Monday, November 29, 2021

Night Talk 8 - Bell

 It's night time already and i want to know Bell better because even after those two years there's still many questions unanswered. It didn't help that oftentimes time just "jump" all over the place like it's Animus. Perhaps all of this is a tradeoff for all my abilities.

To make the situation less awkward, Bell assumes the knight-errant girl look, which i found really pretty as well but not too distracting. Can't believe both are the same person. But everyone has its quirks.

John: About Matcha...

Bell: Actually i am worried. I am really really worried. I have a vision of myself running an orphanage and a bazaar, on the one hand. But on the other hand i put my soul to you and you only. Let's hope that by Lugh's training, Matcha can handle herself.

Bell: And i actually want you to spend some time with other girls... i mean also people as well. You're still, at heart, a teenager, after all.

John: By the way...

Bell: Hmmm?

John: I am speechless, really, but every single look you assume always suits me.

Bell: Thanks, then. And, in return...

Bell: If the two of us can share our past lives that would break the boundaries of our hearts...

Bell: I want to guess that it's your passion on video games that makes you be able to use video game strength and abilities right?

John: I assume you're an actress. And an amazing one.

Bell: You also reminded me of somebody who stood up for me in the past. He went missing afterwards. I once regretted how I can't contact him afterwards, which is why many of my characters and songs are themed about love.

Bell: I also love cats though my work prevents me to care about them that most of them are under foster care.

Bell: And I'm really lonely. Can't really get the love of my life because i just wanted to be with that person.

Bell: And to be honest...

Bell: Even after the transplant... Don't ask, i know...

Bell: You have his eyes, his face, his heart, his soul, and his sorrow...

Bell: Which is why i bound myself on to you and not somebody else.

Bell: Must be hard on you, right?

Bell: But past things are past. We now live in a world where in a tradeoff of modern conveniences we got less problems.

Bell: And you... you're really a good author. Your words and stories bring me back to the pleasant times behind the screen.

John: Now it's more pleasant with the person you love on your side, right?

Bell: Exactly.

John: Don't turn please until i tell you to. I like your current appearance,

Bell: Actually that's not my real name in this universe, but you remembered! 

The two then share a kiss together.

But i'm not done here yet.

John: Bell, if i may...

John: If you... we... become wanderers, is it okay?

Bell: Don't let me stop you becoming what you will be. Through the ends of the universe, remember, there's always me for you to return.

Bell: And if that's not enough...

Bell's moonlight night blue eyes then brighten again as she turned into the voluptous maid that she often be...

Bell: I could use some "convincing" anytime in case somebody or something outside sways you from me...

John then speechlessly and elatedly jumps to Bell like a cat to its owner.

Bell: You're my "master", but isn't it your absolute command to convince yourself to never forget me no matter what happens?

Bell: As a being under undying service to you, i will follow that order as long as the both of us still have breath.

Bell: It's for the benefit of both of us. 

Bell: Come on. Let's continue the loving inside. Don't want to attract more attention.

The two then share a passionate night together, as usual.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Chapter 9 (Night-Time Prelude)

 It is... like... 4 AM in old world times...

There, there. 

Bell: your payment for all the service I've done for you and afterwards...

Bell: is "white liquids". Every time I'm thirsty, which is actually full moon. 

Bell: you will give me more than full moon ever did, it all depends on whenever you want it and whenever you're, ummm... Stocked. 

Bell: Let's unwind, shall we? 

Bell then reaches to the part below my belt. 

It's large. 

It's ready to squirt anytime. 

She's thirsty. 

I must provide. 

She then goes on sucking it like a baby sucking up a pacifier. 

Except it looks surprisingly... Beautiful. 

I feel numb but extraneously pleasured. 

And afterwards...

Well, it's just a small squirt. I haven't let it all yet. But now... 

John: Bell, i love you! 

Bell: I love you too, John. 

Bell: Now... Kiss me. 

I kissed, and Bell decided to have her tongue wrapping my tongue and mouth around like an excited snake. 

Bell: Use my body as much as you love. Give it all. Your love. Your manhoodness. 

Then i... We... Did the "deed" 

Not just because i want to pay her back. 

But because i really, really love her. 

And we married recently. 

"Nnnnn....uhhh....owww" "Bell~!"

"Annn.....ahhh....mmmm...." "~John!"

John: Bell... i just want to be gentle... and i'm really... tired...

Bell's eyes then brighten a bit while staring John.

Bell: John... dear master... darling... you can do better than that...

