social engineering ability is impeccable.

Get close to the target, and...

Well, instead of doing the inside way Lugh decided to scout the place 300 meters away and...

Lugh: Please be silent. This is serious.

Speechlessly i bring up the binoculars.

BAM! It is that easy. Like BOOM HEADSHOT!

I laughed a little and it is harmless given it's 300 meters.

But Lugh felt a little bit doubt, and shaken for what he did.

Venkar has destroyed the town of Beizal with the steady supply of drugs (which we plan to reverse it after this is done), but it is undeniable Venkar has saved a noblewoman's life through marriage.

John: Lugh...

Lugh: I need some time with Tart. You... we'll talk later. Now, trigger the avalanche you planned.

I'll give him a "Silent Assassin" rank then.

I'm planning for an avalanche to collapse the entire mansion to happen to cover up the fact that a murder happens. So, several rigged charges set underground later...

And that's it. There's no killing. Only avalanches.

Wait, am... i... upping the body count?

Aaaaand... i end up didn't using any of my weapons in the first assignment. Even the scouting at Beizal, i use the good old ancient assassin techniques to defend ourselves.

Didn't feel any heat in myself, probably because of the tension.

But a sleepover or read-along with Bell is something i... we... need to ease the tension.

That and the pay will be nice for... whatever, this era doesn't have videogames.