Thursday, February 22, 2024

Chapter 7TJ - Breakdown

After the swift and unfair fight, courtesy of Jonathan Torrington, the mysterious swordsman introduces herself.

 Mysterious Swordsman: I'm Theodyce... I'm looking for my missing younger sister.

Theodyce: I'm here because i heard my kinsfolk has been trapped here.

Dani: Well, we're on the same path here...

Jon: Any clues to look for?

Theodyce: Going down. I can sense my kinsfolk... and to the underground, the senses are stronger.

The third group follows from the back.

Richard, Lynel, and Frederica...

Frederica: Is that a toy? That boxy gun thing could barely kills monsters! You have to reload multiple times and sending supply drops...

Lynel: But that's a Deepcore GK2!

Richard: Calm down you two.

Dani: Richard!

Richard: Nice to see that you're okay, Ms. Daniella.

Dani: And Mr. Lynel here...

Lynel: Thanks to my Deepcore GK2...

Frederica: Brother, that's a toy... Let me test it!

Lynel: Ow!

Frederica: See? It didn't even made you bleed and you look fragile enough!

Suddenly an earthquake happened.

The upper structure collapsed, bringing into view a large, purplish sphere with dragons, and dark skies...

Attendant: Barrier dissipated...

Attendant: The first...

Attendant: The second.

The attendant, now in clear view, warns the group.

Winged Men: Blow the towers, bit by bit, then the barrier would disappear.

Richard: I'll took the fight with Grand Master here...

And you...

Theodyce: Split up in two. We go underground.

Jon: Yeah, i agree.

Dani: There'a HUMANITY-LEVEL THREAT and you're not going to do anything about this?

Jon: Well, if i straight up kill the thing, the Grand Master would appoint me to his order, and then instead of going home, we'll be saddled with tedious tasks! Mommy!


A normal looking but squeaky man appears from the back of the winged men.

Lute: This winged brother is Orgain...

Lute: And i'm Lute!

Nice to meet ya!

Frederica: You...! (attacks)

Lute: (dispel) Why don't you analyze my level first? Isn't the HUD, UI, or whatever shows the level or resistance i have?

Frederica: Gasp!

Frederica: Aaaaaahhhhh!


Lute: Here, a staff-shaped chicken nugget! With an extra Frederica arm! You and your friends must be hungry!

Richard: (attacks)

Lute: Hey, careful, brother!

Frederica: (cries in pain)

Richard: You, take care of Frederica, i'll handle this pipsqueak!

Lynel: Okay!


Lynel's UI has a notification.

Mission Control: Management is pleased with your progress. Now you have an extra Overclock Core to be applied to your weapon! This is thanks to your effort in completing the Deep Dive Elite. Rock and Stone!

Lynel: Thanks John!

John (in Lynel's mind): No, i thank you!

Without him i wouldn't complete Deep Dive Elite. The Overclock Core is such an opportunity in this moment.

Lynel: No other option then...

Lynel: FORGE!!!!

Lynel: My hands are shaking...

Lynel: My hearts are beating...

Then... somebody familiar appears...

Vythri: Welcome!

Vythri: Why the look? I'm your older cousin, remember?

Vythri: By the way...?

Vythri: That's the spawn of the Dark God?

Vythri: I can handle them as easy peasy as a lemon squeezy, you know?

Lynel: So....?

Vythri: Now stand here, be a good little brother and let your older sister cousin Vythri here taking care of things, sweetie?

Richard: This is?

Lynel: Yeah, i summoned my older sis.... cousin.... no.... The Goddess!

Orgain: (prostated) Your Highness Vythri...

Orgain: This one underling of you are really grateful to see how you would come all the way here.

Lute: Master Vythri! (hugs Vythri)

Lynel: Wait... wait... what's going on?

Vythri: Well, well, actually, meeting me was the unluckiest thing...

Vythri: Because we'll going to wipe out everyone within 150 miles radius here!

Lynel: Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?

Meanwhile again:

Theodyce, Jonathan, and Daniella reaches the underground from an emergency maintenance access.

Theodyce surprised and shocked seeing tubes filled with things that are vaguely human.

Jonathan: Dani, please, don't look, stand behind me.

Jonathan: It's for your good.

Dani: Ummm... i understand (Unusual how Jonathan take this really, really seriously)

Theodyce then got close to the tubes... Jonathan approaches, and...

Jonathan: So...?

Theodyce: Yes...