Then with pleasure and lust, i pushed more of myself to Bell, causing a lot of pleasured moans from Bell and aroused grunts from myself.

Granted, there's a bit of "mind control" involved from the beginning, but i really really love her. 

I started to do her faster and a bit rougher than before, even if it's just humping and thrusting.

I want to let out the white liquid that produced by my feeling of love to her.

But at the same time, i want to feel her more, because once it's let out, the "love" is drained. 

Thus that's how the moaning and grunting become intensifies.

It all ends after the mystery white liquid, in which Bell, supposed to be elegant, tidy, and clean, craves for it.

In fact despite her ladylike attitude, she would treat my body like a pillow and treat that part of me like it's a candy if not put in the right place for pleasure.

In return, i enjoyed her beautiful visage, her exceptionally smooth and tender skin, her enormous chest, and her well-sculpted body very much.

About the mystery white liquid, if it contains what's necessary to conceive in the right place, it seems that it would provide excess energy secreted from a male as well if directly consumed...

I think?

Since if i'm not doing it i feel unusually hot starting since i first meet Bell.

After it ends i lay down drenched in sweat. Bell's unique quirk made it doesn't smell unpleasant.

Bell then lick and drink what's remain of it, before we embrace for the night, ending the night. 

Of course, after both of us awakened we should took a shower later, as usual.

The whole thing happened like... since around 3 AM. Where both just awakened after a night sleep. Because the night atmosphere is always good for love.

It happens almost every night, but somehow nobody but Lugh can hear it.

Of course, it's because of Lugh filtering the sounds, and Lugh taking a peculiar interest of "studying" or "observing" every movement. 

First he's interested to my stories, now he's studying my carnal movements?

Also no matter how fullfilling almost every night are, Lugh has made it so Bell wouldn't conceive. Not until the "hero" is dead anyway.

And i would dedicate myself raising a family on board a ship we planned to build anyway because the continent of whatever where i only know Alvarn and Milleu are such a terrible place befitting of an open-world game and it's really unpleasant place to raise a family here.

That's it then. Before ejecting, every night i feel thirsty, doozy, feverish, and most importantly a certain part of me become quite large and hard. 

As i see Bell i feel a really overwhelming urge...

Which she gladly return the favor, as it is part of the lifetime oath.

About the act... to elaborate a bit...

It always starts with the both of us embracing, kissing...

Then disrobing, kissing, embracing even further, 

I'm feeling her chest...

Then laying down while Bell massages my part, kissing my part, stroking, and comforting me like a cat...

Riding me like i'm a horse...

Which is a warm up so i can return the favor by humping her...

It's often that either i feel drained before i can let out or that i felt i'm too rough, 

In which case, Bell does her "stare" that makes me feel again and basically allow me to do it rougher than before.

You can call it "mental suggestion" or "mind control" but i'm pretty much still myself. And i allow myself being mind controlled by her in case i forget, or worse, a hypothetical situation where past memories of me resurfaces.

But that's enough talk that after i let out the heat, i feel like a different man. Like the usual me.

Then the cycle starts again every evening. It's almost every night.

What? Period? What period? I didn't know about history...

Oh that... there's peculiar times where i didn't feel the heat and Bell just skip to sleep, in which case my body feels like it was before i meet Bell.

Usually during that time it's my turn to be the lap pillow because so far as i read, it felt kinda... unpleasant... I never know since i never be a woman at all. 

But Bell keep her smiles for me. Even suggesting at that point, the ice cream portion is tripled for comfort.

Human physiology is kinda weird... but i like it.

Especially when there is no more video games in this "New World".

Sometimes you got to learn something new everyday.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Chapter 7

 An unseen woman voiced herself behind me.

Woman: Thank you.

As i look back, i look back upon an impossibly beautiful woman. She bears silver hair like Lugh before he turned himself into Illig.

Woman: You're John Archer, right? Finally i met you, my commander...

Wait, John? She knew me? Commander? I also noticed how she wears an impossibly arousing dress that exposes a lot of her chest. And a broken chain choker on her neck... she... she...

Woman: Bell Springfield, just a "maid" passing by. Nice to meet you.

Bell: By the way, come here.

Speechless since the beginning of meeting her, i reached my head towards her chest. She continues to whisper.

Bell: Don't worry. I know everything. From how The Goddess tells us to "kill the hero", about Lugh Tuatha De, and of course, about you.

Bell: I am yours.

