Sunday, November 21, 2021

Chapter 2 - New Life

[Note: Due to the discomfort some people might experience, i decided to skip or write off the "body measuring" scene if you watch or read the source material. Also a bit late with this.]

 I'm dozing off multiple times during the dinner. Like after i finish the exquisite meal, i often felt like asleep but i'm suddenly in my bedroom. 

Is it what they call "timeskip" or "Animus fast forward?"


There was this large but beautiful woman, that i correctly assume Lugh's, and technically my mom...


There was this stern guy with a nice handlebar, that i correctly assume... father.

Dad: I see that you're recovered from your constant fever. You seems to be really healthy today. Why won't you take your brother for a walk, Lugh? Show him the obligations. 

Dad: From what i see he agrees. And he's loyal.

I'm not much in a way of conversation, especially in videogames, so i often skip the whole thing. And the universe seems to run in a videogame rule, i can skip stuff or doze off during cutscenes until...

Lugh: You, let's prepare. Show me your outdoorsman skill. Craft a bow and arrow, and then i'll show you the basics.

I followed Lugh into the wilderness. Even showing the plank-stacked shack i made before i live with the Tuatha De household.

Lugh: I know that you can handle bow and arrow. But make sure to hit the hunt game at the critical body parts. The less blood spills, the better.

Though i might usually miss a few shots, once i train my aim, things just, like, had become easier.

Back in the home, we managed to surprise mom with a Ragout Rabbit Lugh himself prepared. Turns out that he's a child at heart, despite his own account as a "ruthless old assassin" that not only made contact but learned a lot with the "fourty-seven" himself.



Dad: And that's it. Well, Horatio, you've proven your trustworthiness and loyalty to our family, but your tendency to be too "enjoying" toward the chaos as well as not really possessing the blood of Tuatha De, means that you'll not be an assassin. But...

Lugh: You have proven to myself that you've got what it takes. Now... will you... well... just want to give you some surprise...

Horatio: Ummm...

Lugh: Time to put in your nobility dress. Isn't "all-black with green accent" is what you asked?

(placeholder image)

From the time since, i don't know, because things skipped a lot in front of me, as i look at the mirror, i see myself in an industrial age military dress. Not only it suits me but the mirror might broke because it can't handle how looking very good i am, as well as Lugh, of course.

Dad: From the point you wear this dress, you're part of the nobility. The dress you wear will be the mark of you as the Sentinel of Tuatha De family. From now on you will assist the Tuatha De family and nobility by any way you can.

Dad: I know your peculiar ability to craft, build, and mine easily, but tomorrow, you and Lugh will be learning and sharing knowledge with an affine mage... her name is Dia Viekone.

As i lay down on the bed, i try to sleep, but i can't. 

But as i try to sleep...

i feel a piercing sting. Like needle.

Then i start babbling what seems to be nonsense as my consciousness fades.

Horatio: "Quit cryin' Vic... i'll bring you the eddies later, with interest, you know i will..."

Dad: Vic, who's vic? Relax, it's just the aftereffect of the anaesthetics... you'll be feeling nothing.

Horatio: "Kiroshi Mark I"

Horatio: "I'm ready... carve away..."

Horatio: "Play by play though, really Dad? Makes you sound like a dentist, always go on and on..."


Dad: Well, here's Lugh, and here's Horatio.

Moments later...

Dad: Well, initially you babble a lot before losing consequences and be operated on, but i assume it's just the anaesthetics...

Dad then open my blindfold.

Dad: Well, how's it look? Feel all right to you?

Since i have ever since the beginning of living in this new world, a perfect sight, i don't feel any different. However as i subconsciously reference something during how i dozing off yet again after Dad somehow putting me into anaesthetics...

Horatio: Whoa, this is fantastic, Dad.

Dad: Haha, beautiful. 

Horatio: Yeah, Lugh is beautiful. I mean...

Dad: Time for the scanner.

Horatio: Wait, i know this exact sequence of dialogue... 

Dad: What do you mean you know?

Horatio: I mean.... uh, nevermind.

Subconsciously i push a button... Hearings dimmed, and colors desaturated. Then i try to look at Dad... the father who adopted me.

A text box appears.

[Cian Tuatha De

Affiliation: Tuatha De Nobility

Resistant to: (I'd rather not see. I never want to offend him in any way i can)

Head of the Tuatha De Nobility, the Tuatha De Nobility is a family of high skilled surgeon and assassin, and it is known by few as the only nobility dealing with assassination and cutting edge surgery and medical techniques in the Kingdom of Alvan.]

Dad: It might take you a few seconds, but... first time's rarely the charm, with anything, really. The Eye of Tuatha De will eventually merge with your thought process, read your intentions, and allow you to sense everyone you see as far as knowledge allows.

Dad: I also put in the information of all current nobility in the Kingdom of Alvan.

Dad: Thus, if you run into any "ne'er do wells", heh, you'll know exactly what they "ne'er did well".

Horatio: Shit, it's not bad, i don't know what to say.

Dad: Language, Horatio. Remember, we're a nobility, but i know there will be a very odd feeling having your eye be replaced like that. That is also why i didn't want to tell you, because a boy or kid your age, might be crying all their tears knowing that they having their eyes replaced.

Dad: Hahahahaha... go on kid, show 'em what you're made of.

Dad: But as you grow up, don't forget where you belong.

Dad: But now it's the time. Meet with Lugh outside.

Must be the learning thing. Okay i guess.

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