Jonathan: The mana extraction chamber. I heard back in the beginning those that are incapable or not wanting to use their mana powers....

Jonathan: Will end up here.

Jonathan: Drained by virtual reality simulation...

Jonathan: Until their death by soul draining. While the occupants doesn't feel anything due to the senses being distracted by VR...

Theodyce: this is.... really, really, bad.

Jonathan: I understand.

Theodyce: Let me send them to the afterlife. They don't deserve this... all of them.

Theodyce: The sages... how dare they?

Theodyce: Stand back, Jonathan, for this is my kinsfolk, it's my responsibility to peacefully end their suffering....

Dani: I heard what you two said...

Jonathan: Yeah.

Dani: So... what'll be do now?

Jonathan: We got to return, the crisis is far from over...

Jonathan: What about you, Theodyce?

Theodyce: It's personal...

Theodyce: The Tower Master... will be my last bounty!

Jonathan: Let's go.

Back to the top...

Lynel: Why are you casually talking with the enemy?

Vythri: Well, well...

Vythri: Should i tell you?

Vythri: Actually... i am taken...

Vythri: And... you know...

Lynel: Wait... you already...

Vythri: Yeah, i can sense my darling around here.

Vythri: Inside the core...

Vythri: Sealed by...


The barrier got smashed, the core broken...

However, the so-called "Vythri's darling" just fell apart.

Jonathan and Dani approaches:

Jonathan: Well, remember the bit about C4?

Dani: Yeah.

Dani: You sensed evil, and you just blew the evil god up! 


President Michael Wilson: That supposed to be my line!

Theodyce then assassinated Richard, knowing that Richard is responsible for his kinsfolk being turned into living battery.

At the same time, a steel suit armor with the markings of the President of the United States of Amelion appears. 

President Michael Wilson: Well, beats me to it. 

President Michael Wilson: Wait, what is that?

President: Lady...?

Michael has soft spot to ladies even though he's already taken with Jodie back in the Ivory Palace. However...

Vythri, thanks to her husband, a dark god, were (unintentionally due to bad miasma) killed by Jonathan, loses it... 

Vythri: D-darling.... No... 


Vythri then breaks down. Still, Jonathan and Dani doesn't feel any killing intent.

Dani: Mr... President... 

President Michael Wilson: Just call me Michael... Let's get out of here. Things became really, really mad here!

Michael: I got an idea... 

Jonathan, Dani, and Theodyce then drives out by riding on the top of the Metal Wolf, Michael Wilson's armored suit.

Michael: Lady, I'm sorry you have to go like this... 


Jon and Dani stood back as Michael countered Vythri's attacks with the Metal Wolf.

The burst strike neutralizes the tower, including Vythri, Lynel, Frederica, Orgain, and Lute, bringing back the clear weather as the group headed to the capital and leaving a crater where the tower was.

The sky became blue again.

Dani: Uhhhh... That was scary... 

Dani: But thank you, Mr. President. 

Michael: As i said, don't call me President. Call me Michael. 

Michael: And... The boy?

Dani: Jonathan. We two just wanted to go home. 

Dani and Jonathan then tell his stories to Michael. Only to be called an "alien" in return.

That's said, Michael wish them a way home.

Dani: That's it! Let's storm off! Good thing the MRAP's still functional! 

Jon: Well, 

As they proceed further to the Inner Persica area... Specifically the border... 

Hold there, a checkpoint.

A gray haired woman approaches.

Vestia Zeta: (speaking toward an unseen officer) Jonathan Torrington.... He's here. 

Vestia Zeta: Sorry, we need to scan each visitors entering Archer Logistics security area. The inner capital of Los Suenos is ahead. 

Vestia Zeta: Mr. President, you're clear.

Vestia Zeta: Girl.... uhhhh.... Daniella Tammison, you're clear.

Vestia Zeta: Men...uhhhh.... Jonathan Torrington, you're....

Vestia: Uhhhhh..... 

Vestia: Tidak.... 

Vestia: Kenapa.... 

Vestia: Makhluk macam apa Jonathan Torrington itu...

Vestia: Dengan mudah nya bisa membuat siapapun dan apapun mati...

Vestia: All right, you're clear. Just...

Vestia: Please, keep him away from me!!!! KEEP HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!!!

Vestia: Jangan... Jauhkan saya dari Jonathan....! 

The metallic engine marches on slowly.

Jonathan: Eh? What a weirdo...