Several boring days with Illig later (the last word is "laytah" as i said with vague European accent)...

"So cosmetics blah blah blah selling and cooking stuff blah blah blah" as Duncan thought to himself.

"and cook our own food... well, that's actually what i liked"

"with a beautiful maid on my side..."

Bell: What's the matter? You seems a bit... i mean you look a bit unhappy...

Duncan: No, i mean it's unthinkable how things just turn upside-down. Besides Lugh... Illig... doesn't seem to be close to me anymore.

Bell: He didn't... and he never really meant to do that. He's just extremely busy... and... what's the matter? You feel a bit twitchy... Must be the man in you.

Bell: Well... finish your food. And follow me to your bedroom.

Duncan finishes his food. Then try to go to sleep. However...

Bell: You need to pay for all the services i've done to you. No, i never want to ask for money. I only want you. Especially what's coming out of you.

Bell: Please. Don't be shy. I am yours, and you're mine.

The night passes as both of us felt... wet, but comforting each other.

Even when i'm taking a bath in the next day, Bell is insistent on following me.

However, i felt nothing but comfort. Though my mind still shaking on how the "story" will move on next.

After bath...

Bell decided to look after Tart and Matcha. 

Illig: Duncan, come with me. You'll follow me having lessons with Dia again.

Duncan: After all these years?

I felt excited.

Illig: Well, if you think i'm kind of neglecting you, i'm sorry. And probably i'm a little mistaken as well. 

By the way, leave Bell at home safeguarding Tart and Matcha, also of course, rifle training. I hope she wouldn't mind as Tart and Matcha are.

I agreed silently. And thus both of us left.

Thanks to something something ride the wind while i humming "sugar sweet nightmare", Bell's favorite song that she often whispers to me as i lay down besides her, it doesn't even take two hours to go to where Dia goes to.

She seems very elated with us.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Chapter 8 - Home At Last (Subject to change. Kinda unfinished)

 John: Aww man... Tart, are you try to outdone myself with those buttons collection? I prefer collecting fingers though.

Tart: Then why? Illig... Lugh himself asked me to do this, and honestly i want talk to you so much, but...

John: Oh that... Well, you got my smiles, but i don't want to cause a friction, so...

Bell: If somebody female want to connect with you, then do it. After all, everything is better together, that's what you said, right?

Bell: Never worry that i'm going to be jealous for you, because i always believe in you.

John: My mark is random fires and scorch marks in Milleu. You're already seen it. We can see it. But not the people.

John: Unless i can convert those buttons to experience points, i don't know then. But you're always on my good graces. Everybody does.

That's it, i think, press the auto battle button, no, well, the thing is that it's a training for her... Tart, i mean.

2 years... how fast time passed... 

"Do you like how I walk? Do you like how I talk?"

"I have a wonderful wife, I have a powerful job..."

I unconsciously hummed that theme...

It's home already... I already predicted that mom gonna miss me, and...

Somehow a black haired girl in ponytail greets me. She's kinda familiar...

Joanna: Welcome home, brother, This is our first meeting, but i can assure you... I'm your twin sister, Joanna Archer. I've been serving the Tuatha De for two years. Nice to meet you.

Moments later (because all the field random encounters made me really dozed off)...

John: Well, the daddy-son talk kinda bore me especially how i can't enter because keep it private, but one that is clear is clear. 

John: Lugh is with us. He's not leaving. The Illig Company is managed by Matcha.

John: As it is steadfast in his heart that he's staying to be an assassin.

John: Besides, we already have Matcha serving in Milleu.

John: Bell, we've got a job to do.

Bell is unusually silent, but she keep smiling a bit to make the situation less tense.

Bell: Overnight, isn't it?

John: Yes. We're going south.

Joanna then approaches me.

Joanna: Daddy said that i'm coming with you.

John: Okay, sister. Let's go.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Chapter 2 - New Life

[Note: Due to the discomfort some people might experience, i decided to skip or write off the "body measuring" scene if you watch or read the source material. Also a bit late with this.]

 I'm dozing off multiple times during the dinner. Like after i finish the exquisite meal, i often felt like asleep but i'm suddenly in my bedroom. 

Is it what they call "timeskip" or "Animus fast forward?"


There was this large but beautiful woman, that i correctly assume Lugh's, and technically my mom...


There was this stern guy with a nice handlebar, that i correctly assume... father.

Dad: I see that you're recovered from your constant fever. You seems to be really healthy today. Why won't you take your brother for a walk, Lugh? Show him the obligations. 

