Thursday, February 15, 2024

Planetary Profile: Hoxxes IV


"The richest mine ever discovered in the universe..."
"Just happened to be in the galaxy's most dangerous edge"
"It's also where the Dwarves work"

A tidally-locked and scorched planet orbiting the blue star Creus, the planet is known to be unique compared to the other planets of the Solar System (in the Omega Universe) for its massively rich precious mineral deposits. Such minerals are often used to power electronical hardwares from semiconductors of computers to robotics, medical assistance tools such as pacemakers and artificial organs, and biologically ingestible materials that is tested and proven to prolong known human lives, with varying side effects.

Despite the lack of known sky-based atmosphere, plant life and rain are prevalent, especially in the jungly sectors.

Side effects may include dwarfism, which is accounted for around 99% of Deep Rock Galactic's workforce. 

It's also infamous for its hostile environment, where only Deep Rock Galactic, formerly known as Archer Logistics, and existed for around 2422 years, is a known, registered entity that is (perceived to be) stubborn enough to continue mining in this sector.

Various forms of insects, from Glyphids to Macteras to Rockpoxes that mutate the former two lived inside the planet.

As stated, the field expeditionary team of dwarves pledged their lives to the Deep Rock Galactic thanks to their Barley Bulb and Red Sugar powered immortality, both of which are confirmed to be only available in Deep Rock Galactic.

The folklore or myth behind Hoxxes IV is that the Goddess Vythri (also known as Vahanato in another language) is formerly a woman called Nikki Le Mercier, broken by the cruelty of the world, became a goddess like figure after finding an artifact of power. That herself as a goddess is also broken due to the death of her lover. The longing of her (mortal) husband, Livius I, became the star of Creus, while the Goddess itself became Hoxxes IV.

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