Archer Logistics Tower

Private Room

Sasha: Vestia Zeta. She... Suddenly fell ill. 

John: Uhhh... Uhhh...

John worried about how he will report to A-chan.

Both he and his wife can't bear losing a talent.

Bell: Well, normally, this is a "grown up matter" but...

Bell: I need your help a bit. You'll represent the Logistics here.

Bell: I've got an idea...

Bell: What if...

Bell: I summon somebody who knew Jonathan Torrington personally?

John: Wait, you know somebody?

Bell: Ufufu, you're suddenly becoming calm in situation like this.

John: Darling, you're unusually cheerful. Can't wait to play with me later as usual? 

A summoning circle is created.

A scientist appeared.

Bell: I'm Bell Archer the Sage, the one behind me is Sasha of Archer Logistics, and the one besides me is John Archer, leader of Archer Logistics.

Scientist: Bell... Sage... Archer... Logistics?

Scientist: Well, I'm Jenkins from... Uhh... Need to know basis only. Sorry, classified. 

John: Archer Logistics. United States. Don't worry, eyes only.

Jenkins: Eh? This is the United States too?

Jenkins: Okay. Okay. Blackrock Institution. 

John: Just want to... well, do you know somebody called Jonathan Torrington?

John: Obey and tell us, and you'll have a blind date ticket in Persica! 

Jenkins: Summoned.... did you say that....

Jenkins: Wait... dunno about Jonathan, but we got Allison Torrington...

Jenkins: Assigned to...

Jenkins: Alpha and Omega...

Jenkins: Clearance restricted... doesn't matter, that Johnny boy is cute...

John: Don't call me Johnny! And i'm taken!

Jenkins: Wait, i'm pinging his signal...

Jenkins: I want to thank you...

Jenkins: For you summoning him to this... Universe... Dimension... 

Jenkins: For saving our world!

Jenkins: So... wait... i could just put it here... and here.... i can trace it.

Jenkins: Wait... no.... no....

Jonathan (in other place): Yes please.

Unknown Voice: Measure not accepted. Subject in violation of measure number 444.

Unknown Voice: Safety protocols initiated. Implant marked subject Leroy Jenkins for termination. Any other living beings within 3 miles are urged to evacuate.

Jenkins: No... No.... Nooooo! 

Unknown Voice: Termination of Breach subject via demolition implants in... 5...4...3...2...1...

The scientist suddenly exploded, like what John remembered from the movie Kingsman.

John collapsed in shock, right on top of the scientist's bloodied body, his body dirtied by the bile and blood. 

John became terrified seeing somebody combusted in front of his eye, spilling guts and blood not just in front of John, but also his dear Bell and brother Sasha as well. 

John: (unintelligible grumbling)

Sasha: John, brother, please, don't look...

Bell: That... Jonathan Torrington, just what the hell is that thing?

John: (cries)

Everyone involved in the private room was terrified. 

Sasha: Please, John, here, look at me... It's me, Sasha.

Sasha: Calm down. 

John: <cries>

Sasha: Bell, i will clean up the mess. The incinerator would be good.

Sasha: Please, take care of your beloved here.

Bell: Yes.

John: <didn't stop crying yet>

Bell: Dearie, you'll going to be alright...

After the whole mess Bell decided, along with John, to bathe together.

Poor John, he's been shell-shocked after that thing... Just...

Bell: Hey, dearie... (hugs John as both of them bathe)

Usually i would hug John passionately in event of bathing together. 

But John... he's just unresponsive.

I look at his eyes... his eyes seems... empty.

I try to stimulate his brain a bit...

Normally, it wouldn't be hard because... we bathed together.

I put on a sleepwear to him... 

I try to seduce him...

I charm him into a deep sleep. That would make him think that this is a nightmare.

The man that could punch demons like it's a morning routine, take on world-destroying threats half asleep, cross hell himself (well, part of them actually) like it's a road trip, fights wars like its a morning walk, collect artifacts like buying milk, and return smiling... 

The man... that i loved so much in this world.

The man... which his resourcefulness is the most valuable thing in this world.

I can't let him face something that can kill with thought alone.

Bell: John...? Honey... Dearie...?

John only able to speechlessly smile.

John then pours a lot of milk.

There is no alcohol. At all. At any time.

Then there's also... 

He lost his Pelagius Force gathering party, whom Jonathan effortlessly kill, basically losing his entire E-Sports crew he assembled...