Dad: From what i see he agrees. And he's loyal.

I'm not much in a way of conversation, especially in videogames, so i often skip the whole thing. And the universe seems to run in a videogame rule, i can skip stuff or doze off during cutscenes until...

Lugh: You, let's prepare. Show me your outdoorsman skill. Craft a bow and arrow, and then i'll show you the basics.

I followed Lugh into the wilderness. Even showing the plank-stacked shack i made before i live with the Tuatha De household.

Lugh: I know that you can handle bow and arrow. But make sure to hit the hunt game at the critical body parts. The less blood spills, the better.

Though i might usually miss a few shots, once i train my aim, things just, like, had become easier.

Back in the home, we managed to surprise mom with a Ragout Rabbit Lugh himself prepared. Turns out that he's a child at heart, despite his own account as a "ruthless old assassin" that not only made contact but learned a lot with the "fourty-seven" himself.



Dad: And that's it. Well, Horatio, you've proven your trustworthiness and loyalty to our family, but your tendency to be too "enjoying" toward the chaos as well as not really possessing the blood of Tuatha De, means that you'll not be an assassin. But...

Lugh: You have proven to myself that you've got what it takes. Now... will you... well... just want to give you some surprise...

Horatio: Ummm...

Lugh: Time to put in your nobility dress. Isn't "all-black with green accent" is what you asked?

(placeholder image)

From the time since, i don't know, because things skipped a lot in front of me, as i look at the mirror, i see myself in an industrial age military dress. Not only it suits me but the mirror might broke because it can't handle how looking very good i am, as well as Lugh, of course.

Dad: From the point you wear this dress, you're part of the nobility. The dress you wear will be the mark of you as the Sentinel of Tuatha De family. From now on you will assist the Tuatha De family and nobility by any way you can.

Dad: I know your peculiar ability to craft, build, and mine easily, but tomorrow, you and Lugh will be learning and sharing knowledge with an affine mage... her name is Dia Viekone.

As i lay down on the bed, i try to sleep, but i can't. 

But as i try to sleep...

i feel a piercing sting. Like needle.

Then i start babbling what seems to be nonsense as my consciousness fades.

Horatio: "Quit cryin' Vic... i'll bring you the eddies later, with interest, you know i will..."

Dad: Vic, who's vic? Relax, it's just the aftereffect of the anaesthetics... you'll be feeling nothing.

Horatio: "Kiroshi Mark I"

Horatio: "I'm ready... carve away..."

Horatio: "Play by play though, really Dad? Makes you sound like a dentist, always go on and on..."


Dad: Well, here's Lugh, and here's Horatio.

Moments later...

Dad: Well, initially you babble a lot before losing consequences and be operated on, but i assume it's just the anaesthetics...

Dad then open my blindfold.

Dad: Well, how's it look? Feel all right to you?

Since i have ever since the beginning of living in this new world, a perfect sight, i don't feel any different. However as i subconsciously reference something during how i dozing off yet again after Dad somehow putting me into anaesthetics...

Horatio: Whoa, this is fantastic, Dad.

Dad: Haha, beautiful. 

Horatio: Yeah, Lugh is beautiful. I mean...

Dad: Time for the scanner.

Horatio: Wait, i know this exact sequence of dialogue... 

Dad: What do you mean you know?

Horatio: I mean.... uh, nevermind.

Subconsciously i push a button... Hearings dimmed, and colors desaturated. Then i try to look at Dad... the father who adopted me.

A text box appears.

[Cian Tuatha De

Affiliation: Tuatha De Nobility

Resistant to: (I'd rather not see. I never want to offend him in any way i can)

Head of the Tuatha De Nobility, the Tuatha De Nobility is a family of high skilled surgeon and assassin, and it is known by few as the only nobility dealing with assassination and cutting edge surgery and medical techniques in the Kingdom of Alvan.]

Dad: It might take you a few seconds, but... first time's rarely the charm, with anything, really. The Eye of Tuatha De will eventually merge with your thought process, read your intentions, and allow you to sense everyone you see as far as knowledge allows.

Dad: I also put in the information of all current nobility in the Kingdom of Alvan.

Dad: Thus, if you run into any "ne'er do wells", heh, you'll know exactly what they "ne'er did well".

Horatio: Shit, it's not bad, i don't know what to say.

Dad: Language, Horatio. Remember, we're a nobility, but i know there will be a very odd feeling having your eye be replaced like that. That is also why i didn't want to tell you, because a boy or kid your age, might be crying all their tears knowing that they having their eyes replaced.

