Thursday, April 25, 2024

After Story: Relapse

Four months have passed since the faithful "world reset" triggered apparently by John's death.

Suddenly, John just found himself asleep. Usually he's love playing videogames, doing things with his PC, and walking around the town, singing. But now... 

He's just sleeping. Not going about in the social network.

His trademark sweet smiles, elation, and energetic vibe can't be seen or felt, somewhat unusually. 

 I'm sorry. I always thought that this is going to happen. Yeah i have the Jade inside me, but that's merely an energy source. Soul is something else, and I'm willingly share some of myself out of a deep love to you. To you, my one and only beloved Bell Aster Springfield, please, forgive me, and accept the fact that I'm relapsing. It's not your fault anymore. Since the moment we met in Milleu, and to the ends of the universe, i love you. Ever and always.

-John Aster (formerly John Archer)

Tears dropped on the letter. 

The tears belongs to Bell, who read this. 

Bell: John... You... you...willing to give it all, even despite knowing that you whittle your own soul... Just for me.

John is bedridden. He's... Okay, physically, but he felt... relapsed, thus his emotions and thinking capabilities gradually fades.

The good thing is that due to many parts of her soul once belonged to John, who willfully gave his own, they can communicate telepathicly each other, and Bell could took control or "charm" and "encourage" John through the use of magic. But when the relapsing happens, Bell could only do much. When relapsing, Bell only felt like she's controlling a puppet. When left to his own devices, John would act like an emotionless doll with only few figment or residual parts of the soul to answer the call in the world of living.

Even doing the deed with a relapsed John felt... like the sweetness eroded into ashes.

John: (emotionless, but trying to shake it off) Don't worry Bell, i make sure of it that i will keep on living. 

John: The world may be against us, but... I... No... We... will treasure every single cherishable moments of our days...

Bell sings a tone. It's been a long time since she singed. Sometimes she do sing like her husband loved to. Her tunes are often cheery and peppy unlike her husband's tendency to sing and compose rock songs, whether it's about love or brooding.

Indeed, an immoralist she is. Or was. Once she unlocked her powers she become... well, different. In her "quest" to appease her brother she made games with otherworlders that shouldn't belong in this universe. Now she regrets it, looking at her beloved, who willingly sacrifice part of him.

Her beloved firmly yet gently grabbed her own hand...

Bell then lifts John up and embraces him.


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