He lost his Deep Rock Galactic co-op buddy. 

And then after i trying to dig in the details about Jonathan Torrington from one of the scientists that managed to contain him back in the day...

After John is finished with the meal, Bell puts him to bed like it's her children (a reminder: she cannot conceive due to well past human reproductive cycle age)

Sasha: Is it okay now?

Bell: I believe that John's a strong man. He would recover sooner or later...

Bell: However...

Bell (a bit teary): I would never let John loose from Tower District. Never! Until whole thing about this mess is done.

Sasha: Well, you spend your time with your dearest-of-all John as usual. In the meantime, i keep on a night watch. 

Bell then tries to cast a calming spell on John, putting him in what appears to be a dream state where he is together with Bell.

Bell: My dear, it's okay now. Calm down, my sweet. Peppermint pie.

Good thing Sasha cleans the place really well.

Sasha's just as sweet as John himself, and he's my number 2 of the most beloved person in the world.

Sasha chose to sleep alone. He just as always afraid to charm or to be charmed by Bell like that day (John isn't jealous, but still) 

John then sleeps soundly and began to smile.

Bell, on the other hand, tries to stimulate him while he's asleep, helping to clear out the worry.

Later that night...

John awakened, feel like a bit better but still haunted by what's happening.

John looked at the moon with a sullen look, knowing that in the coming weeks, the moon will be the last.

Nobody ever knew that her wife would bring that... thing in our universe.

The herald of an end.

The one where people only managed to seal or put it to sleep not without casualties.

The fact that i already lost new kids and the entire e-sports team i scheduled to coach later during the summer of '24.

Even though it's not his fault, John began to cry, knowing that there is always something beyond his power. Not that he seeks power though, he just wanted a calm, happy life.

In Persica, or Mobius, it's acceptable for men to cry.

From the behind, Bell approaches.

Bell: Dearie...

John: My beloved one...

Bell: I'm sorry... (hugs John as John calm him down)

Bell: I'm really, really sorry for bringing Jonathan Torrington to Persica!

Bell: If you want to kill me to punish me, then do it!

John was hard to forgive people, as is usual for him. Even he can't forgive the nobility in which he was part of, for ordering the assassination of her beloved (as a sister) Thea, despite it's merely a codeword of "make her look like she's dead but she isn't".

But for Bell, who unknowingly brought a death delivering monstrosity... 

John loved her so much more than everything else given not just her beauty but her kindness, and John would learn a lot to be helpful, kind, and be a reason why somebody smiled. 

She's kind. Period. 

John: No, it's not your fault!

John: And even if it is, killing you won't solve the problem. That would make me even sadder. 

John: It's just fate itself playing the strings.

John: What are we, but cruel machinations of fate? 

Bell: John....

Bell was surprised on how easy John forgiving her.

John: People made mistakes, right?

John: Sometimes, i got myself clouded by regrets of my past, previous, before rebirth life...

John: And do you remember like when i was crying, uncertain of myself, you tell me...

Bell: The story about an ugly duckling who became a swan...

Bell: And that swan is you...

John: We both swans, right?

Bell: Ufufu...

John: Ehehe...

Bell embraces John from behind.

John: We're in this together. So if you go down...

Bell: Then i will go down as well. 

Both smiled, facing each other, and kissed then embraced, as if their bodies become one. 

Due to the massive anxiety, John produces fewer mana than usual.

Regardless, Bell walks along with John to the bed, where they, as wife and husband, getting some rest.


John assembled the entire Logistics. It was broadcasted as an emergency broadcast.

John: I see... I hope you reconsider. We're not here in this world to fight. We're here to stand the ground. If you face him... no... that thing directly, you're going to... just die. Leaving your loved ones just like how i lost my loved ones.

John: So here, as the Lieutenant Colonel and Field Commander of Archer Logistics... i order you to stand ground in around Inner Persica. Again i say, we're not here to fight.

Soldiers: murmurs...

John: Thank you and farewell...

He does have something in mind... remove "killing intent"... But how?

Jonathan Torrington has a small army of renegade US Army elements behind him. And sure as hell they're approaching us.

But one that he worry most is his wife, Bell. She's surely immortal and he himself is borderline immortal. 

But firsthand accounts said that thing can bypass immortality... 

They want...

The Sage Bell...

For questions...

My wife...

Since i have like all the mana, all i can do is to send them home...


He's accountable for the deaths of people under my commands and my friends as well...

I need to consider.

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