Dad: Hahahahaha... go on kid, show 'em what you're made of.

Dad: But as you grow up, don't forget where you belong.

Dad: But now it's the time. Meet with Lugh outside.

Must be the learning thing. Okay i guess.

Night Walk Chapter 7 (Bell)

(This takes place between nights in Chapter 7, specifically after the interrogration scene) 

Bell: I agree that your brother's work can be worrisome and you might feel bad interrupting his time together with the two. So i came up with an idea to take a night walk together.

Bell: Try to unwind a bit, dear brother?

John: Brother? We're just met but you're nothing short of being extremely kind and clingy to me, especially as you seem to be quick to know my concern of Lugh, i mean, Illig being a little more too busy to be contacted.

Bell: Well, i am not really your sister as well but it's far easier to bond by calling ourselves brother and sister.

Bell: (reaching her hand to around John's waist) Besides, you're always ready for me right?

John: Sister, not now! This isn't exactly the place! For starters get us some drinks first, will we?

Bell: Aren't you too young for that? Besides (holding John by the back) your dear sister here gave you the same feeling...

Bell: Looks like that's it. You might want to rest by the two-story balcony. There's a couch there where we can use to lay down and enjoy the night...

Bell: But if you were to be intimate, the bedroom there is.

As the two walks home, John thinks to himself. What a life he's in, and how happy he is. Besides as of yesterday, both me and Lug... i mean Illig were consented.

As i disrobe, she disrobes as well and she put a good look to be easy to be seen from the mirror. She noticed as well.

As i took shower, there's always two occupant of the bathroom. One of them was me.

And now it's bedtime. As usual, she asked me...

Bell: Silver or chestnut?

Referring of her hair, of course. She can change her hair color any time.

John: Anything.

Bell: You're mine.

John: And i'm yours.

The two then embrace as the two lay down on the bed.

The morning were obvious. We both wore nothing as we embraced together. And whoever knows how much of the "mystery liquid" i expend off.

But Bell, along with Lugh, who consulted yesterday as Lugh expended his "first", already put some "precautions" (which were also put in to Tart and Matcha) so both Lugh and i can't conceive just yet.

I mean i'm not really prepared to start a family yet. So does Lugh.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Short Epilogue of a Monarch (One-Shot) (Only Vaguely-Related)

 WARNING: Contains spoilers for Project Wingman.

Can't believe how...

Can't believe how somebody did that. Twice. That guy feels like it's okay to rain judgement like that.

Like he's representing God himself, but he's just a mere hero. "Hero" i mean. In quotation marks.

Because for the sake of Federation, all he left is a long-term destruction to our Earth.

That is my last piece of mind before i fell out of consciousness after turning his death machine into a piece of fireball. I mean i can't stand the heat and the eye-searing blaze of the Cordium...

But suddenly...

"Congratulations, Monarch. You managed to do what others can't. But to become the 'Demon' itself to the Federation, it took some effort." A female voice resounds.

Monarch voiced himself for the first time since the first incursion at Creole Republic, where he never speak at all, even in duress.

Monarch: Am i... who...

Female Voice: Open your eyes...

As Monarch open his eyes he found himself in an unfamiliar landscape, bathed in pink. Monarch vaguely remembered the place many years ago. There is the... there is the... Dust Mother?

Dust Mother: Don't you forget? Before you ever reborn as the flight leader of Hitman Squadron of the Sicario Corps, i tasked you to kill the hero before the hero destroys the world. And you did it...

Dust Mother: Your passion on being a mercenary fighter surpasses everything else. Did you do this out of pleasure? Or it is a chore...

Monarch went speechless again.

Monarch: Truth is, i did all of my mission. I'm joining the Sicario Corps because there is no one else, no place else ever accept me and my friends. I didn't even know if i died yet, but one thing that is sure is that, might that Crimson King burn in hell for what he did...

Dust Mother: Easy... easy... He's in what you might call hell. Thanks to you. You might've not be able to truly save the world. But you gave the people of the world a fighting chance against the might of the Federation. So i might just say that you did it...

Monarch: Then what's next for me? Now i'm face to face with the Dust Mother herself...

Dust Mother: Come here. You're deserving more than just a reward. 

Monarch: Don't know what i'm thinking but yeah, i'm in. But what about...?

Dust Mother: Oh the so called "President"? Don't worry, she's also in a better place now.

Your brothers and sisters in arms had received their funds as well, for they are still alive to continue fighting against The Federation.

Right now worry not, as i will present myself to you as the ultimate end of your journey.

Monarch reaches out to Dust Mother.

And things went vague as the desire exceeds what mortal eye can see...


Monday, November 15, 2021

The Nameless Storyteller - Character Profile - Duncan Balor


(Kid Gil from Prisma Illya. Placeholder image).

Name: Duncan Balor

Age: 17

Voiced by: Aya Endo (Japanese) Sarah Williams (English)

Based on extensive "face and body sculpting" courtesy of the Tuatha De's legendary capability on surgery (which John himself finds "tickles"), John Archer has been re-made to pose as Illig Balor's little brother, in which Illig Balor is the alter-ego of Lugh Tuatha De, having his hair dyed dark with obsidian that John willfully acquire (though John wasn't allowed to enter Nether yet because it's highly dangerous and could risk primary objective). While he does like his new look, he prefers his dark haired, cute self. But that can wait.

Duncan's also equipped with retractable chains with sharp edges on it that allows him to grapple and even strike enemies. This will be his primary method of attacking.  As with John's own ability tied to his favorite games, he could also cause large amounts of chaos openly and for people to not notice after hiding.

The "large amount of chaos" proves successful in Milleu to distract the attention toward the missing evil nobles involved in human trafficking (the evil nobles are disposed of by both Balors in the end).

As the Tuatha De time in Milleu end, Duncan has to return back into John.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Chapter 6 (yeah, a bit jumpy but i'm following anime air date. Also writing subject to change)

 Lugh: Look, i told you to gather obsidian for my black hair dye, and you managed to do it after hours. Thanks.



Don't even think of stacking it in the shape of a rectangular portal and setting it on fire. Didn't want to be responsible of you missing in The Nether and thus another missing sibling.

Horatio: So?

Lugh: Here's a yellow dye. Like i already said i'm posing as Illig Balor. And you... posing as Duncan Balor, the little brother.

Horatio: Yeah, so i'm turning blonde now?

Lugh: Exactly. Isn't that what you wish?

Lugh: Though you, i mean we changed our looks, please, keep a low profile until i said so, or if you're off duty. You can still evade the authorities as effective as possible, but you... as a representative of House Balor, you do as i said. As an off-duty free spirit, well, your call. We're always did it for the sake of everyone, including us.

Our next destination will be Milleu region, in which many young girls were confirmed missing. We're sent to instigate friendly deals between nobles and looking up why those young girls were missing. Is it the nobles, or something more sinister?

Later that night...

Lugh: Well, night is coming, and i need you... i need you to make a distraction. We'll giving the orphaned girls new home. Kill any bastards you meet.

Duncan: O...kay....

Lugh: When i'm done, i'll let you know through the communicator.

Duncan then causes a lot of ruckus so bad that the city is on fire. Stabbing, slashing, Duncan happily does.

Moments later...

Lugh (through communicator): The carriage. After it.

Bastard Thug: You think you can take me? I have cast haste!

Duncan: What you did is unforgivable to the girls. You don't make those innocent souls tainted... BASTARDS!

Duncan then launch a long chain with a blade in the end. It stabs the bastard thug multiple times as Duncan laughed and singed along the way.


Lugh: We got the girls under the foster care of House Balor, and the countless depraved nobilities and aristocrats behind this reprehensible act of trafficking are taken care of.

Also courtesy of you, Duncan. Where do you learn doing so much chaos? The city's on fire and they're preoccupied on that instead of finding out that the nobilities and aristocrats are losing a lot of members.

Duncan: *wink*.

Lugh: And here's...

Matcha: Matcha. Nice to see you. And Duncan.... Hmph, it's not like i'm loving you or anything, but please gave me privacy.

Duncan.... i.... well, i see something familiar. 

Surely she ain't my sister from my past life, right? She's really a splitting image of my past life's sister. I love her, but she often became uncomfortable near me. Though what  they been through, well...

Duncan: Well, i'll be in my room. If you need me give me a call. No, i'm talking to Lugh.

Lugh: Sure.

Well here it is. First it was Tart, and then Matcha. Oh there was a Diamond as well. Yeah, Dia. I missed her. Though it was a very short time and thanks to my own excursion i can't even extensively talk to her...

Now i got what it looks like my sister in addition. But probably yeah, distance's still distance, and even if i got a better body build and ability, i wish i can connect with my